Chapter 237 Li Shimin

"I'm a beast? I didn't do anything." Xu Feng looked innocent, thinking to himself, although he secretly watched you last night, he did not do anything else.

"You're still arguing, then how could I be in your room, how could I be on your bed?!" Song Yuzhi deliberately lowered her voice, but still couldn't hide her anger.

"Um, who knows what happened to you last night, you fainted suddenly, and then I couldn't find the maid, and I didn't know your room, so I had to bring you back. If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't be a good person."

Xu Feng didn't know why, he was originally a quiet person, but when he met Song Yuzhi, he always subconsciously attacked and fought back.

Although Song Yuzhi was helpless, it was not easy to struggle verbally.

Now the fact is that she, the daughter of the Song family, a big girl with yellow flowers, somehow ran into this man's room and spent the night.

This matter must never be known, "Yes, absolutely no one shall know."

She turned her mind around, glanced at the sky outside the window, and found that the genius had just dawned, but before long, those maids would come in to help the master wash up, and she had to return to her room before then.

"You can't tell anyone about this, otherwise, I will definitely kill you!" Song Yu threatened Xu Feng fiercely.

"Don't worry, I don't have the time to do these things, you should go back quickly, otherwise, even if I don't tell you, everyone in the princess mansion will know about it."

Song Yuzhi quickly climbed out of bed. Her clothes were in good condition because Xu Feng didn't touch her last night.

After sleeping all night, there were some wrinkles in some places. She stood up and weighed the clothes. Seeing that her clothes had not been tampered with, she felt an inexplicable trust in Xu Feng in her heart.

This person really didn't do anything last night.

Is he so unattractive?

Could it be that he really likes Li Xiuning and has no interest in him at all?

For some reason, her thoughts turned to a messy place in her mind.

"Hey, why are you standing there stupidly? Are you going to leave or not? Those maids are really coming in soon."

Xu Feng looked at Song Yuzhi, standing in front of the bed, his face turned red and then pale, and he glanced at himself from time to time, he really couldn't figure out what this little girl was thinking.

Xu Feng's voice woke up Song Yuzhi, and she was ashamed of her wild thoughts.

She gave Xu Feng a hard look, then carefully opened the door, and after confirming that there was no one else nearby, she quickly slipped out like a kitten.

Looking at Song Yuzhi's back, Xu Feng smirked, this kitten is really funny.

On the surface, she is very domineering and very royal, but compared with her body and face, she really has no power at all. On the contrary, she has a kind of contrasting cuteness inexplicably.


Xu Feng stayed in the Princess Mansion like this. Knowing that he had no place to live, Li Xiuning arranged for him to be a guest of the Princess Manor after asking his opinion.

In fact, Xu Feng was waiting for an opportunity. Before he arrived in Chang'an, he hadn't thought of a specific way to deal with the Li family. At that time, he had the idea that the boat would go straight to the bridge.

Now, the ship has reached the bridge, but there is still no way.

But all we can do is wait. Opportunities will appear while waiting. Of course, humans are different from other animals in that they have subjective initiative.

Sometimes people can create their own opportunities and create opportunities.

During this period of time, that Song Yuzhi also stayed at the Princess Mansion.

She often troubled Xu Feng, and came to him whenever she had nothing to do, but because Xu Feng had a handle, she didn't dare to go too far.

Xu Feng was also bored while waiting for the opportunity, but he was happy to have someone to play with him.

That's right, Song Yuzhi's actions were all play in his eyes, just like a child's heart, and he didn't take it seriously.

He didn't know why the daughter of the Song Clan had been living in the Princess Mansion. Could it be that she was a hostage in Chang'an?But from my own understanding of Datang, it seems that this is not the case.

But he didn't ask Song Yuzhi directly. Anyway, this matter has little to do with his business, so he still doesn't want to meddle in other's business.

Just like that, a month has passed.

On this day, Xu Feng was pondering a set of ideas in the small courtyard where he lived, when a young servant came and said, "Master Xu, princess, please go to the front hall."

Without asking any more questions, he followed the boy to the front hall.

Before reaching the front hall, he heard Song Yuzhi's chattering voice from afar, as if he heard something like "Brother Shimin"

Xu Feng was overjoyed, could it be that Li Shimin came?

Although he has been in the Princess Mansion for almost a month, he has not seen Li Shimin once.

He also asked Li Xiuning insinuatingly, saying that Li Shimin led the troops to fight outside.

After a while, I followed the boy to the hall, and saw a 25-year-old young man sitting in the hall, wearing a black dark-pattern robe. recognized.

Xu Feng could even perceive some other things. There seemed to be a wave of Qi hovering above the young man's head.

The next ones to sit are Li Xiuning and Song Yuzhi.

Seeing Xu Feng coming in, Li Xiuning took the initiative to stand up, "Brother, this is the person I told you to save my life, his name is Xu Feng."

Li Shimin didn't immediately greet Xu Feng, but carefully examined Xu Feng with his eyes.

He had just returned to Chang'an from the front battlefield, changed his battle clothes, and came to the house of his beloved sister.

Unexpectedly, at this hour, my sister kept mentioning the person who saved her life, and that girl Song Yuzhi. Although the tone was hateful, she still kept talking about this person.

He was very surprised in his heart, he was afraid of someone with unclean background, plotting evil, when he heard that his sister had kept that guy in the house for a month, he was even more worried.

At this moment, Xu Feng was in front of his eyes, and he looked at Xu Feng, trying to see something from him.

He thinks that he still has a way of judging people, if it is really someone who is planning to do something wrong, he will definitely drive this person out of the princess mansion without mercy.

However, he found that he couldn't see through Xu Feng at all. In front of him, it seemed to be a high mountain, and it seemed to be the sea. He couldn't see Xu Feng clearly!
"Second brother, what are you doing staring at him?" After Li Xiuning saw his introduction, Li Shimin kept looking at Xu Feng in a daze, and couldn't help asking.

"Haha, you really are a good-looking talent. My dear brother, Li Shimin, thank you for saving my sister that day." After all, Li Shimin is a man of the city, and when he found that he couldn't see through Xu Feng, he planned to stand still for the time being.

Xu Feng's exploration of Li Shimin is naturally like a mirror in his heart, and that foggy feeling is what he deliberately let Li Shimin feel.

After the two sides got to know each other, they sat down again.

Li Shimin said to Li Xiuning: "Xiu Ning, when I come back from the front this time, I actually have one thing to do."

"Second Brother, just tell me what you have to say." Li Xiuning regained her princess-like demeanor in front of Li Shimin.

(End of this chapter)

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