Chapter 327 Ruby

Uncle Jiu grabbed a chicken next to him, "Tell it what you want to say."

"Please don't run away, I hope you can accept our Lord." The fat nun swept the chicken aside, "Only the Almighty Lord can put you on the right path. The Lord can not only help you open up the world, but also create Life can even part the Red Sea so that the lame can walk and the blind can see, the Lord is omnipresent, and you cannot but believe in the miracles performed by the Lord.”

The fat nun babbled endlessly, Uncle Jiu couldn't take it anymore, "Okay, okay, stop talking."

He looked around and picked up an egg, "You said it was a miracle, right? If you hatch this egg into a chick now, I will believe you."

The four young nuns next to him also gathered together, "Master, how can this hatch, we are not hens."

"That's right, everything is broken when you press it."

"Dean, he is obviously making things difficult for you."

"Don't quarrel, I believe the Lord will have his arrangement, let's pray together." The fat nun and the four nuns began to pray together.

Uncle Jiu watched them closing their eyes and praying devoutly, and wanted to sneak away, but he didn't expect that there was a nun beside him who didn't pray.

She caught a caterpillar and screamed in terror.

"It's disgusting, it's all hair"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, let me do it." The fat nun hurried over to comfort her, "It's terrible, why are you like this?"

"Dean, interrupt it quickly!" a nun said.

"No, it's too cruel, let's cut it in half." Another said.

"That's so boring, just boil the water and boil it."

"Forget it, although it is not good, but it fell into our hands, we should forgive it," said the fat nun, and released the caterpillar.

At this moment, the egg really broke its shell.

"Master Dao, look, it's God's will." The fat nun said in surprise.

"Huh?" Uncle Jiu dropped his jaw in shock.

"Hmph, it's too late for you to regret it now. Now, do you admit that you are guilty!"

"I admit it!" Uncle Jiu said helplessly.

"Do you admit that you were wrong"

"I admit."

"Then you now believe in our Lord."

Seeing this situation in the distance, Xu Feng knew that Uncle Jiu must be rescued, otherwise Uncle Jiu would really be overwhelmed.

He thought for a while, pinched an illusion talisman, and threw it over. Suddenly, there was a wind in the yard.

Then the mist came out again, and the nuns cried out.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Xu Feng pulled Uncle Jiu out, and the two escaped together.

When the group of nuns came out of the illusion, where would they see the figure of Uncle Jiu?Had no choice but to leave resentfully.


On the other side, the well digging site was in full swing.

The captain and his cousin are riding a bicycle over there. In this era, bicycles are also rare things.

The woman screamed again and again, the captain helped her and taught her to ride a bicycle.

"Captain! We seem to have dug up cultural relics!"

"Cultural relics? What cultural relics? Let me take a look."

He quickly left his cousin aside and came to the side of the well.

"There will be some cultural relics in this kind of place, maybe it's broken copper and iron, come and hang me down, I'll go down and see for myself."

The captain came to the bottom of the pit, found a Bible, and wandered around a bit more, and found a sparkling ruby.

Then he immediately climbed up, "Cousin, you will never guess what I found below?"


"I found a big ruby, and now I'm rich."

"Ruby?" The cousin's eyes flashed greedily.

Those soldiers pulled up the things from the ground. Unexpectedly, during the process of pulling up, the sky suddenly changed.

The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and it became dark all of a sudden.

Uncle Jiu and Xu Feng happened to come over to inspect. Seeing this clear appearance, Uncle Jiu's face changed, "Oops, someone moved the direction!"

The rain fell, and what was pulled up was a dead body.

The soil on the body was gradually washed away by the rain.

It revealed its terrifying face.

"Captain, this corpse has red eyes and is rotten. I advocate cremation!"

"Ah?" The captain was obviously unwilling, his eyes fixed on the ruby ​​on the corpse's hand.

"Otherwise it will turn into a dead body at any time!"

"Bring the body back to the township office first." The captain ordered, "Others continue to work."

The woman secretly pulled him aside, "What about the ruby?"

"Don't worry, I will give it to you as a wedding present."


On the township public income square, a group of people are stacking lychee firewood.

Prepare to burn that body.

In the room, the captain and his cousin were holding a saw and sawing off the ruby ​​on the corpse's hand.

"Hurry up, they are about to come in." The cousin kept urging.

"Okay, okay, I'm working hard!" The captain saw sweat dripping from his face, but the stone was very hard, and his progress was very slow.

The pile of lychees outside had already been piled up, Uncle Jiu said: "Okay, it's getting dark soon, you go and carry the corpse out."

Hearing the words, the two big soldiers came to the mortuary of the township government.

"Captain, the firewood and the fire are ready, just waiting for you and the mummy."

"Wait a minute, wait a moment."

The captain speeded up the progress, and the sweat on his face became more and more intense.

"I'm warning you, if you don't get the ruby, you don't think I'll marry you." The cousin threw a splash beside her.

"Don't worry, don't you see that I'm working hard?"

But the more anxious you are, the easier it is for accidents.

"It's over, it's caught, it's over, it's over."

"Then smash it quickly."

"That goes in."


"That goes deeper."

"Pull it out"

"I can't pull it out"

"Then what to do, hurry up"

"Captain, captain, do you want us to help?" shouted the heavy-duty soldier outside.

"Wait a minute, my cousin and I are busy"

The cousin gave him a plane, "Is this useful?"

The captain was dumbfounded holding the plane.

"What happened to you? Why don't you just throw it away if it's useless." The cousin snatched the thing from his hand and threw it on the ground, then pulled out the ruby ​​by herself.

"What are you looking at, the ruby ​​won't come out by itself, pull it out."

"Oh, what are you looking at me for? Pull it, where is all the strength on your bed, pull it, pull it hard, I beg you, pull it hard."

The captain was completely speechless at this time, he found that his cousin didn't seem so cute anymore.

"Pull, pull, pull it out quickly." At this time, the cousin only had ruby ​​in her eyes.

"What are you doing so loudly? Shut up!" The captain finally couldn't help it.

The cousin was stunned for a moment, and the two shouting soldiers outside the door also shut their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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