Chapter 28
Knowing that he can't run anymore, the female gun doesn't flash anymore, after all, he still has the blind monk's Q skill on him.

So the female gun simply stopped and released her E skill, slowing down everyone.

Let his teammates escape, but at the same time, the head of the female gun was also taken away by Delevingne with an axe.

"Delevingne went home to get some equipment, and I'll help the blind man fight in the wild." Li Qingwan said to Delevingne.

Delevingne's first blood cost 400 yuan, plus his own passive, and then sold a bottle of blood, scraping together 450 yuan to produce an extraction.

When Delevingne came to the line, the pawn line had just touched, and Delevingne, who was urged by Dolanga, simply didn't want to be too strong.

"Damn it, I feel like I'm going to collapse." Han Bing on the opposite side said sadly when he saw Draven hit him with an ax and lost a large amount of blood.

"Take your time, I just checked the record of the opposite Draven, and this Draven is at an average level." Female Gun comforted.

"Damn it, I'm not afraid of that Draven, I'm afraid of his support." Han Bing said miserably.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a Thresh, we are wretched among the soldiers, are you afraid that he can hook you?"

"That's the only way to go. We'll be wretched in the bottom lane, you guys carry." Han Bing said to his teammates.

"Don't worry, as soon as our advantage is established, we will help you." Said the top laner.

"That's right, we have to restrain the opposing hero in both the top lane and the middle lane." Grasshopper said the same.

"Well, it's up to you." Han Bing felt relieved when he heard his top laner and mid laner say this.

At this time, Li Qingwan's side has already reached two levels, and the opposite side is only level one due to lack of experience.

So Li Qingwan pushed them out of the experience zone very bluntly.

Let the opponent on the opposite side get no experience at all, and can only stay in the tower and watch Delevingne keep replenishing troops.

"This won't work." Han Bing watched as Draven controlled the line of soldiers and prevented the soldiers from coming over.Some said anxiously.

"It's okay, he can't control the line forever." Female gun said while dancing.

"Blind man, when we come over from the third level, remember to punish." Li Qingwan said to the blind man.

"Yeah." The blind man had already reached level three at this time, and then began to farm like the lower jungle.

Soon, Li Qingwan and Delevingne were both at the third level, and the pawn line also entered the tower, and Han Bing carefully mended the tower pawns.

At this time, the blind man had already touched the grass on the other side's path. Li Qingwan looked at Han Bing and the female gun on the opposite side, and clicked on the bloody soldier in front of Han Bing on the opposite side.

Then a hook is thrown.

"Huh? What is this Thresh doing?" Seeing Thresh hooking himself with a hook, Han Bing subconsciously wanted to dodge, but looked at the little soldier in front of him with little blood, and hesitated a little.

Although this little soldier has residual blood, but?There was still nearly half of the blood volume, but at this moment, an orange light suddenly fell from the sky, killing the bloodless soldier at once.

The expression of Han Bing, the female gun girl, suddenly changed: "The blind man is here, they are going to jump over the tower!!!"

But it was obviously too late at this time, Thresh's green hook, which symbolized death, caught the ice all of a sudden.

"Cross the tower!!!" Li Qingwan gave an order, and the blind man and Draven's skills hit Han Bing like no money.

Han Bing itself is a very fragile hero, and Draven and the blind man are both level suppressed, so hitting Han Bing's body is particularly painful.

In a second, half of Han Bing's health was gone, and at the same time, Li Qingwan's Thresh was also attacked by the defense tower for the first time.

Han Bing wanted to run, but was hooked by Li Qingwan's Thresh, and couldn't run at all. Li Qingwan flew over, a pendulum clock of doom, and set up the Han Bing shooter.

Draven hit three axes in total, and the blind monk also had a set of skills. He was kicked to death by the blind monk before he could directly heal and flash. .

"Crack!" Li Qingwan flashed out of the hatred range of the defense tower, and she had less than a hundred drops of blood left.

After the blind monk killed Han Bing, he didn't run away immediately, but touched the female gun's side, shot an E, slowed down, and leveled A.

The blind monk resisted the tower, Draven output, the female gun had no choice, the E skill slowed down, dealt a wave of damage, and then the Q skill hit two birds with one stone, hitting the blind monk.

Adding the damage from the defense tower, the blind monk lost all of his health, and the female gun only had a small amount of health.

"Blind monk, you're dead." Nv Qiang's eyes lit up, knowing that her chance had come. For Nv Qiang, her blood volume would definitely not be able to support Draven's two axes.

Therefore, the female gun can only be exchanged with the blind monk, but the blind monk also sees the attempt of the female gun and starts to escape.

One flashed out of the defense tower, but was still hit by the attack of the defense tower.

As a result, the blind monk only had 52 drops of blood left.

"Fight." Female gun gritted her teeth and gave herself a cure, but Draven's two axes did not kill female gun.

Then the female gun followed the blind monk with a flash.

Just as he was about to level A, A killed the blind monk, suddenly the blind monk disappeared in front of his eyes, and was pulled behind the wall by a green lantern.

"Fuck, it's over." Seeing the blind man being dragged away by Li Qingwan's Thresh, Nu Qiang knew that she was over.

Sure enough, Delevingne had already rushed over with a bloody sprint at this time, and the female gun quickly slowed down and wanted to run, but a green hook stretched out from the wall.

With a sound of "Crack!!!", the female gun was hooked, and then Draven stabbed once, twice, and the female gun was killed instantly.


While returning to the city, the blind man praised Li Qingwan and said, "This hook is too slippery..."

"Anchor, 666." In Li Qingwan's live broadcast room, netizens praised him.

"Hee hee, it's just a Thresh." Li Qingwan said with a serious face: "The anchor is a talented and beautiful girl, and she can play any hero. Someday I will show you the anchor using a robot to fight wild."

Li Qingwan said coquettishly.

"Pfft, robot jungler, anchor, you really dare to think about anything." Netizens in Li Qingwan's live broadcast room burst out laughing.

What can robots do?Do you have GANK ability?When the hook is empty, is the robot going to beat people?

Of course, this is not impossible, but the problem is that if the robot is in the jungle, the efficiency of clearing the jungle is too slow, and it can only catch people to gain money.

"Well, you wait until the anchor has a chance to show you the robot jungler." Li Qingwan said nervously, "Don't doubt that the anchor's robot jungler is very powerful..."

ps: Thank you book friends for their childhood nostalgia and cute cat cats for their 500 starting point rewards.

ps: In addition, there is a problem with the account of the author who is ugly on the street, and he cannot manage the book review area. Those who are willing to be sub-moderators can sign up in the book review area. . .

(End of this chapter)

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