Chapter 199 Rocket Rain

After hearing this, Jiuwan smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll do a dance and give it to Brother Feng."

After thinking about it, she was going to dance what she was best at, so she turned up the music, dimmed the lights, and even changed places to the bathroom of the hotel.

Xu Feng looked at it with great interest, and to be honest, he was also curious about what this "is.

Looking at the barrage, I found that those who eat melons have already climaxed:
"Damn, the anchor 6666 actually jumped"

"Hurry up and record the video, it's an absolute bonus"

"I'm lucky today, thanks to the local tyrant just now"


I saw Jiumaru following the music, the music was really amazing, it was the kind of atmosphere specially created by the sound, just listening to the music could make the crowd boil.

And with the beat of the music, so does Sakumaru,

, the whole body is distributed from top to bottom.

Along with the music, she slowly turned to the other side, and could vaguely see her shadow, her face was like a shadow, and she looked even more unique
Xu Feng finally understood what it meant, don't say it's separated, isn't it just like it?

It really adds another layer, and it can be seen that she has very good dancing skills, and her body is very soft. Coupled with this kind of dance created by herself, it can catch people's minds very well.

Xu Feng was also quite satisfied, and started to swipe the rocket as soon as he moved his fingers. Anyway, the money is not his own, and he doesn't feel bad about spending it at all, and he has a mission.

So the rocket rain started, one, two, five, ten...,... It never stopped.

The people who eat melons are going crazy:

"Damn, local tyrants, tyrants are inhumane"


"Oh my god, this is the first time I've seen rocket rain, the local tyrant begs for cover"

"Lord, I'm a girl, do you need someone to warm your bed?"


At this time, the Jiumaru dance was over, and just when she returned to the phone, she saw the rain of rockets flying all over the sky. She covered her mouth in surprise, and her eyes burst into laughter.

", I love you so much, what, I love you!"

"I really, really don't know what to say, please add me, I'll give you my WeChat ID later, okay?"

Jiumaru was really in a state of great excitement at the moment, she didn't expect that she would hit such a heavy rain, the rocket rain hadn't stopped yet, it had already reached more than 500.

She kept comparing her heart and mind, and even gave the phone a kiss excitedly.

The people who eat melons naturally have another burst.

This rocket rain kept falling, as if there was no camera, it was like a thousand arrows.

Xu Feng is actually just pointing at the phone screen mechanically at this moment, he is even complaining in his heart, why the biggest gift of this software is only 1000 yuan, and whether it can make people spend money happily, it is really annoying.

Such a point is really tiring and broken fingers, and it is so difficult to spend money.

But there is no other way, Xu Feng is going to get all 1 rockets for this anchor, so as not to find other people, which is too troublesome.

"Fuck, don't you want to be so troublesome."

Xu Feng was helpless, but at this moment, Jiuwan and all the melon-eaters on the field had already been numb by the Rockets.

And through the sharing of people who eat melons, the number of people in the live broadcast room has been increasing during the process of Xu Feng's brushing just now, and it has risen to about 10 people at this moment, which is already a very scary number.

On the entire screen of the phone, there are all 6, which have been flooded by barrage.

Jiumaru watched her fans go up slowly, the rocket kept flying, she prayed to God silently in her heart, thinking it was bad luck.

When Xu Feng finally stopped due to the system prohibition, the Rockets had collected more than 2, which is equivalent to more than 2000 million, which is usually enough for her live broadcast income for a year.

The excitement in my heart is beyond words, and I said excitedly: "Hurry up and add his WeChat, I have already given you the WeChat privately, ah."

Reluctantly, he typed: "I planned to brush up to [-], but was blocked by the system, so I will withdraw first."

"What? Get to [-], my God."

"What a rich man, please accept my worship"

"It's really easy for local tyrants to pick up girls, tonight."

"Anchor, I also want to add you on WeChat."

"Are you an idiot upstairs? Someone's anchor will add you to Erbi's WeChat? Swipe a thousand rockets before talking."


When Jiuwan heard that Xu Feng was leaving, he hurriedly said, "Brother, don't forget to add him on WeChat, remember!"

Xu Feng clicked on the private message, and sure enough, he found that the first message was from her, took a look at it and wrote it down, and then exited the live broadcast room.

Seeing Xu Feng leave, Jiuwan also cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, I'm downcasting. Goodbye." He also downcasted.

No matter how many people are watching, most of them are, so it is not important to please a real rich man.

She excitedly opened WeChat and kept refreshing it. Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, she didn't see any information about adding herself.

Impossible, if she wasn't interested, she couldn't figure out why she gave herself so many rewards.

At this time, Xu did not add pills. He still has tasks to complete, and there are still 80% of the tasks.

So after exiting Jiumaru's live broadcast room, he randomly entered another room.

There is also a female anchor in the room, but it is obviously a completely different style from the Jiuwan just now.

This one looks very pure, and she is dressed in a very youthful style, with long black hair and a childish face, like a goddess.

There are also hundreds of people in the live broadcast room. It seems that radish and green vegetables have their own preferences, and every type of girl can find their own audience on the live broadcast platform.

Similarly, as an otaku, he can also choose his favorite anchor according to his own preferences. From this point of view, live broadcasting is really a great invention.

The moment Xu Feng came in, the system automatically popped up a line saying "Welcome to the live broadcast room"

This is automatically sent by the system, and it is usually the treatment that high-level rich players can enjoy. I have to say that the live broadcast software is very considerate.

And Xu Feng brushed the rocket just now, and his wealth level rose from zero to full level all of a sudden.

As soon as the word came out, people who eat melons immediately recognized it in the barrage:
"Damn it, isn't this the big guy who was shooting rockets in another room just now?"

"6666, what a local tyrant"

"Anchor, you are blessed, hurry up and kneel down to join me as a local tyrant brother"

"The anchor welcomes me, Brother Hao"


Those melon eaters had just transferred from Jiuwan and knew Xu Feng's ID, so they booed and made fun of the anchor.

The anchor obviously saw those bullet screens, but he still said calmly:
"Local tyrant? It's none of my business, cut."

(End of this chapter)

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