Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 202 The 7th Form of the Detective Gold Master

Chapter 202 Seventh Form of the Detective Gold Master (25)

Sister Hong took Li Qingbao upstairs.

Here Li Qingbao came upstairs for the first time.

When passing by the third floor, Sister Hong stopped with Li Qingbao: "I remember you are renting a house by yourself, your father is still in the hospital?"

Speaking of this matter, Li Qingbao looked very depressed, and his mood was a little low: "Dad's kidney source has not been found, so..."

"There is no way to treat it for the time being. I live nearby, and the rent has been paid before, which is relatively small."

Li Qingbao properly expressed his dissatisfaction with the house.

"I heard that the company has free dormitories to live in?"

Li Qingbao blinked her big eyes with a cute face.

Sister Hong nodded as a matter of course, and led Li Qingbao to the third floor.

The layout here is similar to that on the second floor, but Sister Hong opened a room casually.

The decoration inside is very good, they are all simple one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom.

Fully automatic smart home appliance renovation.

Air conditioning, TV, all appliances are perfectly equipped.

Brand-new kitchenware, various microwave ovens, ovens, and juicers inside are perfectly considered

The overall pink decoration, light blue sofa, and curtains.

And the pink room.

The big bed and the cute doll really hit Li Qingbao's point.

Absolutely love this decor.

This time Li Qingbao said from the bottom of his heart: "Wow!!!"

"Sister Hong, this place is really beautiful."

Li Qingbao picked up his phone and even wanted to take a picture.

Suddenly let go resentfully.

"Sister Hong, can I take a picture?"

Sister Hong nodded as a matter of course: "Of course."

Sister Hong's eyes are getting brighter and brighter when she looks at Li Qingbao. She has a pure appearance, a seductive figure, and even a cruel personality. What's more, this feeling of vanity
This person is really not popular, it is really in vain.

It would be a pity not to let her sell for a big price.

Sister Hong curled her lips slightly, this kind of person is the easiest to control.

Even posting a beautiful house on Moments is really vain to the extreme.

Sister Hong watched as Li Qingbao took photos of various displays and room layouts.

He even took a selfie of himself.

Then I sent it to Moments, saying it was my new home.

Sister Hong's red skirt swayed gracefully on the ground, as if teasing her thoughts.

After seeing the house, Li Qingbao seemed to have completely come out of the haze just now: "Sister Hong, is this place real?"

"It's really free to live""

Li Qingbao didn't seem to believe it.

Sister Hong's hand slid across Li Qingbao's back, giving Li Qingbao the feeling that he was being targeted by a poisonous snake, which gave him a creepy feeling.

"This is a benefit from the company. As long as you do well, these things are nothing. If you want the company to buy you a suite, it's not impossible."

Li Qingbao's eyes lit up.


"Do you want fans, or how much do you want to reward?"

Li Qingbao asked.

Sister Hong smiled and said nothing, feeling mysterious.

Li Qingbao tugged at Sister Hong's sleeve, with a hint of impatience.

"Miss Hong??

"Whether it's okay or not depends on me. I think you can do it."

Sister Hong looked Li Qingbao up and down.

Li Qingbao also felt that something was wrong, so he didn't continue this topic, and smiled embarrassingly.

The top floor is Sister Hong's room, which is also very well decorated.

It's not that luxurious, but it's also simple and comfortable. The resting place and the working place seem to be connected together.

(End of this chapter)

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