Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 362 Bamboo Horse Gold Master Second Form

Chapter 362 Bamboo Horse Gold Master No.12 Form (1)

But as soon as Li Qingbao entered the room, he saw a boy wearing a vest in his room.

The boy was taller than himself by visual inspection, with brown hair and black earrings.

Against the background of the white vest, the skin color of wheat looks a bit...

The other party obviously also saw Li Qingbao coming in, and the other party turned his head. , Li Qingbao recognized it. In the memory of the original owner, this boy was called Lin Feng.

He is the brother of the original owner.

The original owner's parents were very devoted to this younger brother.

Hush and ask for warmth.Eat and drink Lazard.

There is no shortage of parent-teacher meetings.

The original owner's younger brother is only one year younger than the original owner.

And boys are always taller than girls.

So the whole person looks bigger than the original owner.

In the memory of the original owner, the younger brother of the original owner also ignored the original owner, anyway, to the extent of ignoring him, and didn't talk to the original owner much.

But when it comes to talking about it, it's full of shit, with a look of disgust, often, sarcasm and sarcasm.

Li Qingbao rolled his eyes, he was really blinded by this face, the kind that could make someone blow him up when he opened his mouth.

So the relationship between the two is also on thin ice.

As soon as he saw Li Qingbao coming in, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said casually: "The computer in my room is broken, please use your computer."

It doesn't matter whether Li Qingbao agrees or not.

Li Qingbao looked at the page on the computer. He should be playing a game. He should be halfway through the game. The computer on his side was broken, so he had to come here to play the game.

But Li Qingbao wanted to sleep more after a day of tossing around.

Moreover, the tugging look on the boy's face showed no sincerity in asking for help.

Why should Li Qingbao satisfy him, who is not a baby anymore, why should he spoil you?
Li Qingbao slapped his younger brother aside.

"Go out and I'm going to sleep."

Lin Feng looked at Li Qingbao in disbelief, is this his transparent sister?

The sister who never dared to speak loudly? ?
Why did it suddenly change?How dare you hit yourself on the head?
Lin Feng's facial features were distorted. He looked at Li Qingbao and said, "How dare you hit me?? You hit me on the head just now?"

Li Qingbao chuckled, feeling that this little brother seemed to have a hole in his head.

A slap hit Lin Feng's head again: "Little brother, is this feeling clear enough? If it's not enough, I'll slap it again."

Lin Feng was completely terrified this time. His sister jumped off a building, could it be dementia or nerves?

Still unclean things on the upper body.

It's really scary. People who used to be submissive and dared not speak, and who were scared to cry when they saw themselves making a loud noise, how dare they beat themselves on the head again and again now.

Lin Feng pointed at Li Qingbao and was speechless. He could only say, "You, you, you... are you not sick? Did you get caught by something? I'll wait a minute and let my mother ask a mother-in-law to come and pick you up one time."

Li Qingbao watched Lin Feng talking too much, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, picked up Lin Feng's collar and threw him outside the door, and said fiercely: "Don't disturb my sleep, or I'll break your neck. "

After closing the door with a bang, Lin Feng was even more horrified when he looked at the door.

He just felt a chill behind his back, what did he see before, is there someone under the bed?What, all rushed to my mind.

All kinds of Apiao with colors floated in my mind.

Lin Feng screamed, and hurried to his room, he didn't care about games or anything, he didn't take a shower, he just lay down on the bed, covered with a quilt, with his feet tucked into the quilt, he didn't even dare to use the air conditioner open,.

Damn, it's too scary. During the daytime, my sister was told that she was fine by jumping off the 8th floor, but I still didn't believe it.

Now it seems that it is 100% unclean.

Otherwise, how could a normal person jump down from the 8th floor without falling to his death, not to mention, and suddenly his personality changed drastically. How could this be exactly the same as what was written in the novel?

Lin Feng was trembling under the blanket, afraid that what Li Qingbao said just now would break his neck.

In fact, he felt unsafe even with the quilt on the bed, as if something had gotten into his quilt.

