Chapter 190

There are more than 1000 collections, so after the settlement, the number of subscribers must be at least 3000 to [-]. If this is the case, the monthly manuscript fee will be several thousand.

"So, newcomers, if you really want to succeed, then you should work harder. God rewards you. As long as you work hard, you will succeed."

The online author said: "Just like me, I worked hard for a year or two on the online forum, and the manuscript fee was only tens of thousands of yuan, but on Huaxia, this month's reward, my manuscript fee, There are thousands of dollars."

"However, although there is a lot of money, it feels like a bit of a trap. After all, Huaxia Novel Network will deduct half of the money."

An online novel author said with some wailing.

"Please, other people's websites also want to make money, okay?"

Said a writer of novels who knows how to do things after all.

"Look, whether it's a subscription or a reward, Huaxia charges a 50.00% commission, which is indeed a bit much, but don't forget, why do you have so many people watching you?" book!?"

"Yes, because of the recommendation. Do you know how much a website like Huaxia costs if it advertises to others?"

"The location of the homepage is almost 1 yuan a day."

"That is to say, the recommendations given to you by Huaxia Novel Network are all real money."

"Also, where does the traffic of Huaxia come from? It must have been paid for advertising."

"This is part of the financial expenditure. Also, don't forget, Huaxia once said that full attendance money, that is to say, for those novel authors who subscribe to less than 600 yuan, for Huaxia, It’s just losing money.”

"Besides, there are a lot of these people, so Huaxia Novel Network needs to spend a lot of money to support them, and these people are going to waste."

This is said by an author who is more familiar with online literature. He is more familiar with the current working mode of Huaxia Novels. In fact, the website was indeed like this at the beginning.

The subscription money of the novel author cannot exceed the full attendance money, and for the website, it is losing money.

However, it will be different when all the websites are developed. At that time, no matter whether your novel is signed or not, it will be able to bring profits to

Although there are some losses in doing this now, Li Qingwan is also doing this to tie up the authors in advance so that these authors can publish their novels on their Huaxia Novel Network.

In this way, they will take root in Huaxia Novel Network, because all their fans are in Huaxia Novel Network.

If, if you change the station hastily, then you have to think about whether you can accept the loss of the number of fans later.

Because, you can't guarantee that all fans will go to other websites with you.

Maybe there will be fans who will follow you to other websites, but such people are extremely rare after all.

Therefore, if calculated in this way, Li Qingwan would not suffer a lot.

"Okay, but no matter what you say, I feel that it's so difficult to recommend!!!" said the newcomer author.

"Well, it is indeed difficult." One author said: "However, don't worry, everyone will have some recommendations for testing the waters."

ps: The previous chapters are all in the official account "starting point link", and the current one is just written.

Because of personal photos, the writing is very slow, I hope you don't mind.

ps: Are you surprised or surprised? ? ? ?The college entrance examination, the college entrance examination, is there any encouragement for the ugly

(End of this chapter)

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