Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 135 Buddha Cultivation Gold Master Fifth Form

Chapter 135 The Fifth Form of the Golden Master of Buddha Cultivation (20)

While Xun Xin was annoyed, he also felt a sense of powerlessness: "No need."

He turned around and wanted to go into the water, but he didn't think about the gaze behind him, which made people ignore him: "Are you still leaving?"

"Master, I can't go, I have to watch you, what if you drown?"

Li Qingbao would never admit it, he wanted to see the benefactor big.

"No, you go away..." Xun Xin's resistance at this time seemed very weak.

However, Li Qingbao made up his mind not to leave. The main reason was not because he wanted to see the rich man, but because the enemy was in the dark, and he didn't know what the purpose was.

"Don't go!"

Li Qingbao simply refused.

"Master, isn't it convenient for T?"

"need my help?"

You can't get dressed in this cold pool, otherwise Xun Xin would have jumped.


"Turn around." Xunxin's voice was trembling, ashamed, it would be a little red from the toes to the top of the head.

Li Qingbao raised her eyebrows and turned around: "Master, I've turned around."

Hearing the rubbing sound of the cloth behind him, Li Qingbao was at war in his heart, how about taking a look?Just take a look?

Xunxin couldn't care so much, undressed in front of his apprentice, and the apprentice stood beside him, it was shameful enough.

Quickly jumped down the cold pool, with the cover of water vapor, Xun Xin barely felt relieved.

Certain body movements and obvious reactions made Xunxin very hard to suppress, and he let go of the restraint as soon as he arrived in the cold pool, but this made Xunxin even more uncomfortable.

He seemed... restless.

He seemed to have desires.

"Master, do you need me to go down and help?" It was a pity that Li Qingbao didn't see it.

"No! No need!"

"All right!"

Listening to the regret in the little apprentice's words, Xun Xin actually felt a little regret...

Shaking my head, I quickly meditated, and my mind entered a state of emptiness.

Li Qingbao just sat there, guarding the port boredly, but after a while, Xunxin in the pool seemed to be not in the right state.

On the original white jade's face, countless black spots climbed up, making the whole face terrifying and frightening.

"Hmm..." The muffled groan overflowed from time to time, showing that the whole person was in extreme pain.

The tendons on the forehead also turned black, climbing up the entire face, looking extremely terrifying.

Without hesitation, Li Qingbao swam towards the figure in the water: "Master..."

"Don't...don't come here..."

Xun Xin reluctantly kept a trace of clarity in the Lingtai, and could not come over.

But Li Qingbao didn't listen, and came to Xunxin's side in the blink of an eye, just as his hand touched Xunxin, the black spots spread quickly to Li Qingbao's body as if they had found a breeding ground.

"Get out!! Go away!" Xun Xin kept struggling, trying to keep himself away from the girl.

"Don't move!" Li Qingbao restrained Xunxin with a silk thread, making the two of them stick tightly together.

Originally, I thought that the gold master had a way to detoxify, so I didn't need that method.

But it never occurred to him that the gold master was simply trying to comfort himself, and it seemed that he had no way to deal with this poison.

"Don't move, I'll detoxify you."

His hands drew a huge circle in the air, and the spiritual energy from thousands of miles around gathered here, and gradually formed a huge spiritual energy vortex above the heads of the two of them.

The high concentration of aura has almost turned into substance.

Li Qingbao chanted, and the ancient language was mixed with mantras: "In my name, the sky and the earth..."

(End of this chapter)

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