Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 163 Star Wars God of Gold Lord 6th Form

Chapter 163 Star Wars God of Gold Master Sixth Form (19)

"Host, host,"

The system is all worried.

"Host, host, if you don't wake up, your mission will fail."

Li Qingbao still didn't respond.

The system sighed, this task is really too dangerous, and only it, the big boss host, can carry it with all its cards in its cards.


For any newcomer, how could there be so many treasures and weapons.

"Host... I'm sorry, please wake up quickly..."

"Ahem, system, let me tell you, this job has to be paid more, or else my mother will quit."

The system nodded violently: "Add, add, must add."

"Ah!! No. Host!! You finally woke up!!"

The system reacted half a beat in surprise, and the host finally woke up.

Li Qingbao rubbed his forehead and crawled out of the nutrition room: "How long have I been sleeping? What's going on outside now?"

"Host, you have been sleeping for more than ten days. The outside situation is very bad now. Host, hurry up and see if you can recover your body."

What the system said was a little cautious.

Only then did Li Qingbao see clearly what he was like now.

Climbing out of the nutrition warehouse is really climbing!

She has four legs and looks like a spider.

But if I have to say it, it is a spider that has always been beautiful, with a graceful body line, and a pink body that is translucent.

It looks dreamlike and looks like a fine piece of pink chalcedony.

The eyes are red, and there is a pair of red wings.

"Host, it's still very beautiful..."

The system is afraid that the host will not accept it.

"Pretty spider?"

This is what the original queen looks like.It could have turned into a human.

But because Li Qingbao was seriously injured and recovered his body, the resting mode of beasts is to sleep.

Zerg is no exception.

But with her appearance, others can tell that she is a Zerg at a glance. She is not worried about what Gong Qing thinks.

If you dare to dislike it, break your leg and lock it up.

However, it must have caused Gong Qing a lot of trouble, it's true.

At the juncture of the war between humans and the Zerg, the god of war Gongqing unexpectedly raised a queen.

Li Qingbao: ...

This basket is getting bigger.

I don't know if Gong Qing has smashed those Zerg corpses into thousands of pieces.

Made, just thinking about it makes me angry, those crap things finally took out the most advanced S-00.

The S-00 is the number one banned weapon in the arsenal.

Charge for 0 seconds.

Small and easy to carry.

Although the attack is not in a wide range, it can shatter a warship with one blow, and its precision and penetration are extremely strong.

Concentration is the essence.

If Qingtian hadn't been upgraded, then Li Qingbao wouldn't be able to get things done just by lying down.

And Xiao Jiu also ate most of the attacks.

By the way, Xiaojiu?

"Xiao Jiu?"

Not getting a response, Li Qingbao quickly took out Xiaojiu and looked carefully, he seemed to be sleeping soundly, with traces of blood creeping up on the green exterior.

Breathe hard.

Fortunately, it is not cold yet.

It should be eating too much and digesting.

The system has lingering fears: "Host, this mission is completed, we still don't come to the interstellar plane, it's too dangerous."

Li Qingbao: ...

The ultimate goal is the interstellar plane, which has no aura and pitifully little vitality.

She can't use her power at all.

The power of life requires places where there are people. The interstellar flowers, plants and trees have all disappeared in sevens and eighties. There are very few remote forests, such as the wilderness, separated by a distance of [-] million units.


There are steel, metal, mechanical buildings everywhere.


Li Qingbao said it was really difficult.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

(End of this chapter)

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