Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 210 The 7th Form of the Detective Gold Master

Chapter 210 Seventh Form of the Detective Gold Master (33)

The darkness gradually enveloped the entire office. Some colleagues outside had fast food and got together, and some were complaining.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Do you really think you are the boss?"

"Why didn't you let us go after get off work? What time is it now?"

"It's almost ten o'clock, there's nothing left, don't let us go!"

"What do you know? He is powerful? You only have to listen."

Chi Xing was in the office, the lights were not turned on, everyone was talking, and the voices of discussions reached his ears, but he was indifferent at all, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment

Just like that quietly blending into the darkness.

The eyes are slightly bright. , looking at the phone on the table.

Quietly waiting for something.


The phone lights up.

Chi Xing picked it up immediately without saying a word.

Until a crisp voice came from over there, with a little coquettishness and longing: "Brother Ning."

The sound reached Chi Yun's ears, and Chi Yun suddenly felt a little stagnant in his heart.

Thinking of the owner of the voice, my heart hurts.


Low hoarse voice, with a kind of depth.

Obviously the voice was not loud, but it made Li Qingbao sweet to the bottom of his heart.

But now is not the time to reminisce, the time is only 2 minutes, and the two calls have been gone for more than ten seconds.

"Brother Xun, I only have 2 minutes, you heard me clearly."

"Take someone, come to Qinghua Hotel immediately, on the third floor, private room number 301."

"Some image information, I will send it to you immediately."

"And our company address is: ***"

"Take people here immediately, this is their lair, take them away."

After Li Qingbao finished speaking, Chi Yun did not respond.

"Brother Ning?"

Chi Yun hummed softly: "I'm listening."

"Brother Xun, you must arrive within half an hour."

Chi Yun replied again, agreeing.


"it is good!"

"You are careful and safe."

Li Qingbao nodded sweetly: "Brother Xun, don't worry, they have checked all my social relations today. When I called you today, your response was very quick."

"They have a lot of trust in me now and I'm safe."

"Oh, by the way, Brother Xing, the sister Hong you checked, I have a little clue on my side, she is not simple, you wait for my news..."

Li Qingbao tried his best to speak as fast as possible, and quickly finished all the important things that could be said to Chi Yun.

Not a second is really wasted.

Chi Xing just listened quietly, that voice was like an antidote, bit by bit relieving the unforgettable longing in his heart.

Chi Yun looked at the phone that had been turned off, and kissed it lightly.

"Baby, I miss you so much."

The deep and magnetic voice seems to lure people into sinking.

Chi Yun, who raised his head again, had a sudden change in his aura.

Sharp and sharp, like a sword that has just been sharpened, everyone avoids its edge.

Chi Xing strode outside, and some people were already looking at Chi Xing full of complaints, but they were afraid to speak because of Chi Xing's family.

Chi Yun swept away the laziness of the crowd, and said in a cold voice, "I'll give you one minute to get the equipment."

"Leaving you tonight is to give you a chance to get promoted and make a fortune. The case I investigated before can be a big fish now."


"Anyone who doesn't want to go and thinks they should go home and sleep, just go!"

(End of this chapter)

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