Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 126 Buddha Cultivation Gold Master Fifth Form

Chapter 126 The Fifth Form of the Golden Master of Buddha Cultivation (11)

Xunxin habitually stepped forward to hug the little apprentice to prevent her from falling.

However, Li Qingbao laughed violently, and put his ear directly on the big chest of the benefactor: "Master~~ your heart beats so fast."

"Did you secretly think about something?"

Xun Xin suddenly pushed the little guy in his arms away, with a very embarrassing expression on his face.


He remembered the scenery he saw that day with his spiritual sense.

I thought I was suppressing my complexion and emotions, but I didn't want to. There was no way to change my heartbeat.

"Presumptuous!!! I am your master!"



Xunxin couldn't stay any longer, and ran away blushing again.

Li Qingbao finished his meal happily, and then went to inspect the top of the mountain. This place where Xunxin lives is naturally the best and the highest place in the entire sect.

Not to mention the most abundant aura, the scenery is also the best.

Soaking in the beautiful cold pool, Li Qingbao was thinking about how to complete the task, the money master in this world is much more difficult to deal with.

He might as well have kept his word.


Li Qingbao felt a movement in the water, as if...

Wearing a light veil, Li Qingbao spun out of the water swiftly.


Shout out.

Eyes swept around, nothing.

But intuition told Li Qingbao that there must be someone here.

"get out!"

Green silk threads shot out from his hand, pressing down from the air overwhelmingly.

As long as there is something in it, there is absolutely nothing to hide.

In the green net, gradually formed a sharp cone shape, with slender and sharp cold light, shining with cold light.

As long as this person is thrown in, he will be bound into a sieve.

Li Qingbao's eyes were cold, and he pinched it cruelly.

The net was tightened rapidly.

"Hmm!!!" There was a muffled groan, it was a man's voice.

The aura fluctuated for a moment, but no one appeared after the net was received.


Li Qingbao lowered his eyes, looking at the blood on the ground.

Green blood.

What exactly is it, and whether the target is the benefactor or himself.

Xiao Jiu suddenly vibrated wildly in the space: "Master, master, there is a breath of the same kind, over there." '

Xiao Jiu came out of the space by herself, stood on Li Qingbao's head and kept jumping.

The tone is abnormally excited.

Li Qingbao looked at the bloodstain: "Xiao Jiu, smell it, is this bloodstain left by your kind?"

Xiao Jiu arched forward, sniffed at the blood, then shook her head: "No, my master, the breath of the same kind is on the right."

"Hurry up, master, it's going to run away, it's getting farther and farther away."


For Xiao Jiu's lifelong happiness, Li Qingbao had time to wrap the gauze more tightly. The green silk thread formed a huge colorful sword of light under his feet, and then Li Qingbao stood on top and galloped away.


"Further to the left!"

"Front, hurry up."

"Master, he's running..." Xiao Jiu's voice was a little low.

"Master, why? Does he not want to see me?"

The ability to sense the same race is Xiaojiu's instinct, and it is also the instinct of their clan.

Since Xiao Jiu can sense the other party, the other party must also be able to sense Xiao Jiu, but why the other party keeps running away.

Are you unwilling to see yourself?

Xiao Jiu's tentacles drooped because of her sadness.

Li Qingbao stopped and patted Xiao Jiu's head: "Since it doesn't want to see us, shall we go back?"

"If he doesn't want to see Xiao Jiu, then he definitely won't come around. It's just that there is a reason why he can't see you, so he ran away now?"

 The third update, hey, ask for a ticket~
  Is Xiao Ten coming? What is Xiao Ten's identity? ~ When will Xiao Ten appear?Guess right and add more hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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