Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 315 Idiot Baby

Chapter 315 The Tenth Form of the Fool Baby (13)

The adults looked at their children in horror, and a group of people rushed to stop their children's movements.

Si Zhi and Xi Shen stood aside and watched the messy scene, but did not step forward to stop it.

Because this happened in an instant, there were so many children fighting, and there were only two adults among them. Stones flew around, and some stones were as big as an adult's fist, and half-sized children could kill people.

And the moment Si Zhi and Xi Shen came over just now, they both heard these children mocking Li Qingbao.

Calling others idiots made it difficult for Si Zhi and the two of them to like each other.

So don't want to hold back.

As soon as Li Qingbao raised his head and saw Xi Mu, he narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said in a crisp voice, "Big brother!"

The big brother who said he was the baby.

The big brother who hugged himself and cried!
Xi Mu was taken aback for a moment, he thought that if he changed his skin, the baby would not recognize him, but he didn't expect to recognize him at a glance.

Xi Mu is very happy, as expected, her baby loves her very much.

It's just that I don't usually say it.

"It's me, baby, can I take you away this time?"

Xi Mu carefully held her baby in her arms.

Si Zhi was taken aback: "Son, son, you can hug someone's little girl. You can't hug her indiscriminately. If her parents can't find her later, she will be worried, very worried."

"Hurry up and put it down, you are still a child, what if you throw your little sister in your arms later?"

But Xi Mu didn't let go at all: "This is Li Qingbao!"

Xi Mu looked at his parents with serious eyes.

This is my baby.

Don't let go!don't say anything
Si Zhi's eyes widened instantly!
Pointing to Xi Mu, then pointing to the little girl! !
Shaking his head: "No, no, son, put it down, this is not your daughter-in-law. Your daughter-in-law should be about the same height and age as you."

"She is the same age as you, and she made her voice in the same year. She is definitely not such a small guy."

Si Zhi shook her head, feeling that her precious son had admitted a mistake, "

"Go, I'll take you to find them. I still remember where their home is."

"You put down other people's children first."

Xi Mu didn't let go.

Xi Shen frowned slightly, feeling that such a son made him inexplicably angry: "Your mother is talking to you, can't you hear? Put down other children!"

Xi Mu hugged her baby, and asked slightly: "Baby, tell them what's your name?"

Li Qingbao tilted her head, name/
I was called a little fool before!

Later, my brother said that she was not a fool, and her name was Li Qingbao.

Li Qingbao smiled outside, and replied crisply: "My name is Li Qingbao!"

"Good baby, so good, tell them what your father's name is?" Xi Mu asked again.

"My father's name is Li Feng!" Li Qingbao answered faster this time.

She knows all this, she is really smart,

Seeing the girl's proud look, Xi Mu immediately patted the little guy's head: "Baby, you are really amazing."

"The baby is really good!"

"The baby is too smart and knows everything."

Li Qingbao smiled even more heartily. Look, my brother also said that she is very smart. She is indeed the smartest baby.

But when Li Qingbao said this, Si Zhi and Xi Shen couldn't believe it!
Xi Mu is nearly ten years old this year, and Li Qingbao made his voice in the same year as Xi Mu.

Why does she still look like a three or five-year-old milk doll?

Did the Li family secretly change people?

(End of this chapter)

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