Become a god-level female star

Chapter 183 Change 240: Fighting Break

Chapter 183 Change 240: Fighting Break
Time passed quickly, and Long Yin finally did not escape the big cake painted by Li Qingwan, and chose to work at Huaxia Novel Network.

Became the deputy editor-in-chief of Huaxia, and Li Qingwan bought more than 3 completed, unfinished, and even some unfinished novels by eunuchs on the online literature forum in order to start the war on Huaxia

These novels were used by Li Qingwan to fill the library.

For a novel website, the library is the most important, especially a new novel website, otherwise when you open the website, readers will find that there are only dozens of books on a website, that kind of embarrassing situation , for fiction sites.It is very deadly.

"Huaxia Fiction Network is going to war today. If you register as a member of Huaxia Fiction Network and recharge more than 100 dragon yuan, you will get a free order at random. The maximum free order is 99%!!"

This is an advertisement from Huaxia, although users don't know what is the use of recharging on Huaxia

However, there are still a small number of local tyrants who have recharged, because for them.

This amount of money is nothing, and since Huaxia wants to recharge, then the recharge money must be useful.

The website of Huaxia Novel Network is very simple, clean and tidy.

Absolutely no such messy advertisements on the page of Dianniang in the previous life.

After entering Huaxia, there are two sub-sites, one is Huaxia and the other is Huayue

Huaxia is specifically aimed at boys' novels, while Huayue is about girls' romances.

Zhang Mo is a fan of novels. When he was in junior high school, he used to study well, but after reading online novels, he became addicted and couldn't extricate himself.

In the end, I just went to an ordinary high school, and the university is just a junior college.

When it comes to online novels, Zhang Mo also loves and hates them. What he loves is that he really likes the stories in it very much?
Unfortunately, Zhang Mo felt that his life was completely disrupted by online novels.

Since I fell in love with online novels, I have become a special nerd, and I don't like dealing with others anymore.

Because Zhang Mo felt that instead of talking nonsense with others, it would be more enjoyable to hide in his room and read two novels.

Therefore, Zhang Mo has always been a fan of novels.

Now, Zhang Mo heard in the online literature forum that a website about online novels had been established, so Zhang Mo came here without even thinking about it.

When I opened the website of Huaxia, the first thing I saw was the logo on the website, a golden dragon coiled together.

The word Huaxia is written on it.

"I don't know, what's the difference between this website and the online forum." Zhang Mo hesitated.

It is not allowed to use other external accounts to log in to the account of Huaxia Novels. You can only create a passport yourself. In fact, both Huaxia Novels and Global TV are separate accounts, and you cannot log in with tt.

This point has caused many people to criticize it, but Li Qingwan still goes her own way, insisting on using Yanhuang Technology's account.

The account of Yanhuang Technology can be logged in on Huaxia Novel Network, or on Global TV.

This point is convenient. Many global tv netizens, after all, many people who watch the live broadcast read novels.

Zhang Mo is undoubtedly the kind who doesn't watch the live broadcast. He directly applied for an account on Huaxia, and then logged in.

After entering Huaxia, Zhang Mo casually picked up a nickname, and then started looking for novels.

As soon as he entered, Zhang Mo discovered the difference between Huaxia Novel Network and the Internet Literature Forum.

The online forums are full of advertisements, which looks very messy, but Huaxia is very clean.

Although there are some pictures in Huaxia, if you look carefully, you can see that those are not advertisements at all.

Rather, a book cover.

In particular, when Huaxia entered, there were five gigantic novel covers that were posted in turn.

It was particularly conspicuous. Out of curiosity, Zhang Mo clicked into a novel.

"Fights Break the Sphere" is the name of the novel that Zhang Mo clicked into.

After clicking in, it is a separate book page. Under the page, there are click to read, recommend tickets, add to the bookshelf, reward the author and monthly tickets, but the monthly tickets are gray and cannot be voted for.

First read the introduction, the introduction is very interesting.

This is the world of Dou Qi, there is no fancy magic, some, just the Dou Qi that has multiplied to the peak!
Do you want to know what is the state of fighting spirit in other worlds after it reaches its peak?
Well, yes, the profile of Li Qingwan has not been changed, and the profile of Tudou has been used directly.

"What is grudge!!" Zhang Mo hesitated for a moment, then clicked on "Fights Break the Sphere" without hesitation.

Because, Zhang Mo saw that the author behind "Fights Break the Sphere" was signed by Mo Chou.

Mo Chou, maybe a month ago, Zhang Mo didn't know who he was, but now in online literature, no matter whether it is a reader or an author, I am afraid that no one does not know who Mo Chou is.

Because "Gone with the Wind" has set off a storm on the Internet, if you, as a person who reads online novels, have never read "Gone with the Wind", then you simply cannot integrate into all the book lover groups.

Because the influence of "Gone with the Wind" is really terrifying, and now the world of online literature.Except for a very few masters, other online novel authors have started to study "Gone with the Wind".

Because what "Gone with the Wind" brings to online literature is a reform, which makes the online novels that were originally dominated by fantasy begin to continuously transform into a system of comprehension.

"Mo Chou's novel should be good, right?"

Zhang Mo clicked on "Fights Break the Sphere".

After clicking in to read Chapter 1, Zhang Mo opened his eyes wide.

"It's really amazing!!" Zhang Mo was stunned when he saw that Xiao Yan was a time traveler.

Compared with the shameless earth with many time travel dramas, the Huaxia Empire is very pure, and they don't know what time travel is at all.

So when Li Qingwan proposed the element of traversal, it immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the entire Internet literature circle.

Some smarter online authors have already started preparing new books,

ps: There are still four days left in this month, and it will be after May.There will be fewer updates for Street Chou, and one update per day may become unstable, and it may even be interrupted.

(End of this chapter)

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