Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 231 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 231 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (15)

Li Qingbao's order was clear one by one. It can be seen that she really made a lot of preparations.

As for Li Qingbao, she really studied it carefully. After all, it was the first time for a real big girl to get on a sedan chair when she became the emperor.

It is still necessary to be careful. Disaster relief is not that simple. It must be combined with the local sky and the earth, and even after the disaster, no matter how to prevent it, we must find a way to stop it.

She also really stayed up late to read a lot of memorials, and then turned her head, thinking of countless things that can be used in modern times, and then used these things.

Li Qingbao said the last thing: "There are so many dishes on this table, I think it's a waste."

"The streets of Zhumen's wine and meat are stinking to death, and the victims of the disaster are starving and freezing. Those are my people. What right do I have to eat these good things here? Every meal thrown away, nine out of ten, may be someone else's lifetime. Nothing you've ever eaten."

Li Qingbao thought about it, and felt that he should lose his temper.

As soon as she said it, she turned her eyes and threw the table directly, angrily shouting: "Eunuch Lu!!"

"Come to me!"

Zi Jue just sat there quietly, watching Li Qingbao angrily scolded the palace people, and then reduced the entire palace's expenses.

It was specifically ordered that during the period of the disaster, he would eat meat, vegetables, and soup every day according to this standard. The standards of all places in the palace should not be higher than his level. If there is any injustice, feel free to come to him. Here it is.

But how dare anyone really say that?

Seeing the palace people retreat, Li Qingbao looked at some food on the ground with regret: "What a pity."

"Uncle Huang, may I go to Feng County with you?"

Feng County is the hardest hit area.

Zijue shook his head: "You are the king of a country, you must never have an accident, you can't go."

Li Qingbao shook his head: "Uncle Huang, there are two reasons for me to go. First, you think my ideas are good. I went to ask for a supervisor, because no one knows these suggestions better than me."

"Secondly, Uncle Huang, have you forgotten? You will still faint from time to time, and you will need my blood when you faint. If I don't follow you by then, something will happen to you."

Only Li Qingbao's blood can suppress Xiao Jiu's poison.

If you are far away, you will be beyond your reach.

"Uncle Huang, just let me go, otherwise I will be alone at home, and I will be so worried that I won't be able to eat or sleep. When you come back, I might die.
Li Qingbao couldn't do it poorly.

Zijue still shook his head: "This is not a joke. Write me down any suggestions you have, and I will personally supervise them one by one. If you still think of something temporarily, I will send my pair of eagles to you later." , leave one for you, when the time comes to send a letter, it only takes one day, and there will be no delay."

"I'm doing business, don't you worry?"

Li Qingbao looked at the firmness in Zijue's eyes, and knew that there was no way to interfere with this matter.

Li Qing stomped her feet angrily: "These ministers! They know how to talk nonsense all day long, and they don't know how to do business at all!"

"Let them collect donations tomorrow to contribute to the disaster."

Li Qingbao gritted his teeth and said, I am having a hard time, and neither should others.

Zijue shook his head again, and looked at Li Qingbao who looked childish: "I will help you with this matter when I go to court tomorrow. You must not open your mouth. There is no reason for the emperor to rob his courtiers."

"I'll be scolded by people pointing at my spine!"

If Li Qingbao opened his mouth, Zi Jue could imagine how the official would record it, Emperor Li Bao: squeeze his subjects, exploit their property, take their food...

(End of this chapter)

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