The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 189 Are You A Fucking Dragon?

Chapter 189 Are You A Fucking Dragon?
After finishing the Dragon Guardian Clan, those women and children were naturally no longer a threat. They passed the village where the Shui people lived and headed towards the mountain behind them.

Although I don't know the specific location of the dragon, this mountain is the most likely place on the entire island, and since the dragon guards live at the foot of the mountain, it can be further explained that the dragon is on the mountain.

It's strange to say that the rest of the island used to be a scene of tropical rainforest, with tall and dense trees, but on this mountain, only low shrubs grew, and most of the places were hard rocks. Look, bare.

If you look down from the sky, you can actually find that the mountain is shaped like a half-buried egg, a huge stone egg.

Everyone walked up the mountain, and it is said that the mountain is not small, and it is faster to search separately, but considering that if you encounter a dragon, it is too dangerous to be alone, so in the end, everyone went together and searched together.

This will take more time, but it will be more secure.

The long march of thousands of miles is just short of the last step. It is always right to be careful.

I searched the front in this way, but there was no result, it was all bare stones, and there was no place where living things could hide at all.

Then when everyone turned to the back of the mountain, they suddenly discovered that there was a very obvious stone cave halfway up the mountain.

On a stone mountain that is either stones or shrubs, this cave can be said to be very conspicuous.

The moment they saw the cave, everyone had an intuition in their hearts telling themselves: "The dragon is inside!"

This is a magical induction, but it is very real.

The dragon was right in front of them, and everyone couldn't hide their excitement. No one had seen the dragon before, and now the dragon was right in front of them, not to mention that Long Yuan had the legendary ability.

But they didn't know the depth of the dragon's strength, so everyone didn't dare to be careless. They were cautious, slowed down their pace, and approached slowly.

Walking about 100 meters away from the cave, Xu Feng signaled everyone to stop.

At this time, the outside of the cave can be seen more clearly, but the cave is completely dark, and you can only see less than a few meters, and then there is a black hole inside.

Xu Feng remembered that in the original book, dragons cannot enter the cave to fight, that would be beneficial to the dragon, but not conducive to the performance of everyone.

The best way is to go into the hole and draw the dragon out.

Dragons and snakes are also somewhat related. As the saying goes, if you lead a snake out of its hole and let the dragon leave its lair and its home field, everything will be much easier.

Xu Feng shared his thoughts with everyone, and said tyrannically: "Feng'er, what you said makes sense. Now it is basically certain that the dragon must be in this cave. Since it is decided to lead the dragon out, who is willing to take the initiative to ask for it?" ?"

For a while, no one spoke. Entering a hole to lure a dragon must be risky. Everyone present has their own ideas. Who is willing to do such a thankless task?
"I go."

Nie Feng stood up, and Bu Jingyun also stood up. Although the two of them knew that the purpose of slaying the dragon this time must not be so simple, they were still prepared to do so.

Seeing the two of them coming out, Xu Feng was not surprised. It was impossible to expect the other people to take action.

But he didn't plan to add it, not because he didn't want to, but because it was the last moment, and he had to hold back and hold his breath.

There are still many challenges waiting for him in the future, and he believes that with the power of Fengyun, there will be no danger in leading the dragon.

Nobody had any objections, but Wuming stood up at the last moment, "I'll go with you."

Fengyun and Yun nodded gratefully towards Wuming, and then the three of them walked towards the cave together.

Watching them go away, Xu Feng began to think about his next plan.

After the dragon comes out, the seven weapons must be used together. Xiongba's martial arts has been fully recovered, but he has been hiding along the way, probably because he wants to pick peaches at the end.

And although I showed some kung fu in the battle against the people of the Shui tribe just now, it was not my true level. Even if these people were guarded against me, they couldn't think of their true strength.

There is no doubt about it, so the best way is to play the same level as the people of the Shui tribe just now when slaying the dragon, fish in troubled waters, wait until the situation is most beneficial to you, and then go all out to capture the dragon yuan.

The other people are probably doing their own little calculations, and everyone wants to get some benefits from this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Xu Feng observed everyone secretly, and found that there was an inexplicable light in each person's eyes, and the scene was a bit weird for a while.

The human heart is the most changeable and unfathomable thing in this world.

And a person's heart is always driven by desire.

The world is all for profit.

Xu Feng was suddenly a little worried, so each had his own ghosts, and when the dragon came out later, could everyone cooperate well?It's really hard to say.

Time passed by every minute and every second. People outside couldn't perceive what was going on in the cave, and there was not a single sound coming from inside.

The people waiting outside were also very anxious, not knowing that the dragon would rush out from inside at that moment, so everyone was highly concentrated. If they were on guard for a long time, even experts would feel mentally exhausted.

And no one knows the true strength of the dragon. If Fengyun Wuming and the others went in, would they be wiped out by the dragon immediately?

Can only wait, everything can only be given to time.

The only one who seemed more relaxed was Xu Feng. He still had confidence in Fengyun. After all, they were also the protagonists of this world.

In other words, Fengyun and Yun are the children of luck in this world, and they have concentrated the essence of this world, so it is impossible for something to happen.

After waiting for about half an hour, suddenly from the dark hole, there was a sound from far to near. This sound was like thunder, the sky was muffled by thunder, and the ground was shaking. The frequency was fast and exaggerated.

Suddenly three figures flew out from the cave, it was Nie Feng and the others.

Everyone outside the cave had already picked up their weapons, and Xu Feng also temporarily took out an ordinary long sword from the storage space to deal with it temporarily.

After Nie Feng and the others returned to the team, they quickly turned around and faced the entrance of the cave.

Their clothes are still intact, and there are no injuries on their bodies. It seems that this time leading the dragon was very successful.

"After everyone waits for the dragon to come out, divide up several people to quickly block the entrance of the cave, cut off its back path, and prevent it from retreating into the cave."

A few seconds later, as the ground shook more and more violently, a huge creature suddenly rushed out of the dark hole.

It is so strange and so tall that everyone is a little lost when they see it for the first time.

And only Xu Feng, the moment he saw it, blurted out a dirty word: "Wo Cao, what the hell does a dragon look like?"

(End of this chapter)

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