Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 216 The Seventh Form of the Detective Gold Master

Chapter 216 Seventh Form of the Detective Golden Lord (End)
After walking out from Ni Hong, Chi Yun was already waiting outside.

Wearing a brown windbreaker, holding a cup of hot milk in his hand, still steaming.

After seeing Li Qingbao, his eyes were filled with Li Qingbao's shadow.

He came towards Li Qingbao with big strides.

Li Qingbao sniffled, rushed over, and hugged Chi Xing's waist.

Chi Yun caught Li Qingbao steadily, held him in his arms, and handed the hot milk to Li Qingbao's hand: "It's quite windy today, why don't you wear an extra layer of clothes, your hands are cold gone."

Chi Yun pulled Li Qingbao's hand into his arms to warm him.

Li Qingbao took a sip of milk, the mellow taste spread in his mouth, and the heat spread from his mouth to the bottom of his heart.

"Brother Xun, do you know what Ni Hong asked me just now?"

"Huh?" Chi Yun gently put on Li Qingbao's seat belt.

"She asked me what it's like to be in love?" Li Qingbao wanted to know how Chi Yun would answer.

Chi Yun didn't answer this sentence, but just said something irrelevant.

"What would you like to eat tonight?"

"Let's go shopping earlier, otherwise it won't be fresh."

Li Qingbao originally thought that Chi Yun didn't want to talk about it.

But for a long time, I smiled.

What is it like to be in love?

Just what to eat tonight.

When Chi Yun saw that Li Qingbao had figured it out, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

How can there be so many thrilling, ups and downs, and more of them are plain and light.

It's as simple as what to eat at night.

And Ci Xiaobai may not have no feelings for Ni Hong.

Two people who love each other can still be together, the most beautiful thing in the world, but that's all.


When Li Qingbao returned to the system space again, the system didn't seem to be there.

There is only one basic system sound: "Welcome the host back."

"This is your properties panel."

Name: Li Qingbao
Gender: Female
Completed missions: 7
Points: 18000
Merit value: 790
Faith value: 40000
Skill, magic weapon: space (self-contained)

Additional skills: golden light of merit (gift)
Trigger mechanism: system mall.

Basically nothing has changed.

"What about the system?"

The mechanical sound was calm and silent.

"Report to the main system. I will take over here for the time being. I am spare tire No. 1. Please take care of the host."

Li Qingbao was completely speechless about the name.

Spare tire number one.

"Do you still have the spare tire number?"

"We are just a backup system. When something happens to the system itself, we are just an emergency system."

"There is only one emergency system."

It was still a cold mechanical sound, without any other emotion.

Li Qingbao was also having trouble chatting.

"The next world."

"Mission world transmission."

Li Qingbao only felt a voice full of anger suddenly came from his ear.

"If you don't learn well again, stay here and don't come out."

"Do you think these small actions can make you a qualified emperor?"

"I will say these words for the last time!"

"What's yours is yours! You think I'm rare, but I'm not, but you have to prove to me that you have the ability to take it back!"

"Believe it or not!"

Although there was anger in the man's voice, it was more disappointment.

Even powerless.

When Li Qingbao felt that he had adjusted to his body, just as he opened his eyes, Li Qingbao saw a door slam shut.

The male voice came from outside.

"Let her reflect inside, if she doesn't reflect, she won't be allowed to come out!"

Li Qingbao heard the voice of the soldier answering: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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