Become a god-level female star

Chapter 160 Change 216: Ethereal

Chapter 160 Change 216: Ethereal
Slam Dunk is on fire, the news, all editorial readers, and some comic writers.We already know.

Li Qingwan, as the original author of Slam Dunk.Be the last to know.

The reason, of course, is because Li Qingwan didn't go to bed until after 11 o'clock last night, so she slept late.

I slept until more than 11 o'clock in the morning, which is called beauty sleep.

When Li Qingwan untied the quilt and sealed herself, she got up, picked up her mobile phone, and logged into the backstage of Huaxia

"Hey, it's all sold out." Li Qingwan saw her sales volume and sold out [-] copies in one night. To Li Qingwan, this statistic was both a little surprising and reasonable.

After all, what Li Qingwan was thinking was 3, and it could have been sold out, but Li Qing's time limit was three days.

But I didn't expect to sell all of them in just one night.

"Well, it seems that the people of the Huaxia Empire are still very supportive of the original version." What does this achievement represent for yourself?Li Qingwan is not very clear.

He even felt that this result couldn't be more normal.

However, what Li Qingwan didn't know was.What a storm his own slam dunk caused in the comics world of the Chinese empire.

It turns out that it’s okay to not be a hot-blooded manga, but can it have such a high score?

While it's not certain yet, Slam Dunk is the final one.What is the sales volume?
But now everyone can be sure that the sales volume of Slam Dunk will not be less than 10 copies.

There are very few comics with more than 10 volumes in Huaxia Empire. Of course, the main reason is that Huaxia has just opened for less than two years.

There are not many people who know Huaxia on the Internet. It can even be said that only a very small number of people know about this website.

Because of comics, the Chinese Empire has never developed.Among the two countries with the most developed comics in the world, one is an island country and the other is the United States.

The comics of the Huaxia Empire have just begun to develop.

Guoman is still a very new thing for Huaxia Empire. Although Huaxia is a new website, its requirements are very strict.

Because they require that the works entering the website must be all original and must contain Chinese elements.

Therefore, those comics from island countries, as well as comics from the United States, cannot be published on Huaxia

Li Qingwan actually doesn't agree with this regulation. After all, for comic lovers in the Chinese Empire, the comics they come into contact with the most are the comics of the island country and the comics of the United States.

So when they draw their own comics, they are more or less influenced by the comic styles of these two countries.

This is a fact that cannot be changed.

Now Huaxia Manga sells more than [-] copies of comics, more or less with some island country style and Mimi country style.

Some people even asserted that the sales volume would exceed 10 copies, so we must learn from the comics in the island country and the United States.

But now Li Qingwan's slam dunk has not borrowed from any comics, and this one, slam dunk has created a miracle.

3 copies were sold in less than 3 minutes, how many copies can be sold in the end?

No one knows, but there are already some comic lovers or creators who are looking forward to it, when Li Qingwan's comics become popular.

They will follow suit.

Take the opportunity to make some money too.

After reading the sales, Li Qingwan posted on her TT account, and then you heard it later, the message that Matcha sent to herself.

I replied to Matcha a few words casually, who knew that Matcha hadn't slept yet.

Then they chatted with Matcha, at this time Li Qingwan realized how important her slam dunk is.

More than just keeping matcha's job.

And it has also guided a way forward for many Chinese comic creators.

Li Qingwan proved that Huaxia Manhua can sell more than 10 copies.

"Da Feimo, you are really amazing!" Matcha said with some excitement: "You don't know that I was shocked when I saw your data."

"3 copies, all 3 copies were sold in less than 3 minutes." Matcha said while making a movement.

Of course, Li Qingwan did not see this action.

"Actually, it's okay!!" Li Qingwan nodded.Said: "It's hard to say how the results are now. After all, it depends on how the sales volume is this month?"

The comic books of Huaxia are released once a month. Of course, there are many comic creators.It's not fast so they release every three months.

Li Qingwan's update speed is of course the fastest one.

Although Li Qingwan will not deliberately increase her speed, but Li Qingwan will not let any manga creator on the market be faster than herself.

After all, I have such a god-defying thing as a manga editor.

You are holding this artifact, and you have the original manuscript of Slam Dunk.

In these two cases, if Li Qingwan's update speed is surpassed by other authors.

Then this is a bit unreasonable.

"Okay, let's stop here, I'm already sleepy, I want to sleep well." As he spoke, Matcha became a little sleepy, and then went to bed.

"Okay, go to sleep." Li Qingwan smiled, and then opened the trading treasure.

You must know that Li Qingwan not only released the comic book "Slam Dunk" today, but also a novel "Journey to the Wind".

However, Slam Dunk is different from Piaomiao Journey. The sales of Slam Dunk are all done through Huaxia

But the floating journey is not good, and the ethereal journey can only be completed by Li Qingwan herself.

However, Piao Miao Journey has an advantage over Slam Dunk, that is, Slam Dunk only has online channels, that is to say, readers can only buy it on Huaxia

But the Piaomiao Journey is different. The Piaomiao Journey can not only be purchased on Li Qingwan's Buying and Selling Treasure.And Zhonghai Publishing House, which cooperates with Li Qingwan. , Li Qingwan has not yet provided offline channels.

In the first-tier cities of the Huaxia Empire, Li Qingwan's Misty Journey can be found in those big bookstores.

Of course, the inventory of Piao Miao Journey is not much.

Every bookstore has about dozens, or even less than 100 books.

But it's different in Zhonghai City, Zhonghai is the base of Zhonghai Publishing House.

Bookstores of all sizes in Zhonghai City have Piao Miao Journeys in them.

ps: Tomorrow is supposed to be a one-shot exam. I wish all the book lovers who participated in the one-shot exam can pass it. If it passes, it will be good to reward Pujiehou with a golden alliance...

(End of this chapter)

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