Become a god-level female star

Chapter 158 Chapter 214: Sold Out

Chapter 158 Chapter 214: Sold Out
The comics have started selling, and the staff responsible for statistics and sales of Huaxia are already in place.

While sitting, you can see in the background how many fans bought the booklet.

But this Li Qingwan is already asleep. For Li Qingwan, the answer to whether Slam Dunk is selling well is already in her heart.

Li Qingwan has always believed that classics will not be buried.

But unlike Li Qingwan, Li Qingwan's editor, Matcha is already very nervous at this time.

Because for Matcha, whether the sales performance of Slam Dunk is good or not is the most important factor that determines whether you can slide down and continue to stay.

So after 12 o'clock, the matcha will be refreshed continuously, and the author's backstage will be cleared early and late.

However, what made Matcha a little bit broken was that I didn't even order a single order after brushing for more than ten minutes in a row.

"How could this be? How could there be no orders." Matcha rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

"It shouldn't be! Even if the slam dunk hits the street, it's impossible to not have a subscription." Matcha refreshed the author's background again.

However, there is still a big zero at the back of the order.

"Where is the problem? How is it possible? There is no one to buy." Matcha refreshed the background again with some unbelief.

Still nothing.

"What the hell is wrong, why is there not a single purchase."

Matcha opened the flowers while talking.

Matcha decided, since the purchase display is zero, then, in order to prevent Li Qingwan from being sad, Matcha decided to spend money to buy a copy first.

"Can't let the purchase be 0." Matcha opened it while talking, and drew the manga net.

Then I quickly found the webpage of Slam Dunk, and then chose to purchase the booklet for payment.

"Ding, the comics you bought are sold out." Just as Ma Chaxiang was about to pay.

Huaxia manhuawang suddenly popped up such a message.

"It's sold out, how is it possible." Matcha looked at the message in disbelief.

"Since it's sold out, why isn't there a single one in the background?"

Thinking of this, Matcha switched back to Li Qingwan's author background, and then refreshed.

To sell 30000 copies! !

Matcha just refreshed, and then saw that it was sold, followed by a three, and then four zeros.

"My God!" Matcha exclaimed: "This is a full 3 copies"

"How long has it been? I'll sell it now, isn't it?"

In fact, it's not just matcha that's wowing here.

The people who amazed the most are actually those fans who bought Slam Dunk.

Some fans bought Slam Dunk right after the site was fixed.

There are also some fans, because they feel that the webpage is still stuck after repairing, so they go to do some other things first, and then come back to continue buying.

But when they bought it, they found something was wrong.

Are you fucking sold out? ? ?

It's only 5 minutes before the web page is repaired.

In 5 minutes, you sold me 3 comics, and you are still the slam dunk that everyone is not optimistic about.

This seems a little unrealistic.

So a person asked such a question in the Slam Dunk Post Bar: "Is there no Huaxia Manga. The first print is 3 copies. Why, it sold out in 5 minutes, and it was still after 12 o'clock in the morning?"

"It shouldn't be, Huaxia, although it's usually quite tricky, but I've never heard of it reporting an error and printing quantity."

"It should be the premiere of 5 copies and then sold out in [-] minutes"

"Well, I don't believe it when I say it myself."

"It's really scary, okay?"

Forget it, why don't we just ask the customer service of Huaxia

"Okay, let's ask the customer service, but at this time, is the customer service of still online?"

A netizen asked.

"Hey, you don't know. The human customer service of Huaxia is available 24 hours a day." A netizen who knew said, "Especially on the seventh day of every month, when the comics are on sale. At this time they The customer service is always there.”

"Okay, anyway, I can't stand it at night, so go and tease me, customer service girl."

"Okay, you don't need to go, I'm back." At this time, a person posted a post: "I just asked the customer service, Slam Dunk did indeed print 3 copies for the first time, and then in less than 3 minutes sold out."

"On average, more than 1 copies were sold in one minute."

The netizen said: "As expected, I am Fei Mo Da Da."

It is domineering.

In less than 3 minutes, Slam Dunk sold more than 3 comics.

At this moment, everyone exploded.

Slam Dunk fans were blown away.

Li Qingwan's editor, Matcha also exploded.

The sales staff of Huaxia also exploded.

On the other side, the fans of Wushen Kingdom also exploded.

"What's the situation? Why is Slam Dunk selling more than our Martial Arts Country?"

"Is Slam Dunk really this good-looking?"

"No, no, slam dunk, it must be a brush, otherwise how could it be possible to sell so much."

"You're an idiot upstairs, no one will buy sales. If you buy sales, you will get it yourself. It's less than half of the money, isn't it, is it a loss?"

"Except for the rich second generation, no one will make sales by themselves."

"So don't doubt that the sales of Slam Dunk must be real." Some netizens said.

"Actually, to be fair, I feel that Slam Dunk is much more exciting than Martial Arts Kingdom."

"I'm chasing after these two comics. When I wanted to buy the comics of Slam Dunk just now, they were already sold out."

"I'm about to die of regret now, I'm so fucking cheap, why did I come here to buy Wushen Kingdom first."

"You can see that the Martial God Kingdom has only sold more than 9000 copies. And the Martial God Kingdom has a total of 15 copies. Let alone, the baby is so sad, the baby is about to explode."

"However, in this case, Huaxia Manga will definitely reprint it." Someone asked.

"Nonsense, it will definitely be printed."

"Now that the sales of Slam Dunk are so hot, it would be a ghost if Huaxia man Huawang didn't print it."

"That's good, that's good, it's good to print it, otherwise it will really explode. I really like Slam Dunk."

Yes, Slam Dunk, definitely reprinted.

In fact, this time matcha.Already started working on this matter.

ps: I finally finished coding, please give me a reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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