Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 255 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 255 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (39)

Li Qingbao nestled in Zijue's arms, looking at the men in black who suddenly fell from the sky, these people came for him without any surprise.

Those people started to panic, some fled outside, some wanted to come to rescue Li Qingbao.

But those men in black seemed to turn a blind eye and just wanted to come to Li Qingbao's side.

Zijue was suddenly stalked away by a man in black, and Li Qingbao was the only one left here.

An inexplicable light flashed in Li Qingbao's eyes, pretending to be invincible, and then the man in black came over with a knife.

Hit the head straight.

Li Qingbao couldn't dodge in time, and the jade crown binding his hair was chopped off.

Long hair falls over shoulders.

Zijue was able to come over in time at this time, and then directly repelled the men in black, three times, five divisions, and two. Those men in black were subdued, and the battle came to an end.

But at this time, both the common people and the guards looked at Li Qingbao with a frightened look.

Li Qingbao fled back to the car in embarrassment.

Zi Jue also followed, without the slightest sense of tension that a big battle was imminent, but with a slight smile on his face.

"How did you find out?"

These people were arranged by Zi Jue to expose Li Qingbao's identity.

"If it's really an enemy, how can it not hurt the people, and how can you stay away from me."

If it was really the enemy, how could Zijue follow the enemy away.

This is clearly not right.

Zi Jue hugged Li Qingbao whole: "What a smart kid."

Li Qing Bao held his head high.

But on their way back, a wave of rumors had begun to spread among the people.

It turned out that the emperor of the Purple Heaven Kingdom was a woman,

The people didn't have much reaction to this matter, because for them, no matter if it was a woman or a man, as long as they were their kings.

As long as it brings them real benefits and effects, that is their emperor.

But the courtiers were blown up, even those with ambitions and those without ambitions wanted to take advantage of this matter to make trouble.


Will Zijue do what they want?

Will not!
Now that he has done this, he has thought about how to deal with it.

How to solve this matter.

That night, when all the ministers gathered together to discuss, a servant suddenly came over and took a pile of documents.

Said that it was sent by the regent's mansion to cheer them up.

So the servants sent them to each minister one by one according to the above names.


Then Master Zhang's face became paler and paler as he watched it all. After reading everything, Master Zhang quickly stood up and said, "My lords, I think I have something to do, so I will leave first..."

Mr. Li: "The lower official also resigned first, and there are some things in the lower official's residence."



"I'm leaving……"

"We'll meet again some other day..."

After a short meeting, the Prime Minister's Mansion, which was still full of people, suddenly became empty, with nothing left.

The prime minister gritted his teeth secretly, the damned regent will spoil his good deeds.

These people are cowards, and they dare not face a woman, so he will come alone!
It's time to replace all of these idiots.

That night, Lord Prime Minister gathered all his soldiers and attacked the palace.

That night Li Qingbao and Zijue secretly attacked.

That night, the prime minister and the emperor mingled together in the palace, and the brightly lit palace was restless all night.

Those ministers all shrank in the mansion, watching the development of the tense, no one dared to show their faces.

Pairs of iron cavalry passed by outside the door, gold and iron horses, very scary.

(End of this chapter)

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