Chapter 4 Surrender
"Come here, all of you, I feel that the people on the other side are coming to join us." Li Qingwan saw that there were no people going up and down.

Then he said to his teammates.

Sure enough, just like what Li Qingwan said, after Li Qingwan's teammates gathered their equipment, the five people on the opposite side had already arrived.

However, to be reasonable, the regiment is actually useless at this time.

Li Qingwan's Jie's current equipment can no longer be described as strong, it should be said that it directly crushes the opponent.

Don't you see, there is only one big piece of equipment on the opposite side with the best equipment.

Even the blind jungler on the opposite side just got out, and the AD on the opposite side only has a storm sword, an attack speed shoe, and a crit cloak.

"This game is more difficult to play." Ha Zhi frowned and said.

As a master, Haha Zhishou's ability to develop is quite strong, and now he actually has a ghost book addition to wear shoes.

It is one of the best equipped among them.

"Stone, start the team first. Whether you can win or not depends on your ultimate move." Hazhi said to his stone man.

Although it is a little impossible to make the stone man a catastrophe, don't forget that the opposite side is all bronze except for the catastrophe.

So if the stone man is lucky, he can be four older. In that case, with the female gun on his side and the big move of the blind man, he can definitely make the other side drink a pot.

"Damn, the people on the opposite side don't stand together at all." The stone man was a little depressed, and now the soldiers were all under his own tower, and he was a little uncomfortable being consumed by the little yellow hair on the opposite side.

Suddenly, the female gun made some mistakes in positioning, and then the heaven on Li Qingwan's side spared whoever was the Bull Head Chief, and directly rushed into the opposite defensive tower with WQ Second Company.

The moment they saw the bull's head flying in, everyone on Li Qingwan's side moved and began to rush forward.Prepare to cross the tower dry wave.

But who knew that Niutou didn't smash the female gun at all, but pushed the female gun to the back of the opposite camp.

"Boom!" The stone man on the opposite side was not an idiot either, he directly slammed into it with a big move, and the female gun started to "hahahaha!!" and shot her own big move.

"This is going to explode. Li Qingwan touched her forehead."

The stone man on the opposite side hit three people, only the widow and herself were not hit.

"Go to hell." The widow cast a big move on the opposite group of people and began to act as a tank.

"Female gun?" Li Qingwan looked at the opposite female gun who was "spraying flames from the muzzle", opened Youmeng, and ran over. WEQA didn't even use the big move to ignite, and the female gun died directly under Li Qingwan's hands.

"Nimma's. What kind of damage is this?" Hazhi saw that his AD was knocked out, and shouted there.

Then there was no more, because Jie had already used the big move on his own head, and Yao Ji died under Li Qingwan's hands before she could escape a few meters?


On the other side, the widow was also dead, and the stone man was also beaten to death by his teammates.

Four people beat two people, the result is already obvious, hahazhi has already lost.

Therefore, Hahazhi didn't hesitate, and saw that the time had come to 10 minutes, so Hahazhi directly clicked to surrender.

"Oh, I'll go, this anchor is really a bit strong." Haha Zhi said: "But it doesn't matter, although strong, but I can hug my thigh."

While talking, Haha Zhi clicked on a friend request, applying to add Li Qingwan as a friend.

"Huh?" Li Qingwan looked at the friend application list, and almost all of them applied to add Li Qingwan as a friend.

"I'm going, anchor, Haha Zhi applied to be a friend." A water friend said in the live broadcast room.

"Oh." Li Qingwan nodded, then thought for a while and agreed to Hahazhi's request?

"The catastrophe of the beauty anchor is really 666."

"I'll go, I thought the anchor would lose in the last wave."

"Yeah, that bull's head is really bad."

"That's right, whoever said that I won before the broadcast started?"

"Where's the person?" Li Qingwan blinked her big watery eyes and asked.

"I've already taken screenshots." Li Qingwan said as he produced a picture.

"If the anchor wins, I will broadcast the third-speed electric fan on the live broadcast." Thor Odinson.

"If the anchor wins, I will live broadcast the fifth electric fan." A proud dragon.

"If the anchor wins, I will broadcast the meat grinder live." You don't know me.

"Holy shit, daily meat grinder. This brother has an idea."

"So what, does the electric fan have five speeds?" A water friend asked.

"Damn, you can't stand it even in third gear, okay?"

"Huh, where's the person?" Li Qingwan had a wicked smile on her lips, she didn't believe in brother's skills, she deserved to be tricked.

"Thor Odinson gave host Yiyoyo a Rocket, and opened the treasure chest of love..."

Love is similar to the fish balls of Douyu TV on Earth in the previous life.

After the treasure chest was opened, a large wave of people came to Li Qingwan's room to grab love.

"Well, it's my apology to give the anchor a rocket." Thor Odinson said to Li Qingwan.

"Wow, there are local tyrants."


"Local tyrant, 666."

"Local Tyrant, 666"

"A tsundere dragon gave host Yiyouyou a rocket and opened the treasure chest of love..."

"I also apologize." A proud dragon also spoke at this time.

"Well, I don't have that much money, so I'll give the anchor some lollipops." You didn't know me and came out at this time.

Then he gave Li Qingwan two or three hundred lollipops.In an instant, the screen was filled with lollipops and hearts, flying randomly in Li Qingwan's live broadcast room.

"Ha, you guys are so rich." Li Qingwan opened her mouth wide, and then said, "I was just joking, you don't have to be so rude, right?"

Although Li Qingwan didn't know how much these gifts cost.But looking at the comments on the public screen, it can also be seen that they are not cheap.

"It's okay, this is all voluntary." Thor Odinson said.

"As a man, I have to be responsible for what I say, but I don't want to use a fifth-speed electric fan." A proud dragon sent a tearful emoji.

"Watching the live broadcast is just for laughing and giving gifts when you are happy." You don't know me and said to Li Qingwan.

"Okay, then thank you all." Li Qingwan thought for a while, since these people are willing to spend money to play TV, they must be people who are not short of money. Just a drop in the bucket?

"Okay, let's continue?" Li Qingwan said to all the water friends.

ps: Please collect and recommend. . .It seems that there is no way to give a reward before the contract is reached. Well, even if you can give a reward, Chou can't figure out who will give a reward to Chou.

In addition, because Qidian is integrated with the creator account, Chou's account cannot be replied on Qidian. Someone asked Chou a question yesterday, so Chou will answer it here.

This book is a new pit, updated every day, if there is a fee, if you sign a contract at the starting point, you will be charged, right?

(End of this chapter)

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