Become a god-level female star

Chapter 77 Zhao Cunliang's Thoughts

Chapter 77 Zhao Cunliang's Thoughts (Part [-])

Li Qingwan stopped broadcasting, which means that other anchors can greatly increase the traffic. The more people watching, the more their salaries.

Li Qingwan stopped broadcasting, and the biggest reaction was not Li Qingwan's fans, but the official staff who knew how to play TV.

Knowing how to play in the TV headquarters, Zhao Cunliang was standing in the manager's office. Zhao Cunliang's female assistant appeared behind a middle-aged man with a proud face.

"Director Zhao, please explain why Yiyouyou's live broadcast was stopped?" The middle-aged man said angrily.

"Yiyouyou, it should be very clear, she is going to take the college entrance examination." Zhao Cunliang glanced at the manager, and then said casually.

"College entrance exam? College entrance examination!!" The middle-aged manager patted the table and said, "You believe this kind of nonsense!!"

"She now has a monthly salary of millions. What is she still doing for the college entrance examination? Or, what is she going to take for the exam, and she needs to be stopped!?"

"Yiyouyou, I'm going to take the Imperial Academy exam!!" Zhao Cunliang looked up at the manager, and said, "If you can hope to be admitted to the Imperial Academy, should you continue the live broadcast? Or go to the Imperial Academy?"

"Me!!" The manager hesitated for a while. A monthly salary of more than 100 million sounds a lot, but compared with Taixue, it is really nothing.

As the highest institution in the country, or even the highest institution in the world, Taixue is a supreme honor.

Moreover, in Taixue, the contacts you get to know are not comparable to mere money.

"No, no matter what, you have to let Yiyouyo come back to continue the live broadcast. Do you know that once Yiyouyou ends the live broadcast, we will play TV, how much money will we lose every day?"

"What can I do!" Hearing what the middle-aged manager said, Zhao Cunliang was also annoyed, and said, "Yiyouyou, what you signed is a free treaty, and you only enjoy the gift share of the live broadcast. There is no basic salary and no resource tilt. There is no way to get her to come back and continue the live broadcast?"

"Freedom treaty!! Why don't you sign her an A-level treaty!!" Hearing what Zhao Cunliang said, the manager became even more angry?
"You can ask your little lover about this matter!" Zhao Cunliang pointed to the female assistant behind the middle-aged manager and said, "When I want to sign the A-level contract, it's your little lover who won't let me sign it." Yes, say that Yiyoyo is not worth 5000 yuan a month."

"Although I wanted to re-sign the contract later, Yiyouyou didn't change it at all." Zhao Cunliang said helplessly: "Oh, by the way, your little lover also said that if there is any problem, she will bear it all by herself!!"

"Manager, listen to me?" Behind the middle-aged manager, the female assistant who was gloating at Zhao Cunliang's misfortune, heard Zhao Cunliang's words, and her rosy face suddenly turned pale.

"If I take it all, can I afford it!?" The female assistant only knew that after Li Qingwan stopped broadcasting, the company lost more money every day than her annual salary.

How can I afford it myself! !
"Okay, stop talking, you don't need to come this afternoon." The middle-aged manager looked at the female assistant and said lightly?
"What, you actually want to fire me!!" Hearing the middle-aged manager say this, the female assistant was furious: "You ruthless guy who pulls birds,"

"Manager, if it's okay, I'll go out first, you take care of your "household affairs", and when talking about family affairs," Zhao Cunliang deliberately bit hard.

"Let's go out?" The middle-aged manager ignored Zhao Cunliang's ridicule, but let Zhao Cunliang go out directly.

Returning to his office, Zhao Cunliang took out a cigarette, but after thinking about it, he still didn't light it.

Now Zhao Cunliang has no confidence in being able to play TV, and Zhao Cunliang feels that the whole company is a little abnormal because of being able to play TV.

Deliberately suppress new anchors, and some people even use the company's resources to make some new anchors popular.

As for how she became popular and why she was popular, Zhao Cunliang didn't want to talk about the inside story, and it didn't make any sense to say it, after all, everyone knew it well.

"Sooner or later you will finish playing TV?" Zhao Cunliang's eyes sparkled with something called ambition.

Now that you know how to play TV, you will finish it sooner or later, and there are no other powerful live broadcast platforms on the market, why don't you make one yourself!

The difficulty of making a live broadcast platform is not too difficult, and as a director who knows how to play TV, Zhao Cunliang is very confident that he can build a live broadcast platform comparable to who can play TV.

However, there are two problems now. The first problem is how to attract a large number of viewers. The second problem is, if you really want to make a large live broadcast platform, do you still need capital?
This cost is at least more than 1000 million, but it is a pity that Zhao Cunliang does not have so much money.

No money, no exposure, even if a live broadcast platform is created, it is useless.

"What should I do?" Zhao Cunliang took out a pack of chewing gum from his pocket, opened it and put it in his mouth.

I don't know any rich people, so I can attract investment, and I don't know any celebrities, so I can increase the exposure rate of my platform.

The most interesting person I know is probably Yiyouyou. I don't know why, at this moment, Zhao Cunliang thought of Li Qingwan, who was signed by him.

"Yiyoyo!!!" Zhao Cunliang stopped chewing, and an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

What if, what if I pull Yiyouyo into my live broadcast platform? ?

Yiyouyo is rich and famous?

With Yiyouyou's support, I can definitely open a live broadcast platform that is comparable to playing TV.

No, it can even be said to be a more popular platform than playing TV.

After all, people who watch the live broadcast recognize the person but not the platform, and fans follow the host, not the platform.

After all, the live broadcast platform itself has nothing to retain viewers. For viewers, switching to another platform is nothing more than replacing the software in their mobile phones with another software.

"But, in this case, I will become a part-time worker again?" Zhao Cunliang did some calculations, and found that if he found Yi Youyou, he would just be working in another place.

"No, no, I can get a lot of shares." Zhao Cunliang thought for a while, if he really wants to ask Li Qingwan to make a live broadcast platform, then as the founder of this platform, he can definitely get this platform. less shares.

With shares, I am much better than the dead salary of 2 yuan a month for playing TV.

(End of this chapter)

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