Chapter 152 Deception (Second Change)

After Xu Feng made up his mind, he was ready to take action, but he thought of another matter, which had to be resolved before going to Tianyin Temple.

That is, if you go to Tianyin Temple to teach Puzhi Taiji Xuanqing Dao, it will indeed change the fate of Caomiao Village, but it will also change the fate of Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu.

The fate of the two was originally connected with Caomiao Village.

Lin Jingyu is irrelevant, but if Zhang Xiaofan's fate is changed because of this, and he is unable to join the Qingyun sect, then the entire plot of Jade Immortal World will be rewritten.

Zhang Xiaofan is the absolute protagonist of Zhu Xian, would Zhu Xian still be called Zhu Xian without him?
More importantly, even if he doesn't come to the world of Jade Immortals in the future, what happens to the world of Jade Immortals is none of his business.

But Xu Feng is sure that he will definitely come back, so of course he can't let the whole plot change because of this. The familiar plot and characters are the biggest reliance for him to venture into another world.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that Zhang Xiaofan will eventually worship the Big Bamboo Peak. It is not very difficult to do this. I am valued by my master Tian Buyi, so it should not be too difficult to send a child up the mountain and let him accept it.

Besides, at the beginning of the book, Tian Buyi doesn't like Zhang Xiaofan, thinks he is clumsy in talent, it's not that Zhang Xiaofan's talent is really bad, it's just because he practiced both Buddhism and Taoism at the same time, which made his progress very slow.

But judging from the fact that Zhang Xiaofan was able to complete the five volumes of heavenly scriptures, his real talent should not be bad, even better than most people, so Tian Buyi would not say that he was not accepted because of lack of talent.

But the biggest difficulty lies in how to "trick" Zhang Xiaofan to go up the mountain. In the book, Zhang Xiaofan went up the mountain by coincidence because of the death of his parents and the destruction of the whole village.

Now that his parents are here, will his parents allow Zhang Xiaofan to go up the mountain to cultivate immortals?And Zhang Xiaofan himself is willing?

This problem is what really troubled Xu Feng, of course he couldn't kill Zhang Xiaofan's parents and force him to go to Liangshan like the evil heretics, if he did that, he would be no different from Puzhi.

Unable to think of a way, Xu Feng decided to actually go to Zhang Xiaofan's house to see his family situation and his parents' attitude.

Leaving the village chief's house, he went straight to Zhang Xiaofan's house, A Niu took him there last time, so he knew the way well.

What Xu Feng chooses is when they are all at home at night, Zhang Xiaofan's house is an ordinary rural family, the decoration is very simple, and it can be seen that they are not rich.

The family was eating, and when they saw Xu Feng, they quickly welcomed him in respectfully, and asked him if he had eaten. In short, they were very respectful and very polite, calling "Xianshi" one after another.

Xu Feng was not used to all this at first, but soon he thought of the reason why Zhang Xiaofan's parents were like this.

You know, this is in the countryside, Zhang Xiaofan's parents must be illiterate farmers, not to mention that this world is a world where immortal cultivators really exist, so one can imagine their reverence and worship for gods and ghosts.

Not to mention them, even in the real world, where science and technology are highly developed, there are countless religions and gods.

Therefore, it is understandable that Zhang Xiaofan's parents respect him as an "immortal teacher" from the immortal sect, but from this, Xu Feng's brain flashed, and he suddenly thought of a possible feasible method.

He sat down and took a sip of tea, saying that he had eaten and just stopped by their house to have a look and let them be more casual.

Just as they finished their meal, Mrs. Zhang went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Zhang Xiaofan was already six or seven years old at this time, but he seemed to have a dull personality, an honest child.

After eating, he also went to the room to play, Zhang's father was sitting alone in the hall with Xu Feng, he saw Xu Feng's gaze was on Zhang Xiaofan, he couldn't help asking cautiously: "Master Immortal, I... Is there a problem with Fan?"

Xu Feng rubbed his chin and murmured, frowning and did not speak. Father Zhang became more anxious when he saw this, and asked anxiously in his heart: "Master Immortal, is there any disaster for Xiaofan? Please tell me, Immortal Master!"

Sighing, Xu Feng said in a low and slow voice: "I did see something ominous. When I passed by your house just now, I felt a bloody light floating above your house, so I took the liberty to come in to disturb you. Just now I When I saw Young Master Ling, I realized that the source of this bloody disaster was him."

"I deduced it a bit, and found that Young Master Ling will encounter a murder soon, and I'm afraid it will be very difficult for him to escape..."

"Ah? How did this happen! Immortal Master, please save Xiaofan! I'm just such a son, please find a way to save him!" Father Zhang said, almost crying out of anxiety, got up All of a sudden, he bowed down in front of Xu Feng and kowtowed.

Xu Feng quickly stopped him and said, "Please hurry up, it's not that there is no way to resolve it, it's just that my method may temporarily separate you father and son."

Father Zhang heard that there was still hope, so he quickly stopped crying and said, "As long as I can save Xiaofan's life, let alone separation, I'm willing to let me die."

Xu Feng nodded, and said: "Young Master Ling's killing has a big background, all I can think of is to take him to Qingyun, teach him the magic of immortality, and wash it away with the immeasurable immortal energy in my Qingyun fairy gate. , so as to have a chance to resolve it.”

"But in this process, unless he completely eliminates the calamity, he can't go down the mountain, so I said he will be separated from you, and you won't be able to see him during this period."

After Zhang's father heard this, he bowed down again: "Thank you for the rescue, Xiaofan not only resolved a disaster, but also had the opportunity to practice immortal methods. .”

After such an agreement, Xu Feng and Zhang's father made an appointment to take Zhang Xiaofan away the next day, and let him explain the rest to Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Xiaofan.

After leaving his house, Xu Feng also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he didn't expect the matter to be done so easily.

In fact, before entering Zhang Xiaofan's house, he still had no clue, and in the end he just relied on his own on-the-spot response, brain opening and nonsense to fool him successfully.

Of course, this success has something to do with people in this world sincerely believing in the theory of ghosts and gods. I took advantage of Zhang's father's ignorance and superstition, and pretended to be a ghost for a while.

Of course, it also has something to do with Xu Feng's real birth in the Qingyun sect. Zhang's father believed his statement so much because of his identity, but I don't know how Tian Buyi would feel if he knew that Xu Feng actually used Qingyun's identity to do such infamous things. up.

Such deception to achieve the goal is not what Xu Feng is willing to do, and it is too cruel to separate his father and son. After all, Zhang Xiaofan is only seven years old, but this is the way he can think of that will hurt everyone the least. .

In the future, if Zhang Xiaofan really cultivates Taoism, he can go back to Caomiao Village to visit his parents. As for what will happen if he finds out the lie he told, that is not what he is thinking about now.

Early the next morning, Xu Feng bid farewell to the village head and came to Zhang Xiaofan's house. Zhang's father and mother were already waiting at the door.

Their eye circles are all red, obviously they have just cried, and Zhang Xiaofan's small body is also carrying a small bundle, obviously inside is the luggage and clothes prepared by his parents.

(End of this chapter)

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