Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 225 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 225 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (9)

The large dark carved window let out wisps of sunlight, filling the whole room with warm light.

The tall man was surrounded by a young man in a yellow robe in his arms, with a face of concentration and doting, almost all his heart was on the little man in front of him.

The two of them hold pens together and draw something on the paper in front of them.

The tall man bowed his head from time to time, talking to the boy.

The young man listened carefully, his palm-sized face was serious, and he nodded from time to time.

Say a few more questions.

Then I kept writing with my head down, and the long eyelashes cast a little shadow on the eye sockets.

The two of them haven't gotten along so peacefully for a long time. One is serious about teaching and the other is serious about learning.

Besides, Li Qingbao is not stupid, he is even very smart. Li Qingbao can respond to many things with just a few words from Zijue.

As a teacher, I like to watch it the most. The students are smart and eager to learn.

The two kept communicating, almost forgetting the passage of time.A room with a beautiful view and a feeling of tranquility.

Seeing the harmonious figures of the two, Yuanyuan was immediately relieved that the little emperor had finally learned it.

The owner can also be pleased.

"Your Majesty, the Prince Regent, do you want to serve dinner?"

"It's getting late."

Yuanyuan made a reminder.

Li Qingbao was a little hungry, but he still had some memorials in his hand that he couldn't figure out for the time being, and he wanted to finish correcting them.

I still want to have some opinions later, so I need to discuss it with the emperor.

Li Qingbao was in a dilemma for a while, whether he should go to eat or not.


Why are there so many things to do when the emperor.

While Li Qingbao was still hesitating, Zijue had already replied: "You go to Chuanshan first, the Holy Majesty and I will come after changing these two memorials."

"Finish the memorial first, only these two books, and then ask me after dinner if you don't understand, I will rest in the palace tonight."

There is a separate bedroom for the regent in this palace, which is not far from the emperor's bedroom.

"it is good!"

Someone mentioned that he made his own decision, Li Qingbao really wished for it.

The two finished the two memorials so quickly, and went out for dinner.

When Li Qingbao eats, he always asks the manager to serve some sweets.

The more Zijue ate, the more he frowned, and finally when Li Qingbao kept stretching out his chopsticks, he pressed Li Qingbao's hand.

Li Qingbao didn't understand, so what's the matter?
The gold master thinks of himself?

So want to touch little hands?

"Holy Majesty, don't like to be so obvious!"

Zijue warned that he likes it obviously, and it will cause a lot of trouble next time.

I don't know how many people will take this to make a fuss, and then poison Li Qingbao, poisoning, all kinds of murders emerge in endlessly.

Li Qingbao looked at the table full of dishes that he didn't like, so he was not allowed to eat just one or two dishes that he could eat?
Crying and biting the chopsticks.

It's so difficult.


Help, Xiao Jiu, the master is dying.

Li Qingbao shouted in his heart, no one understands his pain, it's really hard.

But the next moment, Li Qingbao looked at Zijue who suddenly changed color, and even slipped softly under the table!

All of a sudden, even consciousness disappeared.

Li Qingbao was so frightened that the bowl dropped to the ground, Yuanyuan and the others hurried forward.



"Uncle, what's the matter with you?"


"Go and call the imperial doctor!"

Li Qingbao roared in disbelief, Zijue was fine just now, why did he lose consciousness all of a sudden, even if it was poisoned, the onset was really too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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