Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 243 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 243 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (27)

After finishing speaking, Li Qingbao looked at Feng Qing: "You have committed crimes and performed meritorious deeds, and we will discuss merits and demerits later, crimes."

Get rid of the enemies for him, and then let him use his skills. If it doesn't work, then she won't raise waste.

Feng Qing heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly kowtowed: "The minister leads the decree!"

"Thank you Lord Ron!"

Li Qingbao only followed Zijue when he came out this time, so Zijue had to do many things.

Li Qingbao and Zijue discussed a series of policies overnight.

We plan to let several counties do the same.

The next day, some people came to set up camp for the victims. Many people were very flustered. They didn't understand why the emperor didn't let them enter the city.

Is it because they are afraid that they will be sick?

Are you ready to take care of them?
Many people panicked.

Are they abandoned?
When everyone didn't know what to do, officers and soldiers suddenly came out and posted a notice at the door.

It is densely packed with small characters.

Many people can't understand it, and don't know how to look at it.

Seeing that the yamen servants were about to leave, someone boldly said, "Master, we are illiterate, can you tell us what is written on it?"

"Does it mean that we are not wanted, that we are not allowed to enter the city?"

Everyone's heart is panicked and uncomfortable.

That's not a yamen servant, but Li Qingbao's personal soldiers.

He turned back immediately: "Of course not, this is the emperor and the prince regent. They discussed it all night and stayed up all night. What is written on it is your future plan and your future life."

"I asked you to camp outside the city, not to abandon you. Some of you may be infected with the plague. You also know that the imperial doctor said that the plague is a highly contagious disease. That is to say, if any of you has been infected with some Whoever catches the plague, you will soon be infected too."

"There are even some people who are sick, but he is not obvious. You don't know how to get along with her, and you will be infected immediately."

"So, the reason why the emperor doesn't let you enter the city is to prevent you from infecting others with the virus, but he is also worried that you will be exposed to the sun and rain outside the city, so he gives you branches and canvas so that you can have a place to live."

"In this way, you are also safe, and the people in the city are also safe. As long as you still have no symptoms after 20 days, you can enter the city."

"Don't be afraid if you have symptoms. The emperor will set up a quarantine area for you. You will live there. Try not to contact others. Everyday food and necessities will be delivered to you. Wait for the doctor in the city and the imperial doctor. They will come to see you and treat you.”

"I will boil medicine for you until you recover."

The yamen servant patiently explained to everyone.

Slowly, the eyes of the common people around them lit up again.

The emperor is so good?
Build houses for them and treat their illnesses?

"Do you need money for medical treatment?"

"Are we out of money?"

The yamen servant smiled and shook his head: "No money!"

"It's all free. The state pays for it."

"The country's money also comes from you. The taxes and food you usually pay are all given back to you now. Eat, drink, and use."

There was a sudden buzz below, and the pot exploded.

It was the first time they had heard it.

They used to only know that the magistrate would ask them for money every time, and asking for money was to support those officials.

They don't know that the money they handed over still has these functions?

Were they originally protecting themselves?
(End of this chapter)

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