Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 228 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 228 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (12)

Then even opened his eyes very quickly.

As Xiao Jiu's master, Li Qingbao's blood had a more or less suppressive effect on Xiao Jiu's poison.

"Uncle, are you awake?"

Li Qingbao said in surprise.

Yuanyuan and the others saw that Zijue had woken up, and immediately knew that the little emperor had really been wronged this time.

Immediately, they all knelt on the ground with a pale face.

Wrong is wrong, no matter what the reason is, it is wrong.

Although Zijue fainted just now and couldn't control his body, his consciousness could still feel everything that happened around him.

Looking at the little guy's wrist that was still bleeding, I couldn't help feeling a little annoyed and a little distressed.

"Do you think your blood is a magic medicine?"

Zijue's voice sounded a bit scolding.

Li Qingbao was slightly aggrieved.

"It's not a magic medicine, it's almost the same as a magic medicine. I had a chance in the past few years. I took a detoxification pill, so the blood has some detoxification effect. Once the uncle faints and I am anxious, I can't care about anything."

Although the words were half true and half false, Li Qingbao couldn't really say that his own beast bit people.

Not to scare the benefactor to death.

Zi Jue took out a small white jade bottle from his body. As soon as the bottle came out, Li Qingbao knew that it contained good things, good medicine.

It is the best wound medicine to treat trauma.

Li Qingbao was not hypocritical: "Uncle Huang, apply more, it hurts."

Zijue: ...

"Doesn't it hurt when you cut?"

"When I was cutting, I was thinking about Uncle Huang. As long as Uncle Huang can wake up, I can go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, let alone a small wound...Ah!! Oops!"

When Zijue exerted force on his hand, Li Qingbao cried out in pain.

"Uncle Emperor!!!"

Li Qingbao watched in disbelief that his benefactor treated him like this.

Zijue flicked the white bandage he had wrapped up: "Didn't you say that you can go up the mountain of knives or go down into the sea of ​​fire?"

"Can't bear even a little pain?"

Li Qingbao was aggrieved and clutched his little arm.

"Okay, Uncle Huang is the sky, Uncle Huang is the earth, Uncle Huang is the white moonlight in my heart, Uncle Huang can say whatever he wants."

"It's just pity me, little cabbage, who has no father to love, my mother loves, lives in this palace with endless conspiracies and tricks, and my only relative, the emperor, still bullies me."

"I can't live anymore, I'm just a poor little boy."

Li Qingbao sang Qi Qi Ai Ai again, and said it pitifully.

Zi Jue's face couldn't get any colder, as if he had really become that rich and heartless uncle!

"come over!"

Li Qingbao quickly stretched out the dog's head.


Zi Jue touched Li Qingbao's dog's head, and then looked at her wrist, there was no more bleeding.

"It really hurts?"

When Zi Jue said this, the corners of his mouth were a little tense.

Li Qingbao hurriedly hit the snake with the stick.

"It hurts~~It hurts too much~"

"Uncle, I'm dying of pain."

Li Qingbao rolled all over the bed.

Yuanyuan and the others on the ground couldn't hold back any longer, and someone burst out laughing.

Zijue's face darkened instantly.

"Go down and get punished!"

Yuanyuan and the others cast their mournful eyes on the snickering person, and the snickering person's smile froze at the corner of their mouths.

I thought the Master had forgotten.

"Yes! Master!"

A group of people rolled out, Li Qingbao rubbed his head, and quickly got up from the bed.


"Uncle Huang, I'll go and show you what the imperial doctor said, see if you need to make medicine or something, I'll go quickly."

Zijue looked at the little guy who ran away in a hurry, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

(End of this chapter)

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