Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 150 Star Wars God of Gold Lord 6th Form

Chapter 150 Star Wars God of Gold Master Sixth Form (6)

Gong Qing pursed his pale lips: "Why don't you cry after I drink it?"

The red rabbit with red eyes nodded.

"Brother Qing is alright, I won't cry anymore."

"Otherwise, I feel bad..."

When he said the last sentence, Li Qingbao's ears turned slightly red, and a little blush also appeared on his little face.

Gong Qing couldn't help thinking of the knowledge he had learned before, the more dangerous it is, the easier it is to secrete dopamine and adrenaline, and it is easier to have a feeling of "love".

In the past, many celebrities in the interstellar world said they liked him, but he didn't feel anything, but this little guy said he was distressed, but he felt a little secretly happy.

"you like me?"

Li Qingbao nodded shyly: "I've never seen such a good-looking boy as Brother Qing."

Gong Qing couldn't help laughing, this little girl probably didn't even know what liking was.

The character is pure like a blank sheet of paper.

Thinking about it, I have been living in the jungle, and the only outsider I have ever seen is probably myself.

"Would you like to come with me when I leave?"

"I..." Li Qingbao's eyes were a little apprehensive, and he looked yearning for the outside world, hopeful, and fearful.

"Grandpa said that people outside are very bad."

"They will catch us and cut off our wings." Li Qingbao's big eyes were a little frightened.

"Then aren't you afraid of me?"

Gong Qing was a little curious, but also a little thankful, luckily he met this little guy.

"Don't be afraid~ I think Brother Qing is a good person."

Gong Qing who was issued a good person card was very happy.

good looking? = good guy?

Gong Qing smiled and patted Li Qingbao's little head: "From now on, you can't trust others casually. They are either good-looking or good people."

"Yeah." Li Qingbao nodded with a blank face.

"You can't live here alone. Do you want to come with me? From now on, I will take care of you, protect you, and never let you get hurt." Gong Qing squeezed the little guy's soft hands.

Think about it, if there is such a little guy in the family in the future, it will be very good.

"Okay! I believe in Brother Qing."

Li Qingbao nodded vigorously.

Under Li Qingbao's persecution, Gong Qing drank a lot of Li Qingbao's blood, causing Li Qingbao's face to turn pale, and he seemed to be staggering.

"Brother Qing, I can't fly very stably, bear with me, we have to live on the top of the tree at night, otherwise there will be star beasts."

Although Gong Qing felt a little uncomfortable being caught, he knew it was not the time to be hypocritical.

I just feel sorry for the little guy.

Towering trees, huge flat lay two people no problem.

Li Qingbao took out a stove in the space, and placed a special material on the top of the tree to prevent the high temperature from causing the tree to catch fire.

"Brother Qing, are you hungry? I'll go hunting for you. The meat of the quack beast here is the most delicious."

Gong Qing was a little worried, but if there was any other way to let Li Qingbao take him there, that would be a burden.

"I'm not hungry, let's fight together tomorrow."

After checking the injury, I will probably be able to do some light activities tomorrow.It won't be as serious as it is today.

"But I'm hungry, Brother Qing wants to eat too."

"Brother Qing is worried about me, don't worry, I will be back soon, I am very familiar with this place, and I will be fine."

After finishing speaking, Li Qingbao ran away without waiting for Gong Qing to stop him.

"Host, the Oscar queen is yours."

The system feels that its own host is simply the best.

Xiao Jiu spat at the system: "What do you know, this is because the master really cares about whether the financial supporter is good or not. If it wasn't for the financial supporter, the master would not bother to care about the other party's life and death."

(End of this chapter)

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