Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 212 Tie Han Tenderness

Chapter 212 Tie Han Tenderness
Chapter 213: Seventh Form of the Detective Gold Master (35)

The woman in white looked at Li Qingbao with a half-smile, as if she could see through what Li Qingbao was thinking.

Without arguing with Li Qingbao, she immediately took out a mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, Honghong, I'm at the door, pick me up."

The woman in white hung up the phone and gave Li Qingbao a smile: "You may have heard of my name."

"My name is Xiaobai."

Li Qingbao's pupils suddenly shrank.

Later here, she also heard some gossip. The last thing to mention in this company is Xiaobai.

Last time, Sister Hong was well dressed, and the person she went out to meet was also a person named Xiaobai.

The door behind Li Qingbao opened quickly.

Sister Hong was dressed in a bright red dress and walked over with a swaying figure. The cigarette that was always lit in her hand did not light up this time, she just put it in her mouth.

Eyes lightly squinted at Xiaobai, appearing indifferent and disgusted: "Isn't it that you can't say it?"

But Li Qingbao saw Sister Hong, and when he saw Xiaobai, his eyes lit up for an instant.

This person really likes Xiaobai, and not just in general.

Xiaobai didn't care about Sister Hong's disgust: "You said you asked me to come, so I will come, if you dislike me, then I will leave?"

Xiaobai turned around, pretending to leave.

Sister Hong became anxious all of a sudden, and pulled Xiao Bai's clothes in a panic, but pursed her lips, unwilling to say a word of pleading.

Xiao Bai suddenly broke into a smile: "I'm teasing you, you're scared, I've come here, how could I still leave?"

Li Qingbao didn't speak, just watched the two people enter the room quietly, Xiaobai didn't say anything about himself to Sister Hong from the beginning to the end.

Sister Hong introduced herself to Xiaobai, saying that this was her younger sister.

Then he praised himself to Xiaobai: "This girl has the shadow of you when you were young."

"When I see her, it's like seeing you. For my purpose, I can do anything."

"It's enough to pretend, it's deep enough, and it's scheming enough."

In front of Li Qingbao, he just told the truth,

Li Qingbao could only speak with a smile: "Sister Hong taught me well."

But Xiaobai just said to these compliments: "However, if you want to compare with me, you are still far behind."

"But since you admire her so much, then let her do this task."

Miss Hong was taken aback.

For some reason, Xiaobai suddenly became unhappy again.

But Xiaobai's obvious provocative behavior made her even more annoyed.

"I told you, I'm not doing this anymore!"

"I told you to stop. Do you think I'm joking? Did you take my words to heart?"

Sister Hong's face was slightly annoyed.

Li Qingbao listened to the two playing charades. ,do not know why.

But Xiaobai played with the delicate nails made by Hongjie, and scratched his forehead lightly on his palm.

"What if I insist on her? Will you give it?"

Xiaobai's voice was very weak, but what he said was indeed so strong that no one could refute it.

The threatening sister Hong's face turned red and then purple.

Sister Hong gritted her teeth and asked, "What if I don't give it?"

Xiaobai smiled again: "Then don't give it."

But Xiaobai patted his skirt and got up, his behavior was obvious.

Want me, or want her?
pick one of two!

Sister Hong's face was full of huge anger, which Li Qingbao could clearly feel.

 It was originally an anti-theft stamp, but the title was wrong all of a sudden, and I couldn't change it, but the content is correct, please don't mind~
(End of this chapter)

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