Breathing out the cold air, just like that, I was shocked and frightened.

Lin Feng fell asleep slowly, tossing and turning all night, not sweating, kicking the quilt again, and then sweating and kicking the quilt again.

He got up on the second day with a glorious cold, so Lin's father and Lin's mother hurried back from the company to send their precious son to the hospital to see a doctor.

Lin's father and Lin's mother are really worried. Is it possible that the family is guilty of Tai Sui recently?

Why is it that after the daughter is sick, the son is sick, and when the son is sick, the daughter is sick? ?
Tossing back and forth really broke their old bones.

In the morning, it was said that the driver would take Li Qingbao and the others to school, but the driver was used by Father Lin and Mother Lin to take Lin Feng to see a doctor.

So when Li Qingbao got up, she didn't see the driver at all, so she could only take the bus to school by herself, with her short legs upside down, and wanted to drive, but she didn't have a driver's license.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw a car. It should be the driver next door to take the little bamboo horse next door, the original owner's crush, to school.

Just passing by, Li Qingbao lives in a very expensive place, most of which are single-family villas, if she has to walk to the gate of the community with her legs, and then go to stop the car, at least It takes more than half an hour to walk.

Li Qingbao felt that his legs should not be treated so cruelly.

It's a pity to walk with such beautiful legs after all.

So Li Qingbao stopped the car in front of him reflexively.

When the car braked suddenly, it shook violently.

Mu Bai at the back of the car frowned fiercely: "What's wrong? Uncle Zhong?"

The very apologetic voice of the driver named Uncle Zhong reached Mu Bai's ears: "Master, I'm really sorry, there is a girl blocking the car in front, and I was startled by her sudden appearance, so I had to slam on the brakes .”

Mu Bai looked out through the gap of the car, and saw a girl wearing his school uniform.

The girl's pure face appeared in front of her eyes, with big eyes, small nose and mouth.

Maybe it was because he ran too fast, and some beads of sweat appeared on the tip of his nose, which were crystal clear under the sunlight.

The whole person is as sacred and inviolable as if coated with a layer of light, like a goddess who came out of a myth, making people happy and feeling like a deer bumping around.

The first time he saw this girl, Mu Bai's heart skipped a beat.

Uncle Zhong rolled down the window to see Li Qingbao clearly.

He knew Li Qingbao as a little girl from the next door, but this little girl just had no sense of existence, and she didn't talk to him much.

"Little sister, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

Li Qingbao locked the target, walked directly to the back row, and knocked on Mu Bai's car window.

The window of the car was rolled down, revealing a white face, a little immature, but the facial features and eyebrows had already begun to take on an unmistakable splendor.

Wearing a blue and white school uniform on him, his demeanor is as clear as water, and his eyes are warm. He is exactly the boy in his mind.

Just one glance at Li Jinbao knew that this was his benefactor.

She immediately blinked mischievously, and said to Mu Bai: "Student Mu Bai, hello. I'm Li Qingbao. Today, my parents and the driver are going to take my younger brother to the hospital. I can borrow your car for a while." Car? Let's go to school together. Because you know that if we go to the community to take a taxi, it will be far away, can you?"

Li Qingbao's eyebrows and eyes were crooked, and the inside was full of clarity and pleading, even when he was speaking, he folded his hands together and made a few pleading movements to Mu Bai with a smile.

Who can resist this fairy face?

Anyway, Mu Bai couldn't stand it.

And he always felt that this face seemed a little familiar.

In the past, the original owner always covered his face, with thick bangs, blocking the face above the eyebrows.

And her face shape is not suitable for covering, and her hair is always loose and not tied up, covering the whole beautiful face shape.

Today Li Qingbao tied all his thick hair in the back, made a small ponytail, braided a three-strand fringe on both sides, and gently wrapped it around the back. The whole person looks clean and neat, with a playful and cute look, With a full forehead, she looks confident and sunny.

Only two wisps of airy bangs are left.The beautiful eyebrow shape inside is shown in the bangs, which is really beautiful.

With just such a face, you are definitely a standard school face.

