The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 196 Breaking the Island

Chapter 196 Breaking the Island

The whole process lasted for a long time, and his physical strength was not generally strong.

From morning to evening, it gradually stopped.

At this time, the sunlight outside the window had changed from the morning sun to the sunset. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, it shone on the bed. Tang Shining's hair was covered with black hair like a waterfall, her face was bright red, and she fell asleep from exhaustion.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly with the breath, like a butterfly flapping its wings, and there were still traces of sweat on the white forehead
And Xu Feng had already woken up. Although he worked hard from morning to evening, he still had enough energy. Seeing that Tang Shining had fallen asleep, he quietly got up to prepare dinner for her. After all, it was too exhausting, so he had to make up for it.

The refrigerator at home is full of ingredients. It should be that Tang Shining often comes to live here, so they are all prepared.

But Xu Feng doesn't know how to cook, so he searched for some recipes on the Internet with his mobile phone, and was about to try, but thought that if he made dark dishes, it would be harmful to others and himself.

So after thousands of choices, he still chose his favorite skill, which he thought he had mastered the best - the following.

There are ready-made noodles, just boil a big bone broth, then beat a few eggs, put down the vegetables, and you will have a pot of nutritious noodles.

He started to accumulate this skill when he was in college. At that time, he would cook instant noodles by himself in the dormitory. This is also a must-have skill for an otaku.

It took more than an hour to make this pork ribs and green vegetable egg noodles, not to mention it smells really good.

Tang Shining in the bedroom has been resting for a while, and her physical strength has slowly recovered. In addition, she has not eaten for a day, and her stomach is very hungry. Although she is still in a light sleep at this time, her nose is unconsciously covered by the fragrance of this face. Fascinated, he awoke from his sleep.

She opened her eyes, and slowly remembered what had happened, her face still couldn't help getting hot, but she couldn't help laughing, it was a happy smile.

She rubbed her stomach and was about to get up to eat, but when she just lifted the quilt and was about to look for clothes, she found that her clothes had been torn several times for some reason.

Thinking that it might have been made in the madness at that time, I had no choice but to wear it, but I had no clothes to wear, so I couldn't just wear it. In the end, I had to find a white shirt from the closet and put it on.

Xu Feng made the noodles, and was about to go in to have a look at Tang Shining, but he didn't expect a white figure to come out of the bedroom by himself.

Looking at the beautiful figure in his shirt, his heart was suddenly filled with infinite love, and he wanted to protect her well.

Seeing Xu Feng, Tang Shining was suddenly a little embarrassed, subconsciously avoiding Xu Feng's hot gaze with her small face, walked straight past Xu Feng with her head down, came to the side of the pot, and gently lifted the lid of the pot.

Qiongbi sniffed and exclaimed, "It smells so good, I want to eat it."

"Okay, I knew you were hungry, so I'll serve it for you." Xu Feng said, taking a bowl from the side, "You go and sit down."

After a while, the two came to the table and began to eat.

Tang Shining ate the noodles with her head down, silently did not speak, and her eyes always avoided Xu Feng intentionally, not meeting his gaze.

Xu Feng's heart skipped a beat, he didn't know if Tang Shining was blaming himself.

Thinking about it now, Xu Feng felt a little unbelievable. After analyzing it afterwards, everything was a coincidence.

I just came back from Fengyun World. From another world, it has been more than a year. Although he has been with You Ruo for more than a year, because he knows that it is impossible to be with her, he has never had any wrongdoing. lift.

This constant forbearance and desire to restrain oneself will eventually need a breakthrough to break out, and it just so happens that at this time, Tang Shining comes.

So everything can't be avoided. If it is a few days later, when he recovers, such a thing may not happen.

But now that I think about it, it is not a bad thing to have accidents in life sometimes. It is these occasional small accidents and small surprises that make life colorful and full of infinite possibilities.

For example, this time, although Tang Shining has been accepted in his heart, if there is no unexpected progress this time, the relationship between the two may have to go through many twists and turns.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about these things, but said to Tang Shining who was eating noodles with his head down: "Shi Ning..., why don't you talk...?"

"Uh...uh..." Tang Shining stuffed his mouth full of noodles on purpose, and said vaguely, "I...too...hungry...noodles...too eat...uh..."

With noodles in his mouth, his mouth was bulging, it was so cute and cute, Xu Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw it, he really wanted to reach out and pinch this little face.

"Eat slowly, you act like you haven't eaten for a few days, is it so scary?" Xu Feng joked.

"Hmph... Isn't it" Tang Shining finally looked at Xu Feng squarely, but only with hatred, "It's all your still have the nerve to laugh...huh..."

Xu Feng rubbed his head and smiled awkwardly: "Okay, I was wrong. Didn't I make noodles for you to apologize? You can eat well, anyway, don't worry, I'm really afraid that you will choke..."

Before the words finished, Tang Shining suddenly coughed, "Cough, cough, cough!"

Xu Feng was startled, jumped up from the chair quickly, came to Tang Shining's side, patted her on the back and said, "It's all right, I guess I hit the mark."

Tang Shining coughed for a while, regained her breath, and said angrily, "It's all your fault, you crow's mouth, you're ashamed to say it." Angrily, she punched Xu Feng's chest with her fist.

Xu Feng naturally endured it completely, not only has no power at all, but also can make Tang Shining vent his anger, why not do it.

After such a toss, the embarrassment left between the two was swept away and returned to normal.

No, it should be said that the relationship was more intimate than before. After passing that hurdle, it was as if the bridge between the two strangers had been opened, and there was no longer any obstacle.

Although everyone is an isolated island in this world, through communication, the isolated islands can also communicate with each other.

True love will make you feel that there is one more world, and it will become extremely fulfilling.

(End of this chapter)

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