The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 201 Give me the song "Itch"

Chapter 201 Give me the song "Itch"

Most of these people don't know the previous situation, and they are not fans of Liu Xiaoxiao, but pure passers-by.

At this moment, when they heard that Xu Fengdian's song was actually "Itch", they quickly booed:

"Anchor, sing quickly, tickle."

"[-], the local tyrant did a great job."

"Wow, the anchor is so pure, let her sing itchy, it's exciting to think about it, I want to hear it, brother Tuhao, do we love you?"


"Come on, be happy, anyway, there is a lot of time."

"Come on, love, there's a lot of stupidity anyway"

"Come on, wandering, there are plenty of directions anyway"

"Come on, pretend, there's a lot of scenery anyway"


"The more you panic, the more you think about it, the more you panic, the more itchy you scratch"

These melon eaters even played Lyric Solitaire, and Liu Xiaoxiao's real fans, when they heard that Xu Feng clicked "Itch", they were all very angry. They like Liu Xiaoxiao because they love her pure fan. Let her sing that kind of song.

This is simply a defilement of their beliefs and their goddesses, so they spoke one after another:

"Smile, don't sing, don't succumb to money."

"Goddess, I believe in you, you will definitely not be able to sing."

"Smile, woo woo woo, this local tyrant is too hateful, don't listen to him."


It's a pity that their strength as true fans is very weak at this time, there are only a few hundred people in total, and at this time there are more than 1 people in the entire room.

Soon the booing of the melon-eating crowd drowned out their resistance, not a single wave was stirred up.

At this time, Liu Xiaoxiao was also tangled in her heart. She had always shown her innocence. If she sang this song today, the image she had managed for a long time would be ruined.

And these anchors on the Internet, some are fighting on their own, but most of them have joined various labor unions. These labor unions are similar in nature to star economic companies. resources to promote these contracted anchors.

Liu Xiaoxiao signed a contract with a certain trade union, and they positioned her as a pure goddess, and all the resources are working hard to make her pure, if she messes up right now, she will definitely be fired by the trade union, Even pay huge liquidated damages.

All these Liu Xiaoxiao knew clearly, of course she didn't want this consequence.

But she also knows that she just made a promise, and more than 1 viewers have seen and heard it. If she doesn't sing, she will lose a large number of fans, and her reputation will become bad.

More importantly, the loss of "Brother Feng", a big local tycoon, would definitely not be worth the loss.

The first time this person came to his live broadcast room, he swiped more than 50 rockets, which was more than 5 yuan.

In fact, she is just a small anchor, and the union gives her a very low share. Before that, she could only get about a few thousand yuan a month.

Now if this local tyrant makes a move, she can get at least [-] yuan. She knows the concept of this very well. If she can seize this opportunity and win the favor of the local tyrant, her life will be much easier in the future.

Gritting his teeth, he thought that if he could take down this local tyrant, he would break the label of a pure goddess, but the trade union would really fire him for the sake of the local tyrant?
And even if they fire him, with this local tyrant, can't he fly solo?

At that time, with the support of local tyrants, it will not be a matter of minutes to be on various lists.

In the end, she analyzed the pros and cons and decided to sing.

"Since Brother Feng, you want to listen to it. Although Xiaoxiao doesn't know this song very well, I said I will make amends to you, and the little girl made a fool of herself."

Then the soundtrack started, and this pure-faced goddess, the sacred and inviolable saint, sang "itch" in front of more than 1 people.

Not to mention, this huge contrast brings a huge sense of comfort to the soul.

Men are very strange creatures. They like flirtatious and cheap, but at the same time they like pure white lotus flowers. In fact, what they like most is the kind of woman who usually looks innocent, but turns into a slut when she goes to bed.

And just at this moment, Liu Xiaoxiao, as a sweet-looking, pure-dressed beauty, came to sing the song "Tickle", which has a magical similarity to the song.

The melon-eaters who were onlookers were all hooked, and all the small gifts were swiped.

But Liu Xiaoxiao's die-hard fans at the beginning were all so angry that they exploded.

They never expected that the goddess they regarded as not to be played with would actually give in like this, and she sang so flirtatiously, flattering to the core.

Out of anger, they canceled and left one by one. After all, they couldn't accept this reality.

Xu Feng let out a big breath in his heart, but he didn't have any more interest in the woman in front of him.

This kind of person has to set up a memorial archway even if he is a bitch. Originally, these things are none of his business. After all, everyone has their own way of life, but who made her not have eyes for herself?
Xu Feng has already got his wish by knocking down her chastity archway in front of everyone and letting her reveal her slut nature.

Suddenly, he felt that it was meaningless to compete with this kind of woman, so when Liu Xiaoxiao hadn't finished singing, Xu Feng brushed her a few more rockets, and left the live broadcast room without a headache.

He is not in the mood to pay attention to the follow-up, nor does he want to pay attention, after all, the task on his body is still very tight. It is not easy to launch a thousand rockets one by one.

After that, they randomly entered a few live broadcast rooms, and without saying a word, it rained rockets.

In this way, on this day, all the anchors and melon eaters in the entire live broadcast software remembered a person whose ID was "Brother Feng is not short of money".

They all remembered this inhuman local tyrant and the fear of being dominated by his rain of rockets.

Most of the anchors who went online on this day were basically taken care of by Xu Feng. After all, there is a limit to how many gifts can be earned in a live broadcast room, so they have to throw money everywhere.

I really can't even keep a low profile.

It took more than two hours to finally complete the system's perverted task of flaunting wealth and spending money.

After completing the task, Xu Feng was waiting for the system's response, but after waiting for a long time, there was no response at all.

"Hey, did you make a mistake, the system will come out for me?"


"Did you doze off, did you forget something?"

"What? I haven't forgotten it. Just say it, don't beat around the bush."

"Damn, sister system, you are really old and forgetful. I have just completed your task. What about the reward? You didn't say anything?"

"Don't be dissatisfied, let you spend money, you still need a reward? This in itself is a reward for you."


Xu Feng has nothing to say. It seems that this system is quite changeable. He has to adapt to get along with her in the future, or he will be pissed off sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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