Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 299 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 299 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (43)

Only the trunks remained on the tall trees, black and green, and the hovering body, with a trace of traces after the war.

Suddenly, countless green light spots appeared around the tree, and the number of light spots became more and more, almost becoming a storm of light.

They formed a big knife in the air.

Li Qingbao took a serious look at Huo Si beside him, the pain of the other party was still going on, and there was obviously no sign of waking up.

Xiao Jiu looked at her anxiously in the light shield, with a worried expression on her face, she was really slapping the energy shield desperately after she made this move.

You can even see the mouth shape of the other person screaming.

She's saying, "Don't!"

Li Qingbao nodded on Xiao Jiu's forehead from afar.

She does not die the Tongtian Tree, but she is immortal.

she will not die.

She was somewhere, waiting for Xiao Jiu and Jin Zhuda to come and find her.

She believes that they will find themselves.

Li Qingbao closed his eyes to hide the determination in his pupils, and swiped down fiercely with both fingers.

The huge knife was aimed straight at Undead Tongtianshu's torso.

There was a trace of pain on Li Qingbao's face.

A knife! !
A knife! !
Xiao Jiu almost collapsed behind him.

She scratched the protective cover desperately, and she didn't hesitate to hit her head and bleed: "Master!!!"



The huge undead Tongtian tree trunk was finally cut into a huge sword.

Use the torso as the body of the sword, pour it with the blood of the gods, and use the living soul as the soul of the sword.

Forge a sword with this.

I'm afraid there is no more powerful weapon than this.

The trees rose from their roots and turned into a shocking stream of light that rushed into the sky.

Huo Si saw this scene as soon as he opened his eyes, green streamers filled the entire sky like a rain of streamers.

"No!!" It was the baby's blood.

this is baby...

Huo Si roared in pain, and chased straight after him.

Seeing that Huo Si had woken up, Li Qingbao immediately felt relieved, the benefactor is fine.

very nice.

But it's too late.

Li Qingbao waved his fingers at Huo Si, and then walked towards the sky at an even faster speed.

The whole sea of ​​blood disappeared in an instant, and there was a faint scream in the sky. Huo Si only had one leaf in his hand, which was green and black.

Just stood there in a daze.

His fingertips trembled slightly.

But the next moment, the endless sadness turned into endless anger.

I saw Huo Si's slender five fingers directly reaching into the sky to stir, the nebula surged, and the whole sky became a mess.

This time the screams were more obvious.

It even rained blood from the sky.

This is blood debt!Thinking of the blood his own baby bleed just now, Huo Si felt that the suffocating pain in his chest made him unable to breathe.

his baby.

Obviously so afraid of pain.

With five fingers clenched tightly, Huo Si suddenly pulled something out from the sky, and with his fingertips slashing, it seemed that a part of the thing had been chopped off.

Xiao Jiu wanted to see it, but couldn't see clearly.

Gradually everything became quieter.

There is no longer a vision in the sky, and everything here is slowly disappearing. If it weren't for the devastation, Xiao Jiu would think that none of this had happened.

Xiao Jiu had been looking forward to it for a long time, but she didn't expect that familiar figure coming down from the sky.

Xiao Jiu's eyes watched Huo Si gradually become crazy, and she rushed to Huo Si's side, hitting and kicking Huo Si.


"You bastard, why didn't you wake up earlier."

"Why are you!!"

"I'm going to kill you, if it weren't for you, how could my master disappear!"

(End of this chapter)

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