Playful, innocent and cute for this age.

For the first time, Mu Bai felt that the face is really important.

He tugged at his clothes and tried his best to make himself look more gentlemanly. Such young ladies should like mature and steady ones.

The corner of Mu Bai's mouth curled up slightly: "Student who can."

Mu Bai actually got out of the car, opened the car door for Li Qingbao very gentlemanly, watched Li Qingbao close the door after getting into the car, and then entered his place from the other side.

"Let's go, Uncle Zhong."

The driver saw that his young master even invited the girls to ride in the car together, so he had no room to speak out as a driver.

My young master had no objection, and even more so, he went out and took the two of them to the school smoothly.

When in the car, Mu Bai always felt that this face was very familiar, he should have seen this face somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Slightly frowned, his memory has always been very good, he can remember everyone he met once, why can't he always remember this girl.

But he felt familiar again, so Mu Bai gently asked Li Qingbao: "Student Li, I seem to have met you somewhere, right? Do we know each other?"

Li Qingbao smiled and said, "If we hadn't actually met, I might have thought you were striking up a conversation."

Bai Yu's face in front was slightly stained with red frost, looking a little embarrassed.

"We are in the same class. And we have been in the same class since elementary school, until now. But you may not even know my name."

After Li Qingbao said this, Mu Bai was even more surprised. Such a beautiful girl has been in the same class as him since she was a child, from kindergarten to elementary school to junior high school, why is there no impression in his mind? ?
Mu Bai didn't believe it, he shook his head and looked at Li Qingbao and said, "Student, don't be ridiculous, you are in the same class as me, how could I not remember you."

Of course Li Qingbao knew he didn't believe it.

"One afternoon a few days ago, you were chasing you in a panic, and I gave you a roll of band-aids, and my house is next door to yours. When you were locked in the room by your parents and cried, I climbed over the wall to comfort you."

When Li Qingbao said these two things in the memory of the original owner, Mu Bai suddenly looked at Li Qingbao and his eyes widened.

So it was him? ?
That transparent little girl?

Mu Bai defined this girl in her heart, because she never felt that a girl could be so invisible.

He knew that there was such a person in his class, but he never knew the girl's name, and sometimes he couldn't even remember what the girl looked like.

He was more impressed by the two things the girl said, because the two things themselves were more impressive.

One happened just a few days ago, and the other was that it was a dark history in his life. At that time, he was locked at home by his parents. He was very scared, and then a little girl turned into his home, and then Comfort yourself and play with yourself for an afternoon.

But when Mom and Dad came back, when he went to find the little girl again, the little girl was gone.

He didn't even know that the little girl lived next door to his house.

The little girl next door to my house also came out many times, and Mu Bai had seen her too, but she often lowered her head, and Mu Bai never paid much attention to it.

Didn't you expect such a beautiful young lady?

Mu Bai feels that this world is really too unreal, a person has appeared in his life for more than ten years, but he has never cared what this person's name is.

Until now, when I saw this young lady, I felt astonished. Although I felt that these two people were not the same person at all, Mu Bai did not refute or expose it.

Because he couldn't say, after more than ten years, I still don't know you.

And I won't be so stupid as to say, how come you are so beautiful now because you were so ugly before.

Mu Bai just smiled and said: "That's really a coincidence, you can go to my house to play if you are so close in the future."

After Mu Bai made the invitation, he said: "If it's still inconvenient for the driver to pick you up this afternoon, we can go back together, anyway, we will drop by."

Thinking about Mu Bai's addition of this sentence, I always feel that this kind of invitation is too deliberate. For thirteen or fourteen-year-old boys, now is a period of ignorance.

They are very shy and not good at expressing their inner thoughts.

Puppy love is a very young fruit for them.

Let them not dare at all, but curious to touch it.

Li Qingbao doesn't know what politeness is at all, and it's not worth it if he doesn't sit in the big car of his own patron.

She immediately happily agreed and said, "Okay, thank you, Mu Bai, who is really a good person."

Li Qingbao sent Mu Bai a big good person card.

(End of this chapter)

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