Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 214 The 7th Form of the Detective Gold Master

Chapter 214 Seventh Form of the Detective Gold Master (37)

As for Miss Hong, this meeting was obviously ruthless.

As soon as Chi Xing showed his head, Sister Hong shot Chi Xing and passed by.

Chi Xing hurriedly hid behind the wall.

Li Qingbao gave Sister Hong a push: "Sister, now is not the time to be angry, let's go."

Miss Hong turned and left.

Li Qingbao pointed at Chi Xing's abdomen from an angle that Sister Hong couldn't see.

Chi Xing didn't move.

Li Qingbao is running out of time here, and if it is any later, I am afraid that Sister Hong will find out the abnormality later.

With a cautious expression on his face, Li Qingbao pointed again.

Chi Yun raised his hand, lowered the gun, and fired steadily, but not at Li Qingbao.

But to Miss Hong.

Li Qingbao glared at Chi Yun, strictly forbidding to stop the bullet.

In the end, the bullet passed through Li Qingbao's shoulder.

Sister Hong was shocked, she didn't expect that Li Qingbao would risk his life to deflect bullets for herself, and it was on the premise that she hadn't used hypnotism.

"Sister, go quickly, you have helped me so much, you must be fine."

Li Qingbao's face turned pale, and his shoulders were quickly covered in red.

Li Qingbao gritted his teeth and told Sister Hong to leave quickly.

Sister Hong, who had been surrounded by a burst of anger, suddenly regained her senses.

My own life is with Xiao Bai, it has always been nothing, dispensable, even my whole being is dispensable.

After so many years, even if she worked hard, she couldn't win a place.

But I never understand it.

I don't take my own life seriously, but I only regard her as a treasure.

But there is another person who regards his life as more important than himself.

A burst of sadness rushed out of Honghong's heart.

She picked up Li Qingbao, and after she regained her senses, she easily escaped from the hotel.

After leaving the hotel, someone greeted her at the back door, Hong Hong looked at Xiao Bai who was already sitting in the car.

He waved his hand to let Li Qingbao sit in the co-pilot, and he and Xiaobai were alone in the same space.

Xiaobai gently wiped off the blood on Honghong's face: "Are you injured?"

"Do you care?"

Xiaobai's hand paused for a moment before he said, "I care, why don't you care. If you die, no one will work for me."

Hong Hong's hands were tightly clenched: "You just care about no one working for you, no one giving you a horse boy, and you care about this little thing?"

Xiaobai raised his head blankly: "Otherwise? What else?""

Honghong's fists began to tremble, and she really couldn't help it.

Every time, every time! !

It's like this every time!

Every time you say something, she looks like she doesn't understand, she is innocent and doesn't understand.

But between the two of them, if Xiaobai hadn't taken the initiative to provoke him, then he would never have fallen into this emotional trap.

But if you love, you are in love, and she, Ni Hong, will never escape.

For so many years, she has always followed the horse's head and followed Xiaobai's wishes, doing whatever she wanted.

Ni Hong was willing to pay for everything in the past, loving someone is like giving her better, the best!

Make her happy and happy.

but now!

Ni Hong suddenly felt desolate and worthless.

But let me say another cheap word, no one ever asked her to pay, she did it voluntarily.

No wonder who.

"What else? I'll let you see what else is there today?"

"Ci Xiaobai!! I don't believe you don't know!"

"What else do you say?"

Ni Hong roared angrily, she no longer had the temperament of Li Qingbao when she first met her, now she looks more like a lunatic!
Ci Xiaobai has been struggling.

Finally, Ni Hong...

(End of this chapter)

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