Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 177 The Sixth Form of the Golden Lord of the Star Wars God

Chapter 177 Star Wars God Gold Master Sixth Form (End)
Everyone in front of Xingwang couldn't hold their heads up at what Li Qingbao said.

There is no such thing as all the qualities of a human being. Telling a Zerg and reprimanding them makes them feel even more ashamed.

But they couldn't refute it either.

It was they who sat down and did the wrong thing.

But Gong Qing is still willing to protect them.

Damn them!

Suddenly, there is a long paragraph of text on the star network:

"Gong Qingda, I am your little fan. I have never given up on you, and I have never said anything bad about you. I believe from beginning to end that Gong Qingda is our protector. Since I was a child, I have wanted to one day be able to Becoming someone like Gong Qingda has been my dream since I was a child, and I am still working hard until now.

Some time ago, when this happened, I didn’t believe it. Gong Qingda is beautiful and kind. He doesn’t talk so much, but he is like a mountain, standing in front of us and isolating us from all dangers. .

What happened to those who scolded Gong Qingda?
I quarreled with them, but my parents locked me in the room, and I couldn't speak up for Da Da.

I'm very sad, but just now my parents let me out and said sorry to me.

I'm really happy, and I'm also happy for Da Da. Hundreds of millions of human beings don't know how to love Da Da, but Da Da finally found someone who loves him.

The elder sister of the Zerg race is very beautiful and wonderful. It can be seen that she really loves Gong Qingda.

Bless you and your sister for a long time, always together.

I also hope that you don't blame those people, because they are just sick.

They will get better one day.

Gong Qing's God of War is our guardian god, and among the billions of galaxies, none of them are even a little bit less than Gong Qing. "

With a childlike tone, she said that those humans were just sick.

Maybe a doctor is needed.

I hope Gong Qing doesn't blame them.

Following the publication of this article, more people began to speak out.

Some people outside the star network began to cry slowly when they watched the star network. They were told by a child that they were sick,

Yeah, they're sick, their hearts are sick.

To actually hurt a person who protects him like this.

Say sorry briefly.

Longer ones will say more words of apology.

More will also say some Gong Qing cheers, Gong Qing's best words.

Li Qingbao looked at the gun in his hand, and suddenly felt that there was no need to say the third thing.

She stepped forward to straighten Gong Qing's collar, just like a wife waiting for her husband to return in triumph, and gently asked: "Be careful, don't get hurt again."

The turmoil in Gong Qing's heart can hardly be expressed in words. He has lived for so long, and no one has ever stood in front of Gong Qing and said to Gong Qing, I will protect you, and I will not let you suffer any harm.

I protect you.

He had never been diagnosed like this before, and others would think that Gong Qing was omnipotent and would not get hurt.

The scene of thousands of people apologizing was given to me by my lover.

Every word and action she made was like lighting a fire in Gong Qing's heart, and gradually the fire turned into a magma eruption.

I wanted to say something, but my chest was so full that I didn't know what to say.

After a long time, Gong Qing held Li Qingbao's hand harder and harder: "Okay!"

He answered hoarsely with one word.

Gong Qing, gently touching her baby's head like a dragonfly touching water.

"wait me back."

"it is good!"

With a glance of ten thousand years, the two have crossed thousands of galaxies, and they are still alone.

(End of this chapter)

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