Chapter 82
Li Qingwan specifically asked the system about whether the memory potion was useful when mixed into the drink.

The answer given by the system is that as long as the exchange ratio does not exceed 10:1, then the medicinal power of the memory potion is effective.

Such a bottle of memory potion can be mixed with three or four bottles of Coca-Cola, and it is completely effective for four exams.

The only tricky thing is that because of the blending, if you want to make full use of the memory potion, you have to drink almost half a bottle to be effective.

After explaining to Qin Weiwei in detail, Li Qingwan also entered her examination room.

When entering the examination room, the Coca-Cola label that Li Qingwan was carrying was torn off by the invigilator. It can only be said that she is strict and selfish.

There are only [-] seats in the entire examination room, and the tables are pulled far away, which almost completely eliminates the possibility of plagiarism.

Li Qingwan's seat number is No. 5, which is next to the wall and the middle back seat, which is very good.

The invigilating teachers are a male teacher and a female teacher. The male teacher looks to be in his 40s. He is dressed in a blue gown and looks very refined.

The female teacher, wearing a long red dress, has a good figure and good looks, and she can be regarded as a seven-point beauty.

One after another, everyone in the examination room came together. After the whistle was blown, the teacher began to distribute the answer sheets.

Then the test paper, and finally began to answer the questions.

For Li Qingwan, Mandarin is not a rare thing, and what caused Li Qingwan the most headache was the final composition.

This time, the theme of the composition is ordinary people and ordinary things. When they have their own mission and meaning, they will become extraordinary.


Looking at the composition topic, Li Qingwan expressed that she really had a headache. In fact, Li Qingwan was most afraid of composition among all the subjects.

Because, Li Qingwan read a lot of novels in her previous life, and when she wrote her composition, it was like an old lady's foot wrap that was smelly and long.

"What should I write?" If it was an ordinary exam, Li Qingwan might just write casually and get away with it.

But it's different now, this is the college entrance examination!

Therefore, Li Qingwan didn't intend to muddle through, but rushed over with her strength.

However, here comes the problem, if Li Qingwan was asked to write it herself, Li Qingwan definitely does not have the strength.

So, Li Qingwan picked up the Coca-Cola that had been mixed with memory potion on the table, and ruthlessly downed half of the bottle.

The effect of the memory potion is still very powerful. After drinking it, Li Qingwan felt that her brain was clear, and the things she had forgotten before appeared in Li Qingwan's mind one by one.

"Huh!!" Li Qingwan let out a breath, and a gleam of light appeared in her eyes. Through the memories just now, Li Qingwan had already found a suitable article.

Therefore, Li Qingwan wrote:

Poplar trees are really extraordinary, I praise poplar trees!
The car is running on the endless plateau, and what you see is a big yellow and green felt.The yellow is the soil, the uncultivated wasteland, the shell of the Loess Plateau that was successfully accumulated by great natural forces hundreds of thousands of years ago; the green is the result of human labor overcoming nature, the wheat field.Gentle wind blows, turning rounds of green waves - at this time, you will really admire the two characters "wheat waves" created by the ancients. If you don't get it by chance, it is indeed the essence of the language that has been tempered.Yellow and green dominate, boundless, magnanimous, if it is not for the reminder of the distant mountain peaks standing side by side (you can judge these peaks with your naked eyes, you will know that they are under your feet), you will Forget that the car is driving on a plateau.At this time, your feelings may be "majestic", maybe "great", and other adjectives; but at the same time, your eyes may feel a little tired, you close your eyes to the current "magnificent" or "great", and the other A kind of taste has secretly grown in your heart-"monotonous".Isn't it?Monotonous, a little?

Yes, what Li Qingwan wrote was Praise of Baiyang. Presumably everyone who went to elementary school in China should know this article about Praise of Baiyang.

Praise of Poplar is a famous prose written by Mao Dun, a modern Chinese writer.Written in March 1941, it uses symbolic techniques and praises poplar trees to praise the peasants in the north who are persevering in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the simple, strong, and progressive spirit of our nation they represent.This article has been included in the Chinese textbook of the second volume of the eighth grade of Jiangsu Education Edition as the second lesson.

Ordinary poplars in the Gobi Desert are no longer ordinary.

After writing down an essay, Li Qingwan was finally relieved, no matter what, this essay should be fine, right?

Even if you can't get full marks, you can't afford less points.

Nodding in satisfaction, she checked the place in front of her. After confirming that there was no problem, she checked the time and found that there was still more than an hour left. Li Qingwan simply lay down on the table and went to sleep! ! !
Yes, during the college entrance examination, Li Qingwan actually fell asleep, and she slept soundly.

That, the male teacher standing on the podium frowned at Li Qingwan, then walked down from the podium and came to Li Qingwan's side.

He carefully watched Li Qingwan's lying movements, and after confirming that Li Qingwan didn't need to do any small movements, but really fell asleep, he shook his head helplessly.

The college entrance examination is serious for most people, and they will never cheat during the college entrance examination.

However, this is not absolute.

He has been proctoring the exam for so many years, and it's not like he hasn't met someone who slept during the college entrance examination. It's just that he thought this little girl looked pretty good, but he didn't expect to sleep here now.

Sighing, the male teacher returned to the podium. Everyone has their own choice. I am just an invigilator, and I have no obligation to take care of this person.

He just needs to invigilate the exam well, as long as he doesn't cheat, doesn't affect other people, and he can do whatever the examinee wants.

An hour is neither long nor short, no matter what, Li Qingwan sleeps comfortably anyway.

There were quite a few students in the examination room, they opened their eyes wide, and looked at Li Qingwan, who was sleeping there, with the look of a warrior.

This is the exam room for the college entrance examination, and there are people who can sleep so soundly, it's simply, simply, simply amazing.

However, although Li Qingwan lived comfortably, on the other side, Qin Weiwei was not so comfortable.

Qin Weiwei drank Coca-Cola for the first time, and then because of nervousness.Qin Weiwei drank the entire half bottle of Coca-Cola.

ps: Please subscribe, please subscribe, Pujiehou wants to subscribe, all set to 200, I will start to pay off the debt at three o'clock every day, brothers subscribe! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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