Chapter 234 Song Yuzhi

Wanwan took the initiative to retreat, while the guards in the city had already dispersed the onlookers and surrounded the luxury carriage.

The first person, with a square face and beard, knelt down first and said: "The last general came too late to save you, which frightened the princess, please punish me."

Xu Feng gave up his position at this time. Hearing this address, he knew that his guess was correct.

The one called the princess was exactly the woman Xu Feng rescued.

She waved her hand, "You all get up, I'm fine, thanks to this righteous man for saving me."

As she said that, she was about to thank Xu Feng, but when she saw Xu Feng's face, she yelled, "It's you?"

Xu Feng knew that he was in the Yaoyue Tower just now, and the princess was embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Yes, it's me."

The princess's mind was confused for a while, she didn't expect that the hero who saved her was the "annoying" person just now.

But it didn't take long for her to feel this way, and she gradually accepted the reality, and when she looked at Xu Feng, she didn't think it was that bad, and she was quite handsome.

"I didn't know you were a princess just now, so I offended you so much, so please don't blame the princess." Xu Feng said.

"There..., oops, it's a trivial matter, but since you saved me, I, a person with clear grievances and grievances, tell me what kind of reward I need."

"Uh, princess, I really need your help. I just arrived in Chang'an, and all the money I had on me was spent in the Yaoyue Building just now. Now I'm penniless. You see, I'm going to die soon." It’s getting dark, I might be sleeping on the street tonight, and I’m asking the princess to take me in.”

This princess is Li Shimin's younger sister, Li Xiuning.

The Li family has Xianbei blood, and she followed her elder brother since she was a child, riding horses and archery, wielding knives and guns, and doing everything.

It can be regarded as a woman who does not give up to a man, and her personality is actually very strong, not that of a little girl.

That's why they competed with Xu Feng when they invited Yuelou.

Although I was between life and death just now, I was in a trance for Xu Feng for a moment, which awakened the girl's heart deep in my heart.

But now she has slowly recovered, and she has no doubts when she hears that Xu Feng has nowhere to go.

Immediately said; "Then since you have no place to go, you should first live in my princess mansion."

Xu Feng secretly praised that this woman is not simple.

The carriage has been destroyed, but a few hard-earned BMWs are fine.

Li Xiuning rode one by himself, pointed to the other and said to Xu Feng, "Get on the horse."

The two guards who were knocked aside also climbed up at this time, but they obviously knew themselves. This horse was the princess's most beloved treasure, and they were not qualified to ride it.

Just lead the horse and follow behind.

Some of the city guards escorted Li Xiuning back to the mansion, and some stayed behind to clean up the scene.

Suzaku Street is really wide, riding a horse on this street, people will feel a little drifting.

The Li family is doing well in Chang'an.

The Princess Mansion is located in the north of Chang'an City, close to the Imperial City, and occupies a large area.

Although Li Xiuning is not married yet, Li Yuan granted her the right to have her own mansion.

The main reason is that she wields knives and guns, and even goes out to fight with Li Shimin, so she is also happy to have her own independent mansion.

When they arrived at the Princess Mansion, Li Xiuning asked the servant to arrange a guest room for Xu Feng.

Xu Feng returned to his room, asked his servants to fetch water for him, and took a good bath.

Now that he is close to Li Xiuning, it is not a problem to see Li Shimin.

But Xu Feng was more troubled that although he said he believed that the boat would go straight when it reached the bridge.

But now that the boat has seen the end, it still has no clue.

He was in distress when a servant girl knocked on the door, "Master Xu, the princess asked me to treat you to dinner."


Xu Feng let go of his thoughts, got up and went out, followed the maid, and went to the main hall.

This Tang-style building is very distinctive, and there are many differences from the modern Forbidden City, the buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Chaoshou veranda is very poetic and picturesque.

It was already dark at this time, and there was a lantern every five steps in the veranda, but there was no sense of darkness at all.

The Princess Mansion is really big. Xu Feng followed the maid and walked for 10 minutes before arriving at the main dining hall.

Just about to enter the door, when I meet another person, I also want to enter the door.

She is dressed like a servant, she has a very petite figure, but her face is beautiful, and her clothes are also very distinctive.

Xu Feng didn't know where the other party was coming from, so he smiled and let the other party go in first as a gentleman.

In the hall, there is an eight-treasure round table, which is full of a large table of dishes.

There were as many as five or six maids serving by the side, but Li Xiuning was the only one sitting at the table.

The woman who went in first bounced up to Li Xiuning, took her hand and acted like a baby.

Obviously the relationship between the two is very good.

Li Xiuning chatted and laughed with her, and when she saw Xu Feng coming in, she stood up.

The woman was obviously very surprised. She was a little curious about the origin of this man, who actually made the princess stand up to greet him.

Xu Feng didn't care, all the powers in this world were just clouds to him, so he didn't feel that way.

This feeling is very strange. When you drift away from this world, those things that are considered very important in this world have nothing to do with you.

Your mindset will make a huge difference.

Of course, the reason why Xu Feng felt this way was inseparable from his great strength.

If you are an ordinary person without any strength to protect yourself, even if you have traveled through time.

Then you still have to adapt to the rules of this world. After all, no matter where you are, speaking with your fists is right.

Although a civilized society, the nature of human beings, relying on the strong and bullying the weak, will not change.

Even on the modern earth, those countries that claim to be civilized societies do the same thing, whoever has the biggest fist is justified.

The three sat down, Li Xiuning took the initiative to introduce to Xu Feng: "This is my good sister Song Yuzhi."

Then introduce Xu Feng to Song Yuzhi: "This is..., um, he must be my savior."

Song Yuzhi's eyes widened, "Ah, so he saved you during the day."

She kept looking at Xu Feng with her big eyes curiously. She and Li Xiuning were best friends who talked about everything.

When Li Xiuning returned home in the afternoon, she kept pulling her to talk, not even hiding her subtle thoughts from her.

So Song Yuzhi was very curious when she heard it in the afternoon. She knew her sister very well, so she was curious about what kind of person could make even Li Xiuning fall in love.

Li Xiuning smiled and said, "I specially ordered the chef to cook this table of dishes. Try it and see how it compares to the one you ate at Yaoyuelou at noon?"

Xu Feng thought to himself, this princess is quite caring, so he picked a few to try.

After eating this, I feel that the cook of the princess mansion is not simple, and it is not worse than the one eaten at noon.

From the creativity of the dishes to the taste to the ingredients, it can be said that they are comparable.

And Li Xiuning has been paying close attention to Xu Feng's face, and she is looking forward to Xu Feng's evaluation.

Xu Feng said: "Princess, you are in the midst of blessings and don't know how to be blessed. The food cooked by the cook in your house is no worse than that in Yaoyuelou. Why are you still rushing out to eat?"

Li Xiuning breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time hummed: "If you eat too much food in your house, you will get tired of it. Can't I change the taste?"

(End of this chapter)

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