Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 129 Buddha Cultivation Gold Master Fifth Form

Chapter 129 The Fifth Form of the Golden Master of Buddha Cultivation (14)

The system kept taking pictures of the dancing flames on its own system panel.

There are also a lot of garbled characters on the panel.

It needs to go to sleep for a while, to repair itself.

This time the injury was not small.

Thinking about what I saw just now, the system still has lingering fears.

Thinking about his previous attitude towards the host, he swallowed his saliva immediately, he should treat the host better in the future, this is also a thigh.

I don't know if the host is healthy or forgetful, and if he can forget those things in the past, in case the host holds a grudge.


Then it's over.

Offended such a big guy.

Xiao Jiu had already arrived with Xun Xin, and Xiao Jiu jumped onto her master and found that she was still on the ground.

Xiao Jiu thanked the system: "Thank you for protecting the master."

The system stammered the answer: "No, you're welcome, it should be."

"It's just that there was an enemy just now. I spent a lot of energy. It may take a while to sleep. If this counts as time, if the host needs me, just let her forcefully wake me up from sleep."

Xiao Jiu is also a big boss.

The system didn't dare to offend, so after thinking about it, it made up a lie, and it was meritorious to protect the Lord, so it would cover up its crime.

Xiao Jiu looked at the system with a sincere face: "Are you okay? There was an enemy just now. If I had known it earlier, I would not have left. Are you serious?"

There was still a lot of worry in Xiao Jiu's eyes.

"'s okay, I'm going to sleep, you take care of the host." The system felt a little guilty.

The more Xiao Jiu cared about it, the more guilty it became.

"Okay, then you go."

The system silenced, and Xiao Jiu quickly turned around and tugged at Xun Xin's white sleeves: "Your Honor, Your Honor, what's wrong with my master, please take a quick look."

Looking at the figure on the ground, Xun Xin's heart skipped a beat.

Just leave for a while, how did it become like this.

If I had known earlier, he wouldn't have left.

Xun Xin picked him up, hurriedly but calmly comforted Xiao Jiu: "Don't worry, your master is fine."

"I'll detoxify her later."

Xiao Jiu nodded as if he had found his backbone.

Quietly lying on the master's face, Xiao Jiu rubbed against the master's face little by little, and the worry in her heart slowly subsided.

When he got to the side of the temple, Xunxin put his apprentice on the bed, but then grabbed the other's fingertips, and when the fingers were closed, the aura gathered into a blade.

Li Qingbao's fingertip was cut, but the blood that flowed out was red, nothing unusual.

Xunxin took Li Qingbao's hand, and his spiritual consciousness turned around in the opponent's body again.


Nothing at all!

Xun Xin frowned and put Xiao Jiu beside the bed: "You guard your master, I'll go get a pill."

Xiao Jiu nodded violently: "Your Honor, come back early."

Xun Xin touched Xiao Jiu's head: "Soon."

After finishing speaking, Xunxin stuffed a few pills into Li Qingbao's mouth.

Xiao Jiu said he was poisoned, but the poison was really strange, he couldn't find it, and he couldn't see anything unusual, but Li Qingbao wouldn't wake up either.

Xiao Jiu looked at Xun Xin's back, her eyes brightened, and the warm feeling of her master's master touching her head just now was still there.

The master's benefactor is really gentle.

In the future, she will have to find such a gentle little ten.

Xunxin came directly to the warehouse, and the gatekeeper saw that it was the ancestor who came, and quickly lowered his head: "My lord."

Xunxin didn't stop: "I'm here to get something, you don't have to worry about me."

"Yes! Venerable." The elder guarding the storehouse was so excited that he saw His Excellency, the living Venerable.

(End of this chapter)

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