Become a god-level female star

I will try Chapter 194, if this book can be updated, if it can be updated, it will be updated in a f

I will try Chapter 194, if this book can be updated, if it can be updated, it will be updated in a few days.

Yes, Li Qingwan is back.

Li Qingwan, who once made thousands of people empty their streets and watched the online live broadcast with more than tens of millions of people watching at the same time, is back.

"I don't know, how many people will still remember me after I come back this time?"

Li Qingwan felt a little emotional.

The reason why a star is a star is because the star has always been within the exposure of the people, and people have always been able to see them.

For a star, the most important thing is to have exposure.

Yes, for a star, the most important thing is exposure.

The rest is the work.

A person who has good works and a lot of exposure is a star.

Like Li Qingwan before, before retreating, even though she was only a network female anchor, her fans were no less than those of normal stars.

Even, there may be many more than them.

However, five years have passed.

A female anchor five years ago, how many people can be in a hurry?
"Qingwan, what are you going to do when you come back?" Toer Odinson asked, "Do you still want to be an anchor?"

"Of course not." Li Qingwan shook her head and said, "In the market now, my Global TV is also the hottest one. I don't need to compete with my anchors for food."

Li Qiangwan shook his head and refused, Thor Odinson said in his thoughts. ,

"Okay, so what are you going to do?"

"I've written a book, and I plan to publish it."

Li Qiang said.

"Oh?" Hearing that Li Qiangwan had written a book, the people in the group immediately became interested and asked Li Qingwan to take out the book for them to read.

"Is it a novel similar to "Fights Break the Sphere"?" A reader asked: "Qing Wan, your novel "Fights Break the Sphere" still holds many record holders on Huaxia Novel Network."

"No." Li Qingwan shook her head and said, "This book is not an online article, but a literature book."

Li Qingwan said that there is some pride here: "This is a real literary book that combines history, society, industry, medicine, etc., and all aspects are involved."

"Um, a literature book?" When they heard that it was a literature book, many people immediately stopped reading it.

"Yes, this is a literature book!!" Li Qingwan said, "I describe another world in this book.

, a complete history of the development of the world. "

"Moreover, the world I described is absolutely true, and there is no problem at all."

"There will be no bugs. This is the work I am most satisfied with so far." Li Qingwan said.

"Wrote the history of the development of a world???" Some people said in disbelief: "Qingwan, let's stop making trouble, the history of the development of a world is really too scary."

"I didn't make a fuss, it's indeed the history of the development of a world." Li Qingwan said: "You will be able to see it when I publish the book. This is a real world."

When Li Qingwan said this, her voice was a little fanatical,
"Okay, anyway, I hope everyone can support me. My new book "My Second World" will be released on the first of next month. I believe that you will not be disappointed." Li Qingwan said confidently. Said.

"Because this is indeed a real world."

Yes, this is indeed a real world.

Because this world is the earth! !

(End of this chapter)

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