Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 133 Buddha Cultivation Gold Master Fifth Form

Chapter 133 The Fifth Form of the Golden Master of Buddha Cultivation (18)

"My lord! There is a saying that Yuan Hui doesn't know if it should be said properly." Yuan Hui's voice was a little sharp because of excitement.

"Just say so." Xun Xin actually felt a little guilty about this matter, he was indeed reckless, and this matter did have a relatively large impact on the sect.

"My lord, since you know that this girl is your crush, you shouldn't keep her, and if you stay, you should have less contact with her, or even let her fend for herself, instead of blindly protecting and pampering her."

"She has only been here for a few days? The venerable's eyes are broken. What if she stays longer?"

"My lord, do you want to lose your soul?"

"Yuan Hui knows it's disrespectful for her to say these words, but Yuan Hui really can't help it. This girl is a demon star, and His Holiness should kill her!"

"Does the venerable want to ignore the entire Buddha Tianzong because of her? If the lord has any problems, our 10,000+ people in the Buddha Tianzong will fall to the bottom in an instant."

"Has your lord thought about the sect?"

Yuan Hui's words were sold like sharp swords, and every word pointed directly at Xunxin.

While Xun Xin felt guilty, he also felt a little sad.


From the moment he accepted his apprentice, he had to really treat him as an apprentice, and he couldn't let the other party suffer any harm.

He can't even hurt other people's lives just because of calamity. There is no distinction between life and death.

"Yuanhui, everything has nothing to do with her. Doom is doom. If it weren't for her, there would be others. Killing won't solve the problem."

"There is no distinction between her life and my life. If I can't survive this calamity, then I can only say that my cultivation is not enough, that's all."

Xunxin's indifference really comes from the inside out, even when talking about his own life and death, it is still calm.

"My lord! She must die!"

"Once something happens to you, it will be a great loss to our entire sect. We can't even keep our position as the number one sect."

Yuan Hui wanted to say something else, but suddenly there was a burst of high-five applause from a distance, mixed with a sarcastic female voice: "It turns out that the No. 1 head of Buddha Tianzong was obtained by my master."

"If my master dies, your Buddha Tianzong will perish, right?"

"Do you want to know why the Buddha Tianzong has not had a Mahayana monk in these years?"

"Other sects have risen wave after wave. Only Buddha Tianzong, if the master is not in charge, you are afraid that you will be reduced to the bottom, and you are still the first? A joke."

Li Qingbao hugged Xiaojiu and landed on the ground, standing beside Xunxin in a protective posture.

Rest in peace of mind...

"Nonsense, hurry up and back down."

Xunxin actually understands Yuan Hui's character, he is petty and holds grudges, and he is ruthless. If the little apprentice is hated, then he will easily lose his life when he is not scruples.

Yuan Hui sneered, but she was not angry at what Li Qingbao said: "Your Majesty was born in the Buddha's Heavenly Sect, and received the Buddha's Heavenly Sect's support, so naturally he must repay the Buddha's Tianzong."

"You have no respect for the law and discipline, and you are simply a person who has lost his venerable."

"Yuan Hui!" Said he could do it, but Xun Xin couldn't help but talk about the little apprentice.

Yuan Hui's dark eyes swept over the two of them, and the venerable was no longer obedient.

This little apprentice should also be eliminated.

But now is not a good time to turn around.

Yuan Hui took a deep breath and saluted, "Your Honor, Yuan Hui will leave." After saying that, she threw up her sleeves and left.

Xun Xin was a little worried: "Why are you here? How are you feeling?"

Li Qingbao held onto Xunxin's arm, and rubbed his head against the big arm of the benefactor: "I'm already healed, Master..."

"Can't you see now?"

There was a nasal sound in Li Qingbao's words.

(End of this chapter)

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