Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 281 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 281 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (24)

Li Qingbao smirked, and replied: "The skin is a bit rough, it doesn't match my beautiful hands."

Li Qingbao's Weibo had very few fans before, and they were basically entertaining themselves, posting some selfies of themselves. The original owner had never been short of money since he was a child, and his food and clothing were naturally meticulous.

The style of selfies is also changeable, from the sweet little princess at the beginning, to the cold night queen style when clubbing later.

All kinds of things, the beauty of the original owner can afford it.

I didn't show off my wealth on purpose, but whether it's the background or some food, it's all invisible, and people who know the goods will naturally recognize it.

This Weibo was captured in an instant, and many bitter people, seeing Li Qingbao's family background, also became more balanced.

"It turns out that princes are used to match princesses."

"How can there be so many Cinderellas, the prince is really the best match for the princess."

Statements like this are numerous.

Then someone wentssip about Li Qingbao's family background.

A netizen named Baguazhen quickly added: "Come on, let me add to everyone, the origin of this young lady of the Li family."

"Miss Li, her name is Li Qingbao, a veritable little treasure."

"Her brother is the chairman of the Li Bao Group, not the executive president, but the chairman."

"Dad was a big boss in the army before he retired. I won't talk about the specific title. You just need to know how big it is."

"Mother, she is the founder of the Safeng brand. Some ordinary people may not know the Safeng brand. Safeng is the most aristocratic and top-notch clothing brand."

"Ordinary people don't know it's normal, because their opinion is that custom-made dresses start at millions of dollars."

"Miss Li's family is also excellent. She has been the first in her grade since she was a child, and her resume has exceeded the charts all the way. Even clubs and nightclubs are not available, which delays her studies."

"Now I have even read a double master's degree in economics and management. I went to the film school entirely for my idol. She had an identity before, and she was the head of Master Huo's support team."

In the end, the netizen of this gossip array concluded: "I envy the crying bird, the princess has been chasing the prince for many years, and a pair of infatuation finally got a good result."

After listening to what this gossip netizen said, everyone understood one thing, this is a rich family versus a rich family, not some Cinderella story.

The little princess of the Li family has the absolute confidence to marry into the Huo family, and she is good enough to not rely on men for food.

Mr. Huo, who is rich, powerful, handsome, and loves them, for so many years.

Even Huo fans can't find a reason to attack.

There are only a string of blessings left.

However, Huo Si shamelessly took pictures of all the paintings on Li Qingbao's wall. The paintings on them were highlighted, but he didn't post them on Weibo. He wanted to keep them for himself to appreciate.

Huo Si specifically asked Li Qingbao not to tear up these things.

The two dawdled for a long time, and Li Yu came up to call for someone.

"Baby, why don't you go down?"

Li Qingbao patted off the man's flailing hands: "Brother, it's coming soon."

Li Qingbao glanced at Huo Si, this shameless beast.

But Huo Si looked at the reddish corners of his baby's eyes, and the charm reflected in his pupils.

Can't help being ashamed to stalk again! ! !
Li Qingbao was completely speechless.

"Brother, let's go down first." Li Qingbao and Li Yu walked in front, Li Yu was a little confused: "Where's Huo Si?"

Li Qingbao looked serious; "Go to the bathroom."

(End of this chapter)

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