Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 309 Idiot Baby

Chapter 309 The Tenth Form of the Fool Baby (7)

Li Qingbao clapped his hands and praised Xiaojiu vigorously: "Jiujiu Chongchong, it's really great."

"Nine-nine bugs are the best."

Xiao Jiu smelled the smell and found a piece of red fruit, some of which had insect scars on it. The sweet smell permeated the whole air, which made Li Qingbao's eyes brighten up a lot.

Before Xiao Jiu could stop, Li Qingbao turned over and rolled down.

"Ah!! Tiantian, I really like Tiantian."

Xiaojiu's enlarged body was a full one or two meters thick, and it was arched and crawling. Li Qingbao sat on his back, a full one or two meters high from the ground.

Now Xiao Jiu didn't stop at all, and Li Qingbao fell completely.

"Ahhh! I fell down." Li Qingbao screamed belatedly.

Xiao Jiu's body fell down suddenly, placing Li Qingbao at the bottom, causing Li Qingbao to fall completely on her stomach.

Li Qingbao giggled, probably not feeling it at all.

But Xiao Jiu looked at the smiling face in front of her, and her heart almost jumped out of fright.

My owner is still a baby, if he fell down just now, it would be really terrible.

Xiao Jiu was still thinking about how to tell her master that these actions were dangerous and she couldn't do them. As a result, her master was heartless enough to pick the fruit and eat it.

While stuffing it into his mouth, the whole mouth was already bulging and couldn't fit it, and he was still holding it in his hand, the red berry juice was flowing everywhere.

It looks like a little hamster with red hair, so cute.

"Jiujiu Chongchong, you can eat too." Li Qingbao held the fruit in his small hand and handed it to Xiaojiu's mouth.

Xiao Jiu was so moved that she was about to cry, the owner of the amnesia, it was really nice, and gave her food back.

"Jiujiu Chongchong, after eating my Tiantian, be obedient and find me Tiantian every day."

Xiao Jiu: ...

Regardless of the latter sentence, we are still good friends.

"Jiujiu Chongchong, why don't you eat it? If you don't eat it, I will."

Li Qingbao quickly threw the fruit into his mouth, revealing an expression of enjoyment, his eyes narrowed as he liked it.

But looking at this expression, it makes people feel that this fruit is extremely delicious.

Xiao Jiu's tentacles tapped twice on the ground dejectedly, look, there is nothing to hesitate, even if you want to eat or not, you still have to find food for the master.

It's better to enjoy the fruit that the master loves.

As a result, the next moment, Hong Guoguo was suddenly stuffed into his mouth.

In front of him is the smiling eyes of the little master: "Jiujiu, it's the best, Jiujiu eats like a bug."

Xiao Jiu felt the sweetness of the explosion in his taste buds, and he immediately narrowed his eyes.

"Thank you master, master is the best, I like master the most."

Li Qingbao responded with a smile: "I also like Jiujiu Chongchong the most."

"I love it."

Xiaojiu happily wants to record this passage, and show it to the benefactor later, see if he sees it.

The owner said by hand, the favorite is still Jiujiu.

All benefactors are big, they all stand aside.

"Little fool! 1"

"Little fool!"

Suddenly, a high-pitched male voice came from outside.

It's just that the title called there suddenly made Xiao Jiu raise his head full of hostility.

"Little fool!!"

However, my little master's eyes lit up when he heard this voice.


"Daddy!" Li Qingbao stumbled and ran towards the sound.

After walking two steps, I remembered that there was Jiujiu Chongchong.

"Jiujiu Chongchong, come with me."

Xiao Jiu reluctantly changed back into a bracelet and put it on the master's wrist, making it invisible for a while so that the master could see it.

(End of this chapter)

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