Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 206 The 7th Form of the Detective Gold Master

Chapter 206 Seventh Form of the Detective Gold Master (29)

Chi Xing patted Li Qingbao's head amusedly.

Seeing that there was no glass of water on Li Qingbao's table, and there was also the nervous reception girl over there.

Chi Yun squeezed Li Qingbao's chin and stamped it.

The tenderness in his eyes seemed to fill the starry sky. The kiss was so long that many colleagues could see clearly Chi Yun's, attentive, serious, and even hi-careful palm treasure.

Li Qingbao's emotions were all sweetened by this sweet cotton candy.

He also fought back unceremoniously.

The stinky gold master is big!
I just hold her life gate all day long, so I know it.How to appease your anger.

It was just a kiss, Li Qingbao felt refreshed and refreshed.

The gold master still knows her best, so he took revenge in the simplest way, and looked at the other party's surprised and unbelievable expression.

Needless to say, Li Qingbao could figure out what that man was thinking, what kind of vision did his male god have for such an ugly girl?
Li Qingbao was also in the mood to care about: "Let's go."

However, Chi Yun grabbed Li Qingbao's hand and looked at the colleagues around him, regardless of the other's expression or mood.

"This is my girlfriend. When she comes in the future, please come and find me at my place, otherwise this little squeamish person will make me kneel on the washboard at night."

"I hope everyone will see it and take care of it."

What Chi Yun said was very natural, and he just said Li Qingbao's identity like that, without covering it up at all.

Everyone hastened to say things like, naturally, naturally, definitely.

Some people think about Lin Qiao, and they will say that Li Qingbao really has a personality, that Chi Xing is very blessed, and so on.

Li Qingbao just pursed his lips and smiled shyly.

But a pair of hands were behind the back, pinching Chi Xing's flesh fiercely.

Gritting his teeth, he turned around.

The stinky gold master is big!
Where is she so fierce?
As for Chi Xing, he just raised his eyebrows, and his muscles secretly exerted force, so that Li Qingbao couldn't twist it no matter how hard he tried.

The two walked out hand in hand, and before Li Qingbao could ask a question, Chi Yun hugged him into his arms.

"You scared me to death. Why didn't you broadcast live today? I was so scared that I thought something was wrong with you?"

"I'm going to find you when I step on it."

Chi Yun had a worried look on his face, which also contained panic.

Li Qingbao felt distressed again in an instant, and it was too late to pursue what happened just now, so he quickly explained to Chi Yun.

"I was going to broadcast live, but something happened, I'll tell you when I go back."

The large crowd here is not a good place for conversation.

Chi Yun nodded, and drove around to the vegetable market by the way: "What do you want to eat? Buy some food and go back."

Li Qingbao reported a list of dishes.

The two climbed over the mountains, climbed mountains and waded, crawled through the window bathroom, and then climbed upstairs. Those two people were still there, and they did not neglect their duties at all.

When Li Qingbao went upstairs, he pointed to those two people to Chi Yun.

Chi Xing nodded understandingly. When he went up, Chi Xing felt proud and worried at the same time.

Before that, he was still wondering if something happened to Li Qingbao.

In the end, there were only two explanations for this situation. First, Li Qingbao was suspected, but judging from Li Qingbao's reaction, it was impossible.

The second is that Li Qingbao has gained the trust of the company, and even has other plans, and is in the assessment period.

The second possibility is more likely.

(End of this chapter)

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