Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 350 Apprentice Baby Form 1

Chapter 350 Apprentice Baby No.11 Form (20)

"Did you also travel from the 21st century?"

Fellow countryman, fellow countryman, I finally see fellow countryman!
Li Qingbao was very happy, but Yaxiu was taken aback.

He felt that his baby had amnesia, but he didn't expect the memory to be disordered.

How could he have traveled from the 21st century?

Yaxiu instantly sensed that something was abnormal, and he tentatively asked Li Qingbao, "Did you travel from the 21st century?""

Li Qingbao nodded fiercely: "When I see my fellow, my eyes are full of tears!"

And this fellow is so kind to him.

Li Qingbao is even more intimate.

He nodded frantically and said, "That's right, that's right!!! I have traveled here from the 21st century. I have only been here for a few days, and I was confused by this series of things."

Ashius could only follow along and say, "I also traveled from the 21st century. What did you do before the time travel?"

After thinking about it for a while, Li Qingbao still told the truth, after all, he didn't do that kind of business anymore.

"I was an agent before I crossed over. I was an orphan since I was a child, then I was trained to be a killer, and then I became a top agent."

If there is an expression bag showing above him now, he will have a face full of question marks.

It was obvious that his wife who had been with him all his life suddenly turned into a killer female agent. This scene was too disillusioned, and he couldn't imagine it.

Yaxiu thought about it, and wanted to say something again.

He told Li Qingbao: "You were not a female agent in your previous life."

Li Qingbao looked up at Yaxiu suspiciously for a moment: "What did you say?"

Brother Ya seriously: Repeat again: "You were not a female agent in your previous life."

Li Qingbao always felt that her world view was collapsing step by step.

Ever since her preferences were false, she felt that her body was not her own, as if all the messy things were false, as if she was living in a false world.

There is a dummy and a real person in the body who are constantly competing for control of the body.

But now Yaxiu told her that even the memories are fake.

Li Qingbao, it suddenly dawned on him that he had never thought about this question, maybe he was too surprised, maybe he didn't want to believe it.

However, since her preferences can be faked, why can't her life experience be faked?Why can't her memory be faked?
Since the other party's eyes are open to the sky, is it true that everything is fake?
Li Qingbao couldn't imagine, if his memories were all fake, then who was he in his previous life?

Li Qingbao looked at Yaxiu and asked softly, "Did you know me in your previous life?"

After finishing speaking, Li Qingbao suddenly said harshly to Yaxiu: "You swear, you swear, if there is even the slightest falsehood, you will lose your soul in an instant."

Ashura nodded casually and said, "I know you."

Then he stretched out his fingers and swore: "If what I said to Li Qingbao is half false, then let my soul fly away, my body die and my dao disappear, and I will never be reborn."

This is a very vicious oath, and it is very restrained by the law of heaven.
When Ashura finished speaking, the laws of heaven descended, forming light around Ashius.

This is a kind of seal from Heaven to those who make the oath of Heaven, if they do something that violates the oath.

That would go straight to what he said in his oath.Will get retribution,.

So Li Qingbao was really stunned, so it seems that this Yaxiu is really credible?Does the previous life have any unusual relationship with me?
(End of this chapter)

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