Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 103 Milk Dog Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 103 The Fourth Type of Milk Dog Gold Master (12)

The car has become narrower and narrower and more remote.

Song Shi tugged on his neckline, and suddenly felt that the car was very stuffy.

"Boss, it's hard going ahead, just stop here, I'll walk back."

Song Shi's voice was a little weak.

Li Qingbao looked at the position in front of him, it was really difficult for the car to pass.

After getting out of the car with big strides, Li Qingbao picked up Song Shi again.

This time, Song Shi seemed to be scalded, and looked at Li Qingbao with bright eyes: "Boss, my house is just ahead, I can just walk back by myself, there is really no need to send it away."

Li Qingbao didn't understand the difference between stopping here and sending it home.

"Is it not convenient for you at home?"

Got a mistress?
Have a good friend?
There are wild women?Don't dare to show it to yourself?
Countless thoughts flashed through Li Qingbao's head.

Looking at Song Shi suspiciously, he looked up and down, this benefactor probably has a girlfriend.

Song Shi nodded quickly: "It's not convenient!"

Very inconvenient.

I hope that I have talked to this level, the boss must be sensible and should leave.

but never thought...

Li Qingbao's face turned cold.

The footsteps were two minutes faster, and the voice was gnashed: "If you let me see you hiding women secretly, you will die."

Song Shi was stunned for a moment, and hurried to chase after him.

He originally thought that Li Qingbao didn't know where his family lived, but Li Qingbao looked at the road in front of him and chose the right one without thinking.

In the end, he even arrived at Song Shi's house unimpeded.

Song Shi hurried to stop him.

"You...don't go in.,"

Li Qingbao looked ugly.

Song Shi's expression undoubtedly confirmed her guess even more, otherwise why would Song Shi not dare to let herself in.

"Step aside!"

Li Qingbao pushed Song Shi away.

Then he kicked towards the door.

Song Shi rented in an old community, and the doors here are all relatively cheap old-fashioned sawdust doors, which are panel doors.

He couldn't stand Li Qingbao's violent demolition at all, not to mention Li Qingbao's own strength is different from ordinary people.

With this kick, there was a thud, and the door fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

A slightly pale, but well-colored face appeared from behind the door.

Just looks a little older.

About 40 years old.

Li Qingbao laughed instantly.

Unexpectedly, Song Shi really hid women, and at some point, he developed this habit.

Lost to a woman in her 40s, aged and decrepit?

Li Qingbao felt that his heart was on fire again.

She pointed at the person in front of her, her voice condensed: "You just said it's not convenient for me to come in because of her?"

Li Dan didn't understand what happened at all. She was still cleaning when the door fell off. Seeing the other party questioning him, Li Dan looked at Song Shi in panic.


Song Shi suddenly nodded, "En."

I can only say it is because of Li Dan, otherwise how can I say that I am afraid that you will see my family's predicament?
Li Qingbao went berserk completely.

She could tear Song Shi's heart apart, and even felt the discomfort and suffocation in her heart that she had never experienced before.

But she, Li Qingbao, is not suitable for that kind of messy person.

Since the benefactor doesn't need her anymore.

That's okay.

Anyone can live without it.

(Li Qingbao under the lemon tree)

Li Qingbao would feel better if he ignored the sourness in his heart.

"it is good!!!"

"Song Shi, you are fine!"

Song Shi still didn't understand why the boss was so angry.

bang! ! !His house was divided into two, and then there was the back of Li Qingbao leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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