Become a god-level female star

Chapter 164 Change 220: Website Plan

Chapter 164 Change 220: Website Plan
Now that Bu Geng said so, Li Qingwan really had no reason to refuse, so she readily agreed.

As for postage, that's just a joke, it doesn't exist.

"By the way, Ugly God, how is the performance of Piao Miao Journey? How many copies have been sold? Have you sold [-] copies?" Bu Geng asked.

"Are you too skeptical about Chouda's ability?" Shuiyue Tianya came out at this time.

"I'm ugly, I've sold at least 3." Shuiyue Tianya asked.

"I guess there may be 5 copies." Long Yin also came out.

"How could 55000 copies be too many? It's only been one morning." Bu Geng said in disbelief.

"Yes, yes, 5 copies is too exaggerated." Shuiyue Tianya also agreed.

"I'm just guessing, but I believe it will definitely not be less than 5." Long Yin replied: "And I don't know the specific data, you should ask the ugly god," Long Yin said.

"Gone with the Wind has printed a total of 10 copies, and it has been out of stock by now, or it has been out of stock for a long time." Li Qingwan replied.

"I'll go, that is to say, in less than one morning, Piao Miao's journey sold a full 10 copies??"

Bu Geng asked with his eyes wide open, his face full of horror.

"That's right, 10 copies were sold." Li Qingwan was also very proud when she said this.

After all, it can sell 10 copies, which is also a very good achievement for the current online literature.

Although for Li Qingwan herself, there are still some unsatisfactory results, but this kind of achievement can already seduce some Internet authors.

However, Li Qingwan did not plan to tell all the authors about the original website plan.

Instead, I found a group of well-known people to sit down and set up a discussion group to discuss this matter with them.

"Ugly, what do you want from us???" After Li Qingwan pulled them into the discussion group, Bu Geng couldn't wait to speak.

"I plan to build a website dedicated to publishing online novels. At that time, the website will give some benefits to the users, so that the authors can get part of the money even if they go to the street." Li Qingwan said.

"Ugly God, what do you want to do? Tell me and listen, if possible, I will definitely go there." Long Yin spoke at this time.

"That's right, the manuscript fee is really important to us people. We don't have any manuscript fee at all now, we can only rely on it! It's convenient for people to advertise for a living."

Shuiyue Tianya also said a little depressed.

"However, this method of advertising can only be used by some of the top Internet authors, and the authors of other unknown novels really don't have a penny of income."

"Some of us who are relatively famous can still get 10,000+ advertising fees a year, but those newcomers who are not famous are really suffering and it is too difficult, so if building a website can help them, it is also possible. Good development, online literature." Long Yin said.

"Am I in a specific situation? I can tell you, but it's too specific. I can't disclose it."

Li Qingwan said: "After such a novel website is opened, I will open the author's application authority, and everyone can apply to become an author."

"When the author publishes on my novel website, there will be a special editor to review, and those who pass the review will sign the contract."

"The author of the novel after signing the contract is the contracted author of this website. The biggest difference between the contracted author and the unsigned author is that the contracted author can enjoy some promotional resources of the website."

"Zhang Yiyi's novel, after reaching a certain level, we will put it on the shelf. The meaning of the shelf is that you have to check out in the future, and you will be charged. At present, the standard I set is five cents for 1000 words, five cents, half of the work , half of the site."

Li Qingwan said.

When it comes to this, all the authors are a little excited.

"However, if this is the case, a lot of readers need to subscribe. Otherwise, the author will still not have a dime." Long Yin is a relatively rational person. Even if he is more excited, he still does not forget to analyze.

"Of course, the amount of manuscript fees an author can get depends entirely on the number of subscriptions and updates she has paid for herself." Li Qingwan said.

"But for encouragement! The author's originality fulfills the dreams of the authors, so I decided that the novels after they are put on the shelves will enjoy the treatment of perfect attendance award."

"That is, 4000 words are updated every natural day. If you update continuously for one month, you will get a 600 yuan attendance bonus in the next month." Li Qingwan said: "Although 600 yuan is not much, it is still a little bit for newcomers. Support it."

"Fifty-five percent for subscription, isn't it a bit high?" Bu Geng said at this time.

After all, no matter how much you sell, you have to hand over half of it to regulate the website, which is indeed a bit powerful.

"Actually, this is already very low. After all, the website has to recommend resources for you to help you promote, and also give you editorial guidance. The most important thing is that the website has to spend a considerable part of the money to support those who are on the street. The author." Li Qingwan explained.

"I estimate that when it goes on the shelves, there will be a lot of people who will not pay 600 yuan for subscription. The full attendance money of this kind of author's website will be lost in it."

Li Qingwan also said with some helplessness.

"So for the development of the website, the [-]-[-] split is already the lowest. And there will be various benefits at that time. Well, anyway, your manuscript fee will definitely come faster than just advertising now, And there will be many more." Li Qingwan said very seductively.

"After all, the reason why I said the website is not to make money. It is to help more online novel authors. For the better development of the things we like."

"Okay, Ugly God actually has your words. When your website is ready, I will definitely go there." Bu Geng was the first to express his opinion.

"By the way, don't you think this is a bit taken for granted?" At this time, an author named LiaoLiuLiuDream said, "Will readers really pay to read the book after it hits the shelves?"

"If no author is willing to pay, isn't the website a failure???" Liao Liao Sheng Meng said.

"No, there will definitely be readers who are willing to pay. Take a look, the publication of Piao Miao Journey is the most effective evidence." Li Qingwan said very seriously.

"But Misty Journey is a physical publication!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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