Become a god-level female star

Chapter 101 Chapter 152 Change: Haha Wisdom

Chapter 101 Chapter 152 Change: Haha Wisdom

After the song ended, the entire live broadcast room suddenly boiled down.

"That's right, you really sang well." In the Missy's live broadcast room, no matter if it was the fans of the Missy or Li Qingwan, everyone praised the Missy's singing voice.

"Haha, it turns out that Missy really can sing!!" A netizen said in amazement: "I always thought this news was groundless, but I never thought Missy could sing so well."

"That's right, you sang very well." Li Qingwan said at this time: "It's really good to listen to, although it's much worse than me, but after all, the eldest lady is also an ordinary person, and it's impossible to compare with a beautiful girl like me. .”

Li Qingwan was very narcissistic when she spoke, which attracted the sighs of many fans.

"I didn't expect you to be so yoyo."

"Yuyou, is it really okay for you to be so narcissistic?"

"Hehe, Mama asked me why I knelt down to look at the computer, and I said, someone is narcissistic..."

"Ah, who is pretending, so dazzling."

In the Missy's live broadcast room, all the fans, even the Missy, were all dazzled by Li Qingwan's sudden pretense.

"Ahem, Yoyo, big boss, let's change the subject. Now that the little ones have finished singing, shouldn't you reward the little ones? After all, he's just a small actor, so it's not easy."

The eldest lady asked with a funny expression on her face.

"Come on, let's see the reward!?!" Li Qingwan never regretted what she said.

Directly brushed ten aircraft carriers.

One aircraft carrier costs 1000 yuan, and ten is only 1 yuan, and Li Qingwan is still the big boss of global TV. At that time, the money will be returned to Li Qingwan's pocket at least about 7000 yuan.

Moreover, to be honest, 1 yuan is really not in Li Qingwan's eyes now, 1 yuan, as long as Li Qingwan is willing, she can earn it back in minutes.

"Global tv, Yiyouyou, the title master, gave 10 aircraft carriers to the global tv and Miss, hurry up and grab the dragon eggs!!!"

Then, Dragon Egg attracted a large number of viewers into Missy's live broadcast room.

"Yijiajun, the old driver of the city gave the global tv, Miss Aircraft Carrier × 10, everyone, come and grab the dragon eggs!!!"

"Yi Jiajun, Thor Odinson gave Global TV, Miss Aircraft Carrier × 10, everyone, come and grab the dragon eggs!!!"

"Yi Jiajun and Star Federation Chief gave Global TV, Miss Aircraft Carrier x 10, everyone come and grab the dragon eggs!!!"

This time, not only Li Qingwan but also some local tyrants from Yijiajun were giving presents to the eldest lady.

Yes, after those fans who originally played TV came to Global TV, their IDs uniformly added the prefix of Yijiajun.

There is even a special uniform avatar, which looks very domineering.

"Thank you, Yoyo, thank you Yijiajun for your gifts. Thank you." After finishing the gifts, the eldest lady also thanked Li Qingwan in her live broadcast room at this time.

Although most of the people in Yijiajun gave gifts for Li Qingwan's face, the young lady still thanked many members of Yijiajun, which is the minimum politeness for an anchor.

"Ahem, it's okay, now let's go to another place to check the room." After Li Qingwan finished brushing up the gifts, she left the eldest lady's live broadcast room.

Then, she began to check other rooms. The second room Li Qingwan checked was Hahazhi's room. Speaking of Hahazhi, most LOL players are probably familiar with it.

Of course, the players mentioned here are only limited to the Chinese Empire, and Haha Zhi is also a wonderful work in the Chinese LOL live broadcasting world.

After all, most of the anchors in China's live broadcasting industry are very strong.

But only Hahazhi, Hahazhi's strength is not very strong, and the highest rank is only a master. Compared with others, those anchors who are always kings and professional team members, Hahazhi is undoubtedly very weak of.

However, Hahazhi has gained a place in the entire live broadcasting industry by virtue of his funny and humorous.

No, it's not just a place, but a big one. After all, Hahazhi is definitely a top-notch well-known anchor now.

When Li Qingwan entered Hahazhi's live broadcast room, Hahazhi was talking about his sister-in-law. God knows why Hahazhi has so many memes about his sister-in-law.

While Hahazhi was bragging, Li Qingwan came in with her Yijia army.

"Welcome, title master, Yiyouyo enters the live broadcast room." Then followed by "Yijiajun, Thor Odinson came to report."

"Yi Jiajun and old city drivers came to report."

"Yi Jiajun and my favorite Two-dimensional came to report."

"Yijiajun and Diebian Hansong came to report."

People from Yijiajun typed on the screen one by one and said.

"Um, what's the situation??" Hahazhi asked in a daze?

I haven't even finished eating the noodles, so how come there are so many people in the live broadcast room in the blink of an eye?

"Hehe, it's nothing but ward rounds." Li Qingwan replied calmly.

"Pfft!!! 666"


"Oh my God, Hahazhi has been inspected!!" Hearing what Li Qingwan said, the fans in Hahazhi's live broadcast immediately burst out laughing.

"I told you not to make nasty jokes, don't you listen to the ward rounds now?" A fan teased Hazhi in the comments.

"Ahem, Yoyo, you have something to say, what kind of house do you want to check?" Hahazhi also knows that Li Qingwan is the boss of Global TV. Although he knows that Li Qingwan will not close his live broadcast room, he still pretends to be a pitiful person Xi look.

"It's okay, you go ahead, I won't seal the room, and I'm not supervising." Li Qingwan rolled her eyes.

"I'm afraid, if you're unhappy, you'll even block the super tube." Hahazhi made a joke to Li Qingwan.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and perform now, let me tell you, I won't pursue your dirty jokes if you make us happy, otherwise, you can wait to seal the room," Li Qingwan threatened Hazhi here.

"Yes, yes, Yoyo, seal him, seal him, every day when I come to Hahazhi's live broadcast room, I hear Hahazhi talking about his sister-in-law here. Let me tell you, I can't bear it anymore." A netizen said.

"Haha Zhi said his sister-in-law, why can't you bear it???" Some netizens also asked.

ps: Thanks to the rudder master, I am Yu Yu who rewarded 2000 starting coins, and wish Yu Yu a happy birthday.Feather's birthday yesterday, Pujie Chou forgot...

(End of this chapter)

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