Chapter 206

After finding the ingredients, Qin Jiujiu was really proficient. First, he toasted bread, then fried eggs, and finally heated up two cups of milk. In 10 minutes, he made breakfast for two people.

Xu Feng really looked at her with admiration. The two sat in the hall, the morning light from the floor-to-ceiling windows shone in, and the hall was bright and holy. The two ate breakfast quietly.

Appreciating the beauty of this morning, Xu Feng felt life in his heart. Before, he always traveled in a hurry, lived his life very rough, and always spent a lot of energy on various other things, but for life itself, for food and clothing, These daily routines are indeed rarely savored.

Maybe it's because you are young, whose heart will stay in these daily life when you are young?Xu Feng knew that his feelings at the moment would only be fleeting, and he would still pursue other things afterwards.

But at least this moment is quite ordinary life, and it also has its beautiful side.

Qin Jiujiu was very trustworthy, after breakfast, he really left.

Xu Feng watched her walk away, feeling a little lost in his heart. Although he only spent one night with this woman, it seemed like he had experienced a lot. Will there be a chance to see her again in the future?

Shaking his head, Xu Feng fell into idleness again for the next time, so after going out for a walk, he returned to the villa and turned on the live broadcast again.

After spending [-] system coins to develop this APP, it is impossible for it to have the same function as yesterday. If you just provide some gold coins for yourself to reward, then this function is not good for you, isn’t it? Too bad.

So he was going to go up again, continue to explore, and see if he could make new discoveries.

When I opened the homepage, what was pushed on it was still the same as before, all of them were beautiful beauties, but Xu Feng didn't want to look at these anymore, it was very meaningless to him.

I flipped through the settings section of the software, and explored every function to see if there was anything unusual.

But everything is normal, it seems to be a normal APP.

Xu Feng wondered, is this APP really that bad?Wouldn't his [-] system coins be wasted?

Just as I was looking for an explanation from the system, I didn't expect another big gift package to pop up on the interface.

It was also a gift bag like this one yesterday, and it cost [-] million gold coins to open it?Are you still here today?

With doubts, Xu Feng clicked on it, and a system prompt popped up: "Congratulations on getting [-] million spiritual coins."

"Holding the grass, it really is the same as yesterday, paralysis, no... wait..., it seems to be gold coins yesterday, but now it is... spiritual coins...?"

Xu Feng discovered this tiny difference, and he wondered why the unit changed?What the hell are spirit coins?

When he was wondering, he found that in the live broadcast on the homepage, there were some strange covers suddenly, which looked like scenery from another world.

With doubts, Xu Feng clicked one to enter.

Originally, he thought that what he saw would be a beautiful woman or something, but he didn't expect that what was shown on the whole screen was a wild scene.

It seems to be in a certain valley, shrouded in smoke, towering trees, and a waterfall hanging from a cliff on one side, like a silver horse.

The strangest thing in the picture is a person standing in the middle of the sky. He is wearing a blue Taoist robe and standing on a flying sword. He is very handsome with sword eyebrows and starry eyes.

Xu Feng was full of doubts, wondering if this is a certain anchor playing games live?Is this screen a game screen?

The current game character landscape model is too realistic.

But in the next second, the person standing on the flying sword in the picture suddenly turned his head, faced the camera, and spoke!

"Dear friends who are watching the live broadcast of Pindao, brush up the gifts, let Pindao see your enthusiasm, and the monster will come out soon!"

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Xu Feng looked confused, now he understands, this is not a cross section of a game, this person is clearly a living person, could it be a cosplay?It's not like, who the fuck coser can fly with a sword.

And this scenery, no matter how you look at it, doesn't look like it is on earth.

Xu Feng focused on the comments in the live broadcast room:
"666, fellow daoist, although the ancient blood of this flood dragon is already very thin, but it is a flood dragon after all, are you sure you can do it?"

"Fellow Daoist, I admire your courage. Don't worry, I will collect the body for you after you die."

"If you succeed, I'll give you the Great Flying Sword."

"Just for your courage, I will give you a gift too, let's go and support this fellow Taoist."


At the same time, I saw many fruits, flowers, and flying swords flying across the screen. They should be gifts from the audience.

Xu Feng clicked on the gift column and looked, and found that among the gifts, there were Biyouguo 1000 Lingcoins, Wuyouhua 5000 Lingcoins, and the most expensive Dafeijian 1000000 Lingcoins.

"This..., could it be a live broadcast from another world?"

Xu Feng touched it for a long time before he realized it. It seemed really possible.

So the person who is broadcasting live seems to be challenging a monster?
In order to verify his conjecture, Xu Feng decided to continue watching, but first he swiped a big flying sword for the live broadcast fellow Taoist.

Anyway, his spiritual coins are all sent by the system, so he doesn't feel bad at all.

The fellow daoist who was broadcasting live said: "Thank you for the gifts, I, Qingyunzi, will definitely kill this monster dragon today, and make its tendons into my new magic weapon, hahaha."

At this moment, the clouds and mist suddenly surged, and a gap opened, and a few hundred meters below it, there was actually a pool of water.

The water pool is about [-] meters in diameter, and the water from the waterfall flows into it. The strange thing is that no water flows out of the pool.

The water of the waterfall seems to be poured into a bottomless pit, and the color of the water in the pool is also that kind of black, which is daunting.

At this time, the pool was calm, but for some reason, Xu Feng felt as if there was a gaze peeking out from under the pool. When he saw the pool through the screen, he was startled.

What level of existence is there at the bottom of the pool? !
In the picture, the person who claims to be Qingyunzi is controlling the flying sword, holding the sword formula in his hand, and is also fully alert.

Not long after the confrontation, a huge noise erupted from the pool suddenly, and a spray of water rose from the pool, rushing straight to Qingyunzi at a height of [-] meters.

Qing Yunzi steered the flying sword to avoid the spray, and at the same time, a dragon appeared in the picture. It was almost a hundred feet long, and its body was as black as a pool of water.

It has no horns on its head, and it looks like a big boa constrictor, which really puts a lot of psychological pressure on people. However, it is different from a snake in that the scales on its body are more obvious and prominent.

Seeing the dragon on the screen, Xu Feng thought to himself, does he look like a dragon? Although it is only a dragon with a very thin bloodline, judging by its momentum, it is much stronger than the Tyrannosaurus he slaughtered in Fengyun World times.

(End of this chapter)

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