Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 222 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 222 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (6)

Asked my master to go hunting, but in the end let my master stand in the snow and let others shoot arrows.

Invite your master to go to the court, but arrange it outside the hall, the last seat.

The master was invited to a public banquet, but the master was asked to dance for fun.

For example, there are many, many more of these things.

Although they never succeeded once, no one dared to shoot their master, and no one dared to let the master sit at the last seat, or even dance.

But the emperor's attitude made his master suffer a lot.

It wasn't that the brook wind was uneven, the former emperor and empress of Zitian Kingdom died all of a sudden, if it wasn't for the young master who came forward and resisted the entire Zitian Kingdom with his own strength.

Blocked an unknown number of wolves, tigers, and people with malicious intentions.

My master, who was not in high grade at that time, was assassinated several times almost every day, and had to suffer a lot to protect the little emperor.

How much slaughtered.

Only these people know, not even the little emperor.

He didn't take it to heart, and repeatedly targeted his master. He really fed the dog with all his heart.

So Xifeng really didn't want his master to go, and this time, he didn't know what else was waiting for his master.


Let's not go.

Seeing that the master had put down the book, Xifeng was suddenly a little angry.

I really owe this little emperor.

"What else can he do to me?"

"If you really want to learn, then I can just teach him and leave."

"If it's not, there's nothing wrong with me. It's just a trip."

At Zijue's level, there really isn't much to be afraid of, civil and military officials, who would dare to disrespect him?
So the little emperor was too blind to see the situation clearly.

Xifeng closed his mouth, as servants, they had no room to intervene in matters decided by their masters.

"The slave knows, but it is inevitable that he feels sorry for his master. The little emperor doesn't know how to love others, so he doesn't allow the slave to feel sorry for him?"

Zijue frowned and looked at Xifeng.


Don't you know what to say and what not to say?

What can he say to criticize the little emperor?
This house is not absolutely safe, there are other people's eyeliner.

When these words got out, there was another storm.

"Be careful with your words and actions!"

Xifeng lowered his head and said unwillingly: "Yes!"

"Prepare the car!"

Li Qingbao just sat crookedly on the throne, a piece of high-quality white paper was spread on the table, Li Qingbao held the brush, and stroked it casually.

Yuanyuan was ordered not to approach, just watching from such a distance, she felt that the little emperor was scribbling.

Yuanyuan only felt that the little emperor could do well without writing or martial arts, so he must be fooling around just to draw a few strokes so casually.

Maybe there is a ball of ink on the white paper.

However, Li Qingbao became more and more interested in painting, his writing speed became faster and faster, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he became more and more devoted.

This is the scene of Zijue entering the palace.

The little emperor lowered his head and was seriously drawing something.

The serious look on his face made people feel very serious.

He didn't even realize he entered the palace.

Zijue was relieved a lot, no matter what, it was good to know that it was good to work hard.

Gently gestured to all the maids, stopping their movements of saluting.

Zi Jue walked up behind the little emperor lightly, wanting to see what the other party was studying, so hard.

But with just one glance, Zi Jue's face turned black.

There were two flames and deepness in the eyes.

"Li Qingbao!"

Li Qingbao only felt a cool feeling all over his body, and even his hairs stood on end.

(End of this chapter)

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