Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 304 Idiot Baby

Chapter 304 The Tenth Form of the Fool Baby (2)

Suddenly, Ya Xiu saw a woman approaching with a ferocious face, and she was about to hit Li Qingbao in the face with her hand.

"You cheap girl! How did you run so far! You little fool!"

Yaxiu just looked at his little baby helplessly, all the brilliance on his face just now disappeared, leaving only the residual panic.


On the raised hand, a piece of arm was exposed, with unhealed bruises on it.

Ash's eyes suddenly became terrifying.

The girl thought she was going to be in pain again, so she immediately protected her head reflexively.

"Mom, don't hit me, I'm good."

"I don't eat."

"Mom, please, little fool, don't hit me." The girl begged for mercy in a panic.

But the expected pain did not fall on her body, and the standing woman suddenly crouched and fell to the ground.


"Ouch!! It hurts me to death."

The girl's eyes widened immediately, and she looked at Yaxiu whose fingertips were still glowing.

She saw it!The big brother had his fingers bare.

When Yaxiu was looked at by the girl's clear eyes, he was shocked all of a sudden.

It's baby!
It's her baby.

She can see herself.

She could actually see herself.


Yaxiu couldn't bear it anymore, kicked the woman on the ground unconscious, and hugged the little girl in his arms.

Tightly, Ashius' eye sockets were a little red.

It seemed that the thousands of panics all fell to the ground when they saw this figure.

Those wandering, homeless feelings have a home.


The girl was a little hurt from being hugged, and she didn't dare to make a sound. Although she didn't know why the big brother hugged her, the hug seemed a little comfortable.


It seems that I am not afraid anymore.

"Baby... I finally found you..."

Ash held the girl's head in his hands, and pressed a kiss on the girl's forehead.

With pity, with cherish.

With great distress.

"Baby, I promise this is the last time and I will never leave you alone again."

The little girl seemed to confirm that this person was really harmless to her.

There is a little good feeling.

"Big brother, what is a baby?"

The girl clapped her hands, her voice was pure and innocent: "Big brother, I'm not a baby, I'm a little fool."

"Hey, I'm a little fool."

"Little fool!!"

The girl in the pink red dress is jumping up and down, and seems to like this name very much.

Ash's breath was suddenly suffocated, and tears almost fell from his eyes.

My heart hurts so much that I can't breathe, and my throat is so tight that even swallowing saliva feels painful.

The girl seemed to see the strangeness of Yaxiu, and she didn't dare to move any more, her big eyes were filled with panic.

There was some caution in the voice; "Big brother, is it because my name is not nice? Everyone calls me that."

Every time the girl said a word, Ya Xiu felt that his heart seemed to be cut by countless blades.

The pain is unbearable.

What was going on with his baby when he couldn't see it?
Yaxiu raised his big hand, trying to hug the girl into his arms.

But the girl suddenly squatted down, put her head in her hands, and crawled to the side, her whole body shrank from fear.

"Don't hit me, hit me."

"Don't hit the little fool, please, it hurts. :
"I will be obedient from now on, I will not eat from now on, the little fool will sweep the floor, the little fool will go to work, don't hit me..."

Yaxiu's palms were clenched tightly, the wound on his chest burst open, blood stained the entire skirt of his clothes, finally Yaxiu couldn't bear it anymore, and knelt down in front of the girl on one knee.

 I feel that the chapter title of 305 is not very pleasant, so I changed it a bit. I feel so distressed when I wrote this one, and I cried so much.
  My baby, my dear daughter, err, the author promises to solve it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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