Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 172 Star Wars Lord Gold Master Form 6 Request First Order

Chapter 172 Star Wars God of Gold Master Sixth Form (28) Seeking First Order
Li Qingbao quickly found Gong Qing, handed him a series of materials, and dragged him to his room.

There was a burst of muttering.


Sitting in the normal room again, Li Qingbao and Gong Qing were side by side. On the table were some documents and what looked like an ordinary laser gun.

After Li Qingbao's betrayal just now, and the identities of Li Qingbao and Gong Qing who were in the headlines before.

As soon as the live broadcast started, it attracted a large number of people watching, and many people rushed into the live broadcast room together.

The number of people online in the live broadcast room suddenly became 100 million.

It also increased online, 1000 million, and even exceeded [-] million.

That's only 2 minutes.

Li Qingbao didn't wait any longer.

She said slowly: "There are three steps to face-slapping in live broadcast today."

"Slapping you in the face, slapping you with blind eyes, mistaking pearls for fish eyes, listening to slander, making people feel like a mallet like a weed, following the trend, without the slightest autonomy, calling you human beings is an insult to human beings. "

Li Qingbao didn't delay at all, he just opened his mouth to scold this group of people severely.

They deserve it for scolding.

When these people opened their mouths to scold Gong Qing, they didn't show any mercy. Gong Qing, as a generation of war god, didn't say what happened this time was right or wrong. He led thousands of wars, large and small, and all the aliens who repelled There are hundreds of races.

As the largest ethnic group of human beings, it is not the credit of one person for him to grow into this way, but the name of Gong Qing alone has made the heavy star, afraid to commit crimes, and dare not reach out to attack human beings.

Not to mention Gong Qing, the soldiers, fighters, and legions he brought out with his own hands.


Li Qingbao felt much relieved after scolding severely.

But everyone in the live broadcast room exploded: "Fuck!!!"

"A Zerg, a spy Zerg, who harmed me, still has the face to say this."

"Do you dare to reveal her coordinates, and form a group to kill him."

"Don't be ashamed!"

"I, the human race, will definitely wipe out all of you!"

"The rubbish Zerg has done a lot of harm to our clan, and dare to speak nonsense."

"Gong Qing and the Zerg race are mixed together, ashamed of our belief, Gong Qing will be expelled from the race!"

"Gong Qing is no longer our God of War, a piece of rubbish mixed with Zerg,"

Hundreds of millions of people swearing at someone is a great experience.

These words are drizzle.

There are some more vicious ones, only you can't think of them, and there is nothing you can't hear.

Li Qingbao watched coldly, scolding!

"The more you scold me, the more you will cry later."

"The first thing is, I am the queen of the Zerg that was exterminated by Gong Qing before, not the queen of the Zerg now."

"My clan is innocent or not. Naturally, we are innocent. We have never attacked any human city, but people came and killed our entire clan."

"I am the last remaining king of our group."

"But on behalf of my group, I forgive Gong Qing, and even every fighter."

"I don't blame him at all."

The people of the Zerg are actually nothing in the eyes of the Zerg Queen, because it is really just her excrement.

With a little more function, it becomes the queen's servant.

Do you have feelings for your own excrement?

Stop being funny.

"So, stop your so-called Madonna debt collection."

"Gong Qing made a mistake, he accidentally killed innocent people, but his original intention was to protect you scum!"

 Ask for the first order, ask for the monthly ticket, ask for the comment~~ I love you, thank you babies

  Today's 20 chapters are updated, my babies are ready~~
  start ~
  Thank you for the reward of 588 book coins from the hometown of Shanhe, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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