Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 220 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 220 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (4)

But Zi Jue thought about it again, could it be that this is another trick of the little emperor?

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Zi Jue instantly lost his affection, it was because the little emperor had acted as a demon too many times.

Looking at Zi Jue's expression, Li Qingbao knew that the other party did not believe him.

What should I do?
She has to bear the responsibility of the original owner, and she will definitely change the patron's impression of her when she has plenty of time in the future.

"Uncle Emperor~"

Li Qingbao dawdled towards Zijue's side, pursing his lips slightly.

"Uncle Huang, I'm serious this time. I used to listen to people's slander, which drove a wedge between Uncle Huang and me."

"I thought it was the emperor's uncle who killed my father and queen mother, so I held a grudge against the emperor's uncle, and even wanted to see the emperor's uncle die."

"Help the father, the queen and the queen to avenge her hatred."

What Li Qingbao said was sincere, and this was indeed the original owner's idea.

"Then why don't you suddenly think about it now?"

Zijue raised his eyebrows.

Maybe it's really about to change?

This little guy wouldn't say this in front of him before.

But it doesn't rule out that the other party is lowering his vigilance. Anyway, Zijue is not so easy to believe, so he still needs to think carefully.

"Now I feel stupid."

What Li Qingbao said was a matter of course.

"Now I think Uncle Huang is right. If Uncle Huang really wanted the throne, he would have taken it long ago. Why wait until now?"

"The emperor's uncle is so wise and powerful. I am under the emperor's uncle, and I can't survive even one move."

Li Qingbao patted Rainbow Fart.

Zi Jue looked at the agility in the little emperor's eyes, and for some reason, he felt a little bit itchy.

Why didn't he realize that this little guy was so good-looking before.

He is obviously a man, but why does he look like a girl, with red lips and white teeth, wearing a crown, wearing a real dragon robe, and a neutral beauty.

Regardless of whether things are true or false, this character is much more pleasing than before.

Li Qingbao saw that Zijue's expression softened obviously, and immediately praised him even more vigorously.

Sure enough, no one can escape the true fragrance law of rainbow farts.

"Now that I've decided, I'm going to hold Uncle Huang's thigh."

"I want to be the leader of the emperor."

"Uncle Huang told me to go east, but I will not go west. Uncle Huang told me to go south, but I will not go north."

"Uncle Huang's words are imperial edicts, I will definitely listen."

"The emperor's uncle is wise and mighty, fierce and mighty, majestic, and the golden wall will not fall..."

Li Qingbao's small mouth kept talking.

Seeing that the little emperor was going to talk more and more shamelessly.

Zijue covered his lips with his hands, and coughed lightly twice: "Ahem."

Li Qingbao quickly shut up.

"Hey, anyway, Uncle Huang is good at everything."

Zijue looked at the little guy shamelessly hugging his leg.

The thin curves just stuck to his legs.

Gold Q will not fall?
Zi Jue couldn't help but deepen his eyes two points, he really wanted the little guy to taste these four words.

Let him know what it means not to fall?Talking nonsense.

The second thought is that it seems that the people around this little guy should change.

Try to learn some messy things.

Seeing that the little guy is getting more and more excessive, he is even crawling on his lap.

Zijue couldn't take it anymore.

Kicked Li Qingbao away, and got up all of a sudden.

"It's getting worse and worse!"

"I will ask Xifeng to select some people for you later."

Li Qingbao looked at the figure of the gold master going away, and couldn't help getting up from the ground with some regret.


What a pity.

The big task of chasing the gold master is a heavy responsibilities and a long way to go.

(End of this chapter)

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