Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 157 Star Wars God of Gold Lord 6th Form

Chapter 157 Star Wars God of Gold Master Sixth Form (13)

While Li Qingbao was repairing the mech, he set up a God of War Palace Qing that looked like a silly roe deer.

"What are you looking at?"

"look at you."

While handing over the tools, Gong Qing said what should be said.

"Am I good-looking?" Li Qingbao didn't know what shyness was.


"Then watch more."

"I've been watching..."

The two next to each other, showing affection as if there was no one else, are simply eye-catching.

Snow said a little speechlessly: "Can you two be considerate of me, a living person?" These two people seemed to be riding at the speed of a rocket, stuck together, and could never be separated.

Even every move, every word and deed is a play.

He was so tired that he couldn't eat and almost vomited.

Gong Qing raised his eyebrows: "Why are you still here?"

Snow: ...

Feelings, you have never seen me as a living person.

Snow: ...

He stepped forward and hugged Gong Qing's shoulder: "Brother, I've been telling you about this urgent matter for a long time, can you give me some feedback?"

"What's the matter?" Gong Qing asked back.

Snow: "..."

"Gong Qing! Do you want me to tell you this before you can hear it?"

"Brother Qing~~I have something important to tell you about the military, Brother Qing~" Snora said with a long voice, not to mention that he really resembled Li Qingbao a little bit.

"Get out!" Gong Qing rubbed the goose bumps on his arm, and hit Snow's stomach in a circle: "Don't be so disgusting."

"Master, just follow me, I really have something important to tell you." Snow felt that the emperor was really not in a hurry with the eunuchs.

"Baby, I'll go up first. You are here. If you are too tired and uncomfortable, you can take a rest." Gong Qing confessed while pulling Snow up.

"Got it." Pouting, blowing kisses, and winking, all in one go.

"Let's go, let's go!!"

Snow grabbed Gong Qing's arm with a little force, and there were some inexplicable thoughts in his eyes.

"Why are you working so hard?" Gong Qing frowned and pulled his arm out.

"What's wrong? Are you still a young lady with delicate skin and tender flesh?"

"Hurry up? What military situation, hurry up and tell me."

In the huge metal meeting room, Gong Qing packed his clothes and walked in, the meeting room was already full of people.

The star emblems on each hat and shoulders represent that this is a group of big shots.

But if you look closely, you will see that their figures are a little illusory, as if they are floating on the chairs, and they are not sitting firmly.

In fact, this is a group of projection technologies. They are no longer here, but use a technological means to transmit their images in front of the optical brain to the conference room.

"Young Master Gong!" Everyone sitting there got up and packed their luggage.

Gong Qing waved his hand. At this time, he was unsmiling, full of aura, sitting on the chair casually, revealing a bit of the majesty of a big boss, which made people daunted.

"Say something."

"Master Gong, Zerg races have been discovered on Xiji Star, and they are hunting and killing humans wantonly." A middle-aged man spoke with a serious expression on his face.

Gong Qing's heart sank all of a sudden: "Zerg race? Impossible, last time I took the army and used a large-scale attack method in the wasteland. In the whole wasteland, there are no other animals except star beasts." alive."

"And the Zerg Queen was killed by my own hands, and I was even injured because of it. Is this Zerg a unit that came out before and left over?"

Is it a remnant who ran out from the wasteland before?
 Little babies~ the author raises his hand????, I have a question, how to reward custom book coins.The kind that wants to tip as much as it wants?
  Click on my tipping page, it’s all props, woohoo, I can’t customize how many book coins to reward~

(End of this chapter)